# Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/env python3 import flatbuffers import numpy as np from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique from tosa import TosaGraph, TosaBasicBlock, TosaTensor, TosaOperator, DType, Format, Usage, Op, ResizeMode, Version import tosa import os import json # With the way flatc generates its python types, there is no programatic way # to get string names for the integer types. Manually maintain a string table # here. DTypeNames = [ 'UNKNOWN', 'BOOL', 'AINT8', 'UINT8', 'INT4', 'INT8', 'INT16', 'INT32', 'INT48', 'FLOAT' ] def dtype_str_to_val(name): for i in range(len(DTypeNames)): if name.casefold() == DTypeNames[i].casefold(): return i raise Exception('Unable to parse DType name {}'.format(name)) class TosaSerializerUnion: '''This class handles encapsulating and serializing union types into flatbuffers''' def __init__(self): # A tuple of the start and end functions. Set by the options constructors below self.optFcns = None # The type from the tosa.Options enumeration. Set by the options constructors below. self.utype = None # Each of these lists is a tuple of the add function and the # value being added. Set by the options constructors below. self.ints = [] self.bools = [] self.floats = [] self.strings = [] self.intvecs = [] def serialize(self, builder): # We have to build strings and vectors first strList = [] intVecList = [] for fcn, val in self.strings: strList.append((fcn, builder.CreateString(val))) for fcn, val in self.intvecs: intVecList.append((fcn, TosaSerializer.serializeInt32Vec(builder, val))) startFcn, endFcn = self.optFcns # Then serialize the options object from the list of primitives and # other serialized values startFcn(builder) for fcn, val in self.ints: fcn(builder, val) for fcn, val in self.bools: fcn(builder, val) for fcn, val in self.floats: fcn(builder, val) for fcn, val in strList: fcn(builder, val) for fcn, val in intVecList: fcn(builder, val) return endFcn(builder) class TosaSerializerAttribute(TosaSerializerUnion): '''This class handles encapsulating all of the enumerated types for attributes''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def Pool2dAttribute(self, kernel, stride, padding): from tosa import Pool2dAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().Pool2dAttribute self.optFcns = (a.Pool2dAttributeStart, a.Pool2dAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.Pool2dAttributeAddPadding, padding)) self.intvecs.append((a.Pool2dAttributeAddKernel, kernel)) self.intvecs.append((a.Pool2dAttributeAddStride, stride)) def Conv2dAttribute(self, padding, stride, dilation): from tosa import Conv2dAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().Conv2dAttribute self.optFcns = (a.Conv2dAttributeStart, a.Conv2dAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.Conv2dAttributeAddPadding, padding)) self.intvecs.append((a.Conv2dAttributeAddStride, stride)) self.intvecs.append((a.Conv2dAttributeAddDilation, dilation)) def TransposeConv2DAttribute(self, outpad, stride, dilation, output_shape): from tosa import TransposeConv2dAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().TransposeConv2dAttribute self.optFcns = (a.TransposeConv2dAttributeStart, a.TransposeConv2dAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.TransposeConv2dAttributeAddOutpad, outpad)) self.intvecs.append((a.TransposeConv2dAttributeAddStride, stride)) self.intvecs.append((a.TransposeConv2dAttributeAddDilation, dilation)) self.intvecs.append((a.TransposeConv2dAttributeAddOutputShape, output_shape)) def ReluNAttribute(self, maxint, maxfp): from tosa import ReluNAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().ReluNAttribute self.optFcns = (a.ReluNAttributeStart, a.ReluNAttributeEnd) self.ints.append((a.ReluNAttributeAddMaxInt, maxint)) self.ints.append((a.ReluNAttributeAddMaxFp, maxfp)) def AxisAttribute(self, axis): from tosa import AxisAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().AxisAttribute self.optFcns = (a.AxisAttributeStart, a.AxisAttributeEnd) self.ints.append((a.AxisAttributeAddAxis, axis)) def ReshapeAttribute(self, shape): from tosa import ReshapeAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().ReshapeAttribute self.optFcns = (a.ReshapeAttributeStart, a.ReshapeAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.ReshapeAttributeAddShape, shape)) def SliceAttribute(self, begin, size): from tosa import SliceAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().SliceAttribute self.optFcns = (a.SliceAttributeStart, a.SliceAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.SliceAttributeAddBegin, begin)) self.intvecs.append((a.SliceAttributeAddSize, size)) def TileAttribute(self, multiples): from tosa import TileAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().TileAttribute self.optFcns = (a.TileAttributeStart, a.TileAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.TileAttributeAddMultiples, multiples)) def ResizeAttribute(self, output_size, stride, offset, shift, mode): from tosa import ResizeAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().ResizeAttribute self.optFcns = (a.ResizeAttributeStart, a.ResizeAttributeEnd) self.intvecs.append((a.ResizeAttributeAddOutputSize, output_size)) self.intvecs.append((a.ResizeAttributeAddStride, stride)) self.intvecs.append((a.ResizeAttributeAddOffset, offset)) self.ints.append((a.ResizeAttributeAddShift, shift)) self.ints.append((a.ResizeAttributeAddMode, mode)) def ClampAttribute(self, minint, maxint, minfp, maxfp): from tosa import ClampAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().ClampAttribute self.optFcns = (a.ClampAttributeStart, a.ClampAttributeEnd) self.ints.append((a.ClampAttributeAddMinInt, minint)) self.ints.append((a.ClampAttributeAddMaxInt, maxint)) self.ints.append((a.ClampAttributeAddMinFp, minfp)) self.ints.append((a.ClampAttributeAddMaxFp, maxfp)) def RescaleAttribute(self, input_zp, output_zp, multiplier, shift, scale32, double_round, per_channel): from tosa import RescaleAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().RescaleAttribute self.optFcns = (a.RescaleAttributeStart, a.RescaleAttributeEnd) self.ints.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddInputZp, input_zp)) self.ints.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddOutputZp, output_zp)) self.intvecs.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddMultiplier, multiplier)) self.intvecs.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddShift, shift)) self.bools.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddScale32, scale32)) self.bools.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddDoubleRound, double_round)) self.bools.append((a.RescaleAttributeAddPerChannel, per_channel)) def MulAttribute(self, shift): from tosa import MulAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().MulAttribute self.optFcns = (a.MulAttributeStart, a.MulAttributeEnd) self.ints.append((a.MulAttributeAddShift, shift)) def ArithmeticRightShiftAttribute(self, round): from tosa import ArithmeticRightShiftAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().ArithmeticRightShiftAttribute self.optFcns = (a.ArithmeticRightShiftAttributeStart, a.ArithmeticRightShiftAttributeEnd) self.bools.append((a.ArithmeticRightShiftAttributeAddRound, round)) def CustomAttribute(self, identifier): from tosa import CustomAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().CustomAttribute self.optFcns = (a.CustomAttributeStart, a.CustomAttributeEnd) self.strings.append((a.CustomAttributeAddIdentifier, identifier)) def CondIfAttribute(self, then_branch, else_branch): from tosa import CondIfAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().CondIfAttribute self.optFcns = (a.CondIfAttributeStart, a.CondIfAttributeEnd) self.strings.append((a.CondIfAttributeAddThenBranch, then_branch)) self.strings.append((a.CondIfAttributeAddElseBranch, else_branch)) def WhileLoopAttribute(self, cond_branch, body_branch): from tosa import WhileLoopAttribute as a, Attribute self.utype = Attribute.Attribute().WhileLoopAttribute self.optFcns = (a.WhileLoopAttributeStart, a.WhileLoopAttributeEnd) self.strings.append((a.WhileLoopAttributeAddCondBranch, cond_branch)) self.strings.append((a.WhileLoopAttributeAddBodyBranch, body_branch)) class TosaSerializerQuantInfo(TosaSerializerUnion): '''This class handles encapsulating all of the enumerated types for quantinfo types''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def ConvQuantInfo(self, input_zp, weight_zp): from tosa import ConvQuantInfo as q, QuantInfo self.utype = QuantInfo.QuantInfo().ConvQuantInfo self.optFcns = (q.ConvQuantInfoStart, q.ConvQuantInfoEnd) self.ints.append((q.ConvQuantInfoAddInputZp, input_zp)) self.ints.append((q.ConvQuantInfoAddWeightZp, weight_zp)) def UnaryQuantInfo(self, input_zp, output_zp): from tosa import UnaryQuantInfo as q, QuantInfo self.utype = QuantInfo.QuantInfo().UnaryQuantInfo self.optFcns = (q.UnaryQuantInfoStart, q.UnaryQuantInfoEnd) self.ints.append((q.UnaryQuantInfoAddInputZp, input_zp)) self.ints.append((q.UnaryQuantInfoAddOutputZp, output_zp)) def MatMulQuantInfo(self, a_zp, b_zp): from tosa import MatMulQuantInfo as q, QuantInfo self.utype = QuantInfo.QuantInfo().MatMulQuantInfo self.optFcns = (q.MatMulQuantInfoStart, q.MatMulQuantInfoEnd) self.ints.append((q.MatMulQuantInfoAddAZp, a_zp)) self.ints.append((q.MatMulQuantInfoAddBZp, b_zp)) def PadQuantInfo(self, input_zp): from tosa import PadQuantInfo as q, QuantInfo self.utype = QuantInfo.QuantInfo().PadQuantInfo self.optFcns = (q.PadQuantInfoStart, q.PadQuantInfoEnd) self.ints.append((q.PadQuantInfoAddInputZp, input_zp)) class TosaSerializerTensor: def __init__(self, name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename = None, placeholderFilename = None): self.name = name if isinstance(shape, np.ndarray): shape = shape.astype(int).tolist() shape = list(map(int, shape)) self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype self.usage = TosaSerializer.toList(usage) self.dformat = TosaSerializer.toList(dformat) # Filename for const tensors. This gets written to the .tosa serialization self.filename = filename # Filename for placeholder tensors. These get generated by the test generation # process and are written to disk, but are considered input tensors by the network # so they do not appear in the TOSA serialiazation. However, if we want to form a unit # test around these input tensors, we can get the filename from here. self.placeholderFilename = placeholderFilename def __str__(self): str = 'TosaSerializerTensor name: {} shape: {} dtype: {} Usage: {} format {} filename: {}'.format( self.name, self.shape, DTypeNames[self.dtype], self.usage, self.dformat, self.filename) return str def addUsage(self, usage): self.usage.append(usage) def addFormat(self, format): self.dformat.append(format) def setDtype(self, dtype): self.dtype = dtype def merge(self, name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename = None): # Merge in additional usage/formats to the list found = 0 for i in self.usage: if i == usage: found = 1 break if not found: self.usage.append(usage) found = 0 for i in self.dformat: if i == dformat: found = 1 break if not found: self.dformat.append(dformat) def serialize(self, builder): fb_name = builder.CreateString(self.name) if self.filename: fb_filename = builder.CreateString(self.filename) fb_shapes = TosaSerializer.serializeInt32Vec(builder, self.shape) fb_usage = TosaSerializer.serializeInt32Vec(builder, self.usage) fb_dformat = TosaSerializer.serializeInt32Vec(builder, self.dformat) TosaTensor.TosaTensorStart(builder) TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddName(builder, fb_name) TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddShape(builder, fb_shapes) TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddType(builder, self.dtype) TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddUsage(builder, fb_usage) TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddFormat(builder, fb_dformat) if self.filename: TosaTensor.TosaTensorAddNpyFilename(builder, fb_filename) return TosaTensor.TosaTensorEnd(builder) class TosaSerializerOperator: def __init__(self, op, inputs, outputs, attributes = None, quantInfo = None): self.op = op self.attributes = attributes self.inputs = TosaSerializer.toList(inputs) self.outputs = TosaSerializer.toList(outputs) self.quantInfo = quantInfo def __str__(self): str = 'Op {}\n----\n'.format(self.op) for i in self.inputs: str = str + ' Input: {}\n'.format(i) for o in self.outputs: str = str + ' Output: {}\n'.format(o) return str def serialize(self, builder): fb_inputs = TosaSerializer.serializeStrVec(builder, self.inputs, TosaOperator.TosaOperatorStartInputsVector) fb_outputs = TosaSerializer.serializeStrVec(builder, self.outputs, TosaOperator.TosaOperatorStartOutputsVector) # Need to serialize quant_info and attributes enums still if self.attributes is not None: fb_attributes = self.attributes.serialize(builder) if self.quantInfo is not None: fb_qinfo = self.quantInfo.serialize(builder) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorStart(builder) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddOp(builder, self.op) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddInputs(builder, fb_inputs) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddOutputs(builder, fb_outputs) if self.attributes is not None: TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddAttributeType(builder, self.attributes.utype) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddAttribute(builder, fb_attributes) if self.quantInfo is not None: TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddQuantInfoType(builder, self.quantInfo.utype) TosaOperator.TosaOperatorAddQuantInfo(builder, fb_qinfo) return TosaOperator.TosaOperatorEnd(builder) class TosaSerializerBasicBlock: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.operators = [] # Dict assures uniqueness, but allows us to look up by name self.tensors = dict() self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] def addTensor(self, name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename = None, placeholderFilename = None): try: # Someone already added this tensor. # We may have to add more usages and formats tens = self.tensors[name] filename = tens.merge(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename) except KeyError: self.tensors[name] = TosaSerializerTensor(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename, placeholderFilename) return self.tensors[name] def addInput(self, name): self.inputs.append(name) def addOutput(self, name): self.outputs.append(name) def addOperator(self, op, inputs, outputs, attributes = None, quant_info = None): self.operators.append(TosaSerializerOperator(op, inputs, outputs, attributes, quant_info)) def serialize(self, builder): fb_name = builder.CreateString(self.name) fbv_inputs = TosaSerializer.serializeStrVec(builder, list(self.inputs), TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockStartInputsVector) fbv_outputs = TosaSerializer.serializeStrVec(builder, list(self.outputs), TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockStartOutputsVector) fbv_tensors = TosaSerializer.serializeObjVec(builder, list(self.tensors.values()), TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockStartTensorsVector) fbv_operators = TosaSerializer.serializeObjVec(builder, self.operators, TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockStartOperatorsVector) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockStart(builder) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockAddName(builder, fb_name) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockAddInputs(builder, fbv_inputs) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockAddOutputs(builder, fbv_outputs) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockAddTensors(builder, fbv_tensors) TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockAddOperators(builder, fbv_operators) return TosaBasicBlock.TosaBasicBlockEnd(builder) @unique class TensorDir(IntEnum): PLACEHOLDER = 0 CONST = 1 INTERMEDIATE = 2 RESULT = 3 class TosaSerializer: def __init__(self, pathPrefix): # Get the global TOSA version if not already defined try: TOSA_VERSION except NameError: TosaSerializer.setTosaVersion() self.builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0) self.basicBlocks = [] self.startBasicBlock('main') self.pathPrefix = pathPrefix # Indicies used for adding/naming tensors self.currInputIdx = 0 self.currConstIdx = 0 self.currLayerIdx = 1 self.currResultIdx = 0 # Is this an illegal test that is expected to fail? self.expectedFailure = False self.expectedFailureDesc = '' def __str__(self): str = '' for bb in self.basicBlocks: str = str + bb.__str__() return str def addPlaceholder(self, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, vals): if not self.currBasicBlock: raise Exception('addTensor called without valid basic block') name = 'input-{}'.format(self.currInputIdx) filename = '{}.npy'.format(name) self.currInputIdx = self.currInputIdx + 1 tens = self.currBasicBlock.addTensor(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, None, filename) # This is always an input to the block self.currBasicBlock.addInput(name) # Add the operator now self.currBasicBlock.addOperator(tosa.Op.Op().PLACEHOLDER, [], name) if vals is not None: np.save(os.path.join(self.pathPrefix, filename), vals, False) return tens def addConst(self, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, vals): if not self.currBasicBlock: raise Exception('addTensor called without valid basic block') name = 'const-{}'.format(self.currInputIdx) filename = '{}.npy'.format(name) self.currInputIdx = self.currInputIdx + 1 tens = self.currBasicBlock.addTensor(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename) # Add the operator now self.currBasicBlock.addOperator(tosa.Op.Op().CONST, [], name) if vals is not None: np.save(os.path.join(self.pathPrefix, filename), vals, False) return tens def addIntermediate(self, shape, dtype, usage, dformat): if not self.currBasicBlock: raise Exception('addTensor called without valid basic block') name = 'layer-{}'.format(self.currLayerIdx) filename = None # No file, so no filename self.currLayerIdx = self.currLayerIdx + 1 tens = self.currBasicBlock.addTensor(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, filename) return tens def addInputTensor(self, tensor): self.currBasicBlock.addOperator(tosa.Op.Op().PLACEHOLDER, [], tensor.name) self.currBasicBlock.addTensor(tensor.name, tensor.shape, tensor.dtype, tensor.usage, tensor.dformat) self.currBasicBlock.addInput(tensor.name) def addOutputTensor(self, tensor): self.currBasicBlock.addOutput(tensor.name) def addOutput(self, shape, dtype, usage, dformat): if not self.currBasicBlock: raise Exception('addTensor called without valid basic block') name = 'result-{}'.format(self.currResultIdx) self.currResultIdx = self.currResultIdx + 1 tens = self.currBasicBlock.addTensor(name, shape, dtype, usage, dformat, None) self.currBasicBlock.addOutput(name) return tens def addOperator(self, op, inputs, outputs, attributes = None, quant_info = None): if op == tosa.Op.Op().PLACEHOLDER or \ op == tosa.Op.Op().CONST: raise Exception('Use addPlaceholderTensor() or addConstTensor() to add PLACEHOLDER and CONST ops') return self.currBasicBlock.addOperator(op, inputs, outputs, attributes, quant_info) def setExpectedFailure(self, desc='', val=True): self.expectedFailure = val self.expectedFailureDesc = desc def setExpectedFailure(self, desc='', val=True): self.expectedFailure = val self.expectedFailureDesc = desc def serialize(self): builder = self.builder Version.VersionStart(builder) Version.VersionAdd_major(builder, TOSA_VERSION[0]) Version.VersionAdd_minor(builder, TOSA_VERSION[1]) Version.VersionAdd_patch(builder, TOSA_VERSION[2]) Version.VersionAdd_experimental(builder, TOSA_VERSION[3]) version = Version.VersionEnd(builder) fbv_bb = TosaSerializer.serializeObjVec(builder, self.basicBlocks, TosaGraph.TosaGraphStartBlocksVector) TosaGraph.TosaGraphStart(builder) TosaGraph.TosaGraphAddVersion(builder, version) TosaGraph.TosaGraphAddBlocks(builder, fbv_bb) graph = TosaGraph.TosaGraphEnd(builder) self.builder.Finish(graph) return self.builder.Output() def writeJson(self, tosa_filename): '''Write a json test file so that it is fairly easy to pick up the test and generate commands for third party tool''' test_desc = dict() test_desc['tosa_file'] = tosa_filename ifm_name = [] ifm_shape = [] ifm_file = [] ofm_name = [] ofm_file = [] ofm_shape = [] for b in self.basicBlocks: if b.name == 'main': for i in b.inputs: ifm_name.append(i) ifm_shape.append(b.tensors[i].shape) ifm_file.append(b.tensors[i].placeholderFilename) for o in b.outputs: ofm_name.append(o) ofm_shape.append(b.tensors[o].shape) # Make up an OFM filename here. One isn't generated until the reference tool is # run, so any name is a good name ofm_file.append('ref-{}.npy'.format(o)) test_desc['ifm_placeholder'] = ifm_name test_desc['ifm_file'] = ifm_file test_desc['ifm_shape'] = ifm_shape test_desc['ofm_name'] = ofm_name test_desc['ofm_shape'] = ofm_shape test_desc['ofm_file'] = ofm_file test_desc['expected_failure'] = self.expectedFailure if self.expectedFailureDesc: test_desc['expected_failure_desc'] = self.expectedFailureDesc return json.dumps(test_desc, indent=' ') def startBasicBlock(self, name): self.currBasicBlock = TosaSerializerBasicBlock(name) self.basicBlocks.append(self.currBasicBlock) @staticmethod def serializeStrVec(builder, vec, start_fcn): fb_strs = [builder.CreateString(i) for i in vec] start_fcn(builder, len(fb_strs)) for s in fb_strs[::-1]: builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(s) return builder.EndVector(len(fb_strs)) @staticmethod def serializeInt32Vec(builder, vec): builder.StartVector(4, len(vec), 4) for v in vec[::-1]: builder.PrependInt32(v) return builder.EndVector(len(vec)) @staticmethod def serializeObjVec(builder, vec, start_fcn): serialized_vec = [] for v in vec[::-1]: serialized_vec.append(v.serialize(builder)) start_fcn(builder, len(vec)) for v in serialized_vec: builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(v) return builder.EndVector(len(vec)) @staticmethod def toList(val): if isinstance(val, list): return val else: return [val] @staticmethod def setTosaVersion(): # Create a dummy flatbuffers file with the default version information # There does not appear to be a better way to get a constant from a # flatbuffer schema file builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0) Version.VersionStart(builder) ver = Version.VersionEnd(builder) TosaGraph.TosaGraphStart(builder) TosaGraph.TosaGraphAddVersion(builder, ver) gr = TosaGraph.TosaGraphEnd(builder) builder.Finish(gr) out = builder.Output() gr = TosaGraph.TosaGraph() root = gr.GetRootAsTosaGraph(out, 0) # Store the version as a global variable so that it only needs to be # generated once per process. global TOSA_VERSION TOSA_VERSION = [root.Version()._major(), root.Version()._minor(), root.Version()._patch(), root.Version()._experimental() ]