"""Template test runner class for running TOSA tests.""" # Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import json from enum import IntEnum import schemavalidation.schemavalidation as sch from checker.color_print import LogColors from checker.color_print import print_color from checker.color_print import set_print_in_color from checker.tosa_result_checker import set_print_result from checker.tosa_result_checker import test_check from generator.datagenerator import GenerateLibrary from json2fbbin import json2fbbin from json2numpy import json2numpy from runner.tosa_test_presets import TOSA_REFCOMPLIANCE_RUNNER def isComplianceModeDotProduct(testDesc): """Checks the test descriptor for DOT_PRODUCT compliance mode.""" if ( "meta" in testDesc and "compliance" in testDesc["meta"] and "tensors" in testDesc["meta"]["compliance"] ): for _, t in testDesc["meta"]["compliance"]["tensors"].items(): if "mode" in t and t["mode"] == "DOT_PRODUCT": return True return False def getRunnerResultFilePath(resultFilePath, sutModule): """Return the result file path with the runner specific naming.""" return resultFilePath.with_suffix(f".{sutModule}{resultFilePath.suffix}") def getBoundsResultFilePath(resultFilePath, sutModule=None): """Return the bounds result file with/without runner specific naming.""" boundsFilePath = resultFilePath.parent / f"bounds_{resultFilePath.name}" if sutModule is not None: boundsFilePath = boundsFilePath.with_suffix( f".{sutModule}{boundsFilePath.suffix}" ) return boundsFilePath class TosaTestInvalid(Exception): """Exception raised for errors loading test description. Attributes: path - full path to missing test description file exception = underlying exception """ def __init__(self, path, exception): """Initialize test not found error.""" self.path = path self.exception = exception self.message = "Invalid test, could not read test description {}: {}".format( self.path, str(self.exception) ) super().__init__(self.message) class TosaTestRunner: """TOSA Test Runner template class for systems under test.""" def __init__(self, args, runnerArgs, testDirPath): """Initialize and load JSON meta data file.""" self.args = args self.runnerArgs = runnerArgs self.testDir = str(testDirPath) self.testDirPath = testDirPath self.testName = self.testDirPath.name self.verify_lib_path = args.verify_lib_path self.generate_lib_path = args.generate_lib_path set_print_in_color(not args.no_color) # Stop the result checker printing anything - we will do it set_print_result(False) # Check if we want to run binary and if its already converted descFilePath = testDirPath / "desc.json" descBinFilePath = testDirPath / "desc_binary.json" if args.binary: if descBinFilePath.is_file(): descFilePath = descBinFilePath try: # Load the json test file with descFilePath.open("r") as fd: self.testDesc = json.load(fd) # Validate the json with the schema sch.TestDescSchemaValidator().validate_config(self.testDesc) except Exception as e: raise TosaTestInvalid(str(descFilePath), e) # Convert to binary if needed tosaFilePath = testDirPath / self.testDesc["tosa_file"] if args.binary and tosaFilePath.suffix == ".json": # Convert tosa JSON to binary json2fbbin.json_to_fbbin( args.flatc_path, args.schema_path, tosaFilePath, testDirPath, ) # Write new desc_binary file self.testDesc["tosa_file"] = tosaFilePath.stem + ".tosa" with descBinFilePath.open("w") as fd: json.dump(self.testDesc, fd, indent=2) descFilePath = descBinFilePath # Set location of desc.json (or desc_binary.json) file in use self.descFile = str(descFilePath) self.descFilePath = descFilePath # Check for compliance mode - need to run refmodel to get results if "meta" in self.testDesc and "compliance" in self.testDesc["meta"]: self.complianceMode = True if "expected_result" in self.testDesc: if self.args.verbose: print("Warning: fixing conflicting compliance mode in test.desc") self.testDesc.pop("expected_result") else: self.complianceMode = False def skipTest(self): """Check if the test is skipped due to test type or profile selection.""" expectedFailure = self.testDesc["expected_failure"] if self.args.test_type == "negative" and not expectedFailure: return True, "non-negative type" elif self.args.test_type == "positive" and expectedFailure: return True, "non-positive type" if self.args.profile: profile = self.testDesc["profile"] if "profile" in self.testDesc else [] if self.args.profile not in profile: return True, "non-{} profile".format(self.args.profile) return False, "" def _ready_file(self, dataFile, jsonOnly=False): """Convert/create any data file that is missing.""" dataPath = self.testDirPath / dataFile if not dataPath.is_file(): jsonPath = dataPath.with_suffix(".json") if jsonPath.is_file(): # Data files stored as JSON if self.args.verbose: print(f"Readying data file: {dataPath}") json2numpy.json_to_npy(jsonPath) elif not jsonOnly: # Use data generator for all data files if self.args.verbose: print("Readying all data input files") dgl = GenerateLibrary(self.generate_lib_path) dgl.set_config(self.testDesc) dgl.write_numpy_files(self.testDirPath) def readyDataFiles(self): """Check that the data files have been created/converted.""" for dataFile in self.testDesc["ifm_file"]: self._ready_file(dataFile) # Convert expected result if any if "expected_result_file" in self.testDesc: for dataFile in self.testDesc["expected_result_file"]: self._ready_file(dataFile, jsonOnly=True) def runTestGraph(self): """Override with function that calls system under test.""" pass def testResult(self, tosaGraphResult, graphMessage=None): """Work out test result based on graph result and output files.""" expectedFailure = self.testDesc["expected_failure"] print_check_result = False sutModule = self.__module__ if tosaGraphResult == TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_VALID: if expectedFailure: result = TosaTestRunner.Result.UNEXPECTED_PASS resultMessage = "Expected failure test incorrectly passed" else: # Work through all the results produced by the testing, assuming success # but overriding this with any failures found result = TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_PASS messages = [] # Go through each output result checking it for resultNum, resultFileName in enumerate(self.testDesc["ofm_file"]): resultFilePath = self.testDirPath / resultFileName # Work out the file to check against (if any) if self.complianceMode and sutModule != TOSA_REFCOMPLIANCE_RUNNER: conformanceFilePath = getRunnerResultFilePath( resultFilePath, TOSA_REFCOMPLIANCE_RUNNER ) if isComplianceModeDotProduct(self.testDesc): conformanceBoundsPath = getBoundsResultFilePath( resultFilePath, TOSA_REFCOMPLIANCE_RUNNER ) else: # Not expecting a bounds file for this test conformanceBoundsPath = None elif "expected_result_file" in self.testDesc: conformanceBoundsPath = None try: conformanceFilePath = ( self.testDirPath / self.testDesc["expected_result_file"][resultNum] ) except IndexError: result = TosaTestRunner.Result.INTERNAL_ERROR msg = "Internal error: Missing expected_result_file {} in {}".format( resultNum, self.descFile ) messages.append(msg) print(msg) break else: # Nothing to check against conformanceFilePath = None conformanceBoundsPath = None if conformanceFilePath: print_check_result = True # Result from checker chkResult, tolerance, msg = test_check( conformanceFilePath, resultFilePath, test_name=self.testName, test_desc=self.testDesc, bnd_result_path=conformanceBoundsPath, ofm_name=self.testDesc["ofm_name"][resultNum], verify_lib_path=self.verify_lib_path, ) # Change EXPECTED_PASS assumption if we have any failures if chkResult != 0: result = TosaTestRunner.Result.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE messages.append(msg) if self.args.verbose: print(msg) else: # No conformance file to verify, just check results file exists if not resultFilePath.is_file(): result = TosaTestRunner.Result.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE msg = f"Results file is missing: {resultFilePath}" messages.append(msg) print(msg) if resultFilePath.is_file(): # Move the resultFilePath to allow subsequent system under # tests to create them and to test they have been created # and to enable compliance testing against refmodel results resultFilePath.rename( getRunnerResultFilePath(resultFilePath, sutModule) ) if ( isComplianceModeDotProduct(self.testDesc) and sutModule == TOSA_REFCOMPLIANCE_RUNNER ): boundsFilePath = getBoundsResultFilePath(resultFilePath) if boundsFilePath.is_file(): boundsFilePath = boundsFilePath.rename( getBoundsResultFilePath(resultFilePath, sutModule) ) else: result = TosaTestRunner.Result.INTERNAL_ERROR msg = f"Internal error: Missing expected dot product compliance bounds file {boundsFilePath}" messages.append(msg) print(msg) resultMessage = "\n".join(messages) if len(messages) > 0 else None else: if ( expectedFailure and tosaGraphResult == TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_ERROR ): result = TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_FAILURE resultMessage = None else: result = TosaTestRunner.Result.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE resultMessage = graphMessage status = "Result" if print_check_result else "Result code" if ( result == TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_FAILURE or result == TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_PASS ): print_color(LogColors.GREEN, f"{sutModule}: {status} PASS {self.testName}") else: print_color(LogColors.RED, f"{sutModule}: {status} FAIL {self.testName}") return result, resultMessage class Result(IntEnum): """Test result codes.""" EXPECTED_PASS = 0 EXPECTED_FAILURE = 1 UNEXPECTED_PASS = 2 UNEXPECTED_FAILURE = 3 INTERNAL_ERROR = 4 SKIPPED = 5 class TosaGraphResult(IntEnum): """The tosa_graph_result codes.""" TOSA_VALID = 0 TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE = 1 TOSA_ERROR = 2 OTHER_ERROR = 3