# Copyright (c) 2023, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Calls the data generation library to create the test data.""" import ctypes as ct import json from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from schemavalidation import schemavalidation class GenerateError(Exception): """Exception raised for errors performing data generation.""" class GenerateLibrary: """Python interface to the C generate library.""" def __init__(self, generate_lib_path): """Find the library and set up the interface.""" self.lib_path = generate_lib_path if not self.lib_path.is_file(): raise GenerateError(f"Could not find generate library - {self.lib_path}") self.test_desc = None self.json_config = None self.lib = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(self.lib_path) self.tgd_generate_data = self.lib.tgd_generate_data self.tgd_generate_data.argtypes = [ ct.c_char_p, ct.c_char_p, ct.c_void_p, ct.c_size_t, ] self.tgd_generate_data.restype = ct.c_bool def check_config(self, test_desc: dict): """Quick check that the config supports data generation.""" return ("meta" in test_desc) and ("data_gen" in test_desc["meta"]) def set_config(self, test_desc: dict): """Set the test config in the library. test_desc - the test desc.json file """ self.test_desc = None self.json_config = None if not self.check_config(test_desc): raise GenerateError("No meta/data_gen section found in desc.json") # Validate the config versus the schema tdsv = schemavalidation.TestDescSchemaValidator() tdsv.validate_config(test_desc) self.test_desc = test_desc self.json_config = test_desc["meta"]["data_gen"] def _create_buffer(self, dtype: str, shape: tuple): """Helper to create a buffer of the required type.""" size = 1 for dim in shape: size *= dim if dtype == "FP32": # Create buffer and initialize to zero buffer = (ct.c_float * size)(0) size_bytes = size * 4 else: raise GenerateError(f"Unsupported data type {dtype}") return buffer, size_bytes def _data_gen_write( self, test_path: Path, json_bytes: bytes, ifm_name: str, ifm_file: str ): """Generate the named tensor data and save it in numpy format.""" try: tensor = self.json_config["tensors"][ifm_name] dtype = tensor["data_type"] shape = tuple(tensor["shape"]) except KeyError as e: raise GenerateError( f"Missing data in desc.json for input {ifm_name} - {repr(e)}" ) buffer, size_bytes = self._create_buffer(dtype, shape) buffer_ptr = ct.cast(buffer, ct.c_void_p) result = self.tgd_generate_data( ct.c_char_p(json_bytes), ct.c_char_p(bytes(ifm_name, "utf8")), buffer_ptr, ct.c_size_t(size_bytes), ) if not result: raise GenerateError("Data generate failed") arr = np.ctypeslib.as_array(buffer) arr = np.reshape(arr, shape) file_name = test_path / ifm_file np.save(file_name, arr) def write_numpy_files(self, test_path: Path): """Write out all the specified tensors to numpy data files.""" if self.test_desc is None or self.json_config is None: raise GenerateError("Cannot write numpy files as no config set up") try: ifm_names = self.test_desc["ifm_name"] ifm_files = self.test_desc["ifm_file"] except KeyError as e: raise GenerateError(f"Missing data in desc.json - {repr(e)}") json_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(self.json_config), "utf8") failures = [] for iname, ifile in zip(ifm_names, ifm_files): try: self._data_gen_write(test_path, json_bytes, iname, ifile) except GenerateError as e: failures.append( f"ERROR: Failed to create data for tensor {iname} - {repr(e)}" ) if len(failures) > 0: raise GenerateError("\n".join(failures)) def main(argv=None): """Simple command line interface for the data generator.""" import argparse import conformance.model_files as cmf parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--generate-lib-path", type=Path, help="Path to TOSA generate lib", ) parser.add_argument( "path", type=Path, help="the path to the test directory to generate data for" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) test_path = args.path if args.generate_lib_path is None: # Try to work out ref model directory and find the verify library # but this default only works for the python developer environment # i.e. when using the scripts/py-dev-env.* scripts # otherwise use the command line option --generate-lib-path to specify path ref_model_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[2] args.generate_lib_path = cmf.find_tosa_file( cmf.TosaFileType.GENERATE_LIBRARY, ref_model_dir, False ) if not test_path.is_dir(): print(f"ERROR: Invalid directory - {test_path}") return 2 test_desc_path = test_path / "desc.json" if not test_desc_path.is_file(): print(f"ERROR: No test description found: {test_desc_path}") return 2 # Load the JSON desc.json try: with test_desc_path.open("r") as fd: test_desc = json.load(fd) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Loading {test_desc_path} - {repr(e)}") return 2 try: dgl = GenerateLibrary(args.generate_lib_path) if not dgl.check_config(test_desc): print(f"WARNING: No data generation supported for {test_path}") return 2 dgl.set_config(test_desc) except GenerateError as e: print(f"ERROR: Initializing generate library - {repr(e)}") return 1 try: dgl.write_numpy_files(test_path) except GenerateError as e: print(f"ERROR: Writing out data files to {test_path}\n{repr(e)}") return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())