// Copyright (c) 2022, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENT_WITH_MAIN #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENT_WITH_MAIN #endif #include "model_runner.h" #include "general_utils.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace TosaReference; using namespace tosa; template void compareOutput(std::vector& tensor1, std::vector& tensor2, size_t size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { CHECK((tensor1[i] == tensor2[i])); } } TEST_SUITE("model_runner") { TEST_CASE("simple_add_f32_test") { std::string test_root(std::string(PROJECT_ROOT) + "../examples/test_add_1x4x4x4_f32/"); std::string tosa_model_file(test_root + "flatbuffer-tflite/test_add_1x4x4x4_f32.tosa"); std::string input0_file(test_root + "placeholder_0.npy"); std::string input1_file(test_root + "placeholder_1.npy"); std::string expected_output_file(test_root + "tflite_result.npy"); std::vector input_names = { "TosaInput_0", "TosaInput_1" }; std::string output_name = "TosaOutput_0"; std::vector input0_shape = { 1, 4, 4, 1 }; std::vector input1_shape = { 1, 4, 4, 4 }; std::vector output_shape = { 1, 4, 4, 4 }; std::vector> inputs(input_names.size()); std::vector actual_outputs = { }; std::vector expected_outputs = { }; // Read in inputs and expected outputs. inputs[0] = readFromNpyFile(input0_file.c_str(), input0_shape); inputs[1] = readFromNpyFile(input1_file.c_str(), input1_shape); expected_outputs = readFromNpyFile(expected_output_file.c_str(), output_shape); TosaSerializationHandler handler; tosa_err_t error = handler.LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(tosa_model_file.c_str()); CHECK((error == tosa::TOSA_OK)); GraphStatus status; // Initialize the ModelRunner with configurations. IModelRunner runner; status = runner.initialize(handler); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); runner.setInput(input_names[0], inputs[0]); runner.setInput(input_names[1], inputs[1]); // Run the ModelRunner using test inputs. status = runner.run(); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); actual_outputs = runner.getOutput(output_name); CHECK(!actual_outputs.empty()); compareOutput(expected_outputs, actual_outputs, expected_outputs.size()); } TEST_CASE("conv2d_f32_test") { std::string test_root(std::string(PROJECT_ROOT) + "../examples/test_conv2d_1x1_1x32x32x8_f32_st11_padSAME_dilat11/"); std::string tosa_model_file(test_root + "flatbuffer-tflite/test_conv2d_1x1_1x32x32x8_f32_st11_padSAME_dilat11.tosa"); std::string input_file(test_root + "placeholder_0.npy"); std::string expected_output_file(test_root + "tflite_result.npy"); std::string input_name = "TosaInput_0"; std::string output_name = "TosaOutput_0"; std::vector input_shape = { 1, 32, 32, 8 }; std::vector output_shape = { 1, 32, 32, 16 }; // Read in inputs and expected outputs. std::vector inputs = readFromNpyFile(input_file.c_str(), input_shape); std::vector expected_outputs = readFromNpyFile(expected_output_file.c_str(), output_shape); TosaSerializationHandler handler; tosa_err_t error = handler.LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(tosa_model_file.c_str()); CHECK((error == tosa::TOSA_OK)); GraphStatus status; // Initialize the ModelRunner with configurations. IModelRunner runner; status = runner.initialize(handler); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); runner.setInput(input_name, inputs); // Run the ModelRunner using test inputs. status = runner.run(); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); std::vector actual_outputs = runner.getOutput(output_name); CHECK(!actual_outputs.empty()); compareOutput(expected_outputs, actual_outputs, expected_outputs.size()); } TEST_CASE("conv2d_f32_validate_only_test") { std::string test_root(std::string(PROJECT_ROOT) + "../examples/test_conv2d_1x1_1x32x32x8_f32_st11_padSAME_dilat11/"); std::string tosa_model_file(test_root + "flatbuffer-tflite/test_conv2d_1x1_1x32x32x8_f32_st11_padSAME_dilat11.tosa"); TosaSerializationHandler handler; tosa_err_t error = handler.LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(tosa_model_file.c_str()); CHECK((error == tosa::TOSA_OK)); GraphStatus status; func_debug_t funcDebug; func_config_t funcConfig; funcConfig.validate_only = 1; // Initialize the ModelRunner with configurations. IModelRunner runner = IModelRunner(funcConfig, funcDebug); runner.setFuncConfig(funcConfig); status = runner.initialize(handler); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); // Run the ModelRunner using no inputs, as validate_only is specified run() should still work. status = runner.run(); CHECK((status == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID)); } }