// Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "subgraph_traverser.h" #include "tosa_model_types.h" #include "arith_util.h" #ifndef SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF #define SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(COND, fmt, ...) \ if ((COND)) \ { \ if (this->getGraphStatus() != GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE) \ { \ this->setGraphStatus(GraphStatus::TOSA_ERROR); \ } \ fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, COL_FATAL("SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF() fails AT %s:%d %s(): (%s)\n"), __FILE__, \ __LINE__, __func__, #COND); \ fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, COL_FATAL(fmt) "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ func_print_backtrace(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); \ return 1; \ } #endif using namespace TosaReference; using namespace Eigen; using namespace tosa; SubgraphTraverser::SubgraphTraverser(TosaSerializationBasicBlock* _block, TosaSerializationHandler* _tsh, SubgraphTraverser* _parent_sgt) { graph_status = GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID; block = _block; tsh = _tsh; parent_sgt = _parent_sgt; tensors.clear(); nodes.clear(); nextNodeList.clear(); } SubgraphTraverser::~SubgraphTraverser() { nextNodeList.clear(); for (GraphNode* n : nodes) { delete n; } nodes.clear(); for (TosaReference::Tensor* t : tensors) { if (t->is_allocated()) { t->deallocate(); } delete t; } tensors.clear(); } int SubgraphTraverser::getNumInputTensors() const { return inputTensors.size(); } TosaReference::Tensor* SubgraphTraverser::getInputTensor(const unsigned int idx) const { return inputTensors[idx]; } TosaReference::Tensor* SubgraphTraverser::getInputTensorByName(const std::string name) const { for (auto t : inputTensors) { if (t->getName() == name) { return t; } } return nullptr; } int SubgraphTraverser::getNumOutputTensors() const { return outputTensors.size(); } TosaReference::Tensor* SubgraphTraverser::getOutputTensor(const unsigned int idx) const { return outputTensors[idx]; } TosaReference::Tensor* SubgraphTraverser::getOutputTensorByName(const std::string name) const { for (auto t : outputTensors) { if (t->getName() == name) { return t; } } return nullptr; } int SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph() { int idx = 0; std::vector ser_tensor_vec; // Get all the serialized tensors from TosaSerializationHandler. for (auto region : tsh->GetRegions()) { for (auto block : region->GetBlocks()) { for (auto ser_tensor : block->GetTensors()) { ser_tensor_vec.push_back(ser_tensor); } } } std::vector non_const_node_vec; for (auto op : block->GetOperators()) { // translated TosaSerializationOperator to GraphNode TOSA_REF_TYPE input_dtype = TOSA_REF_TYPE_UNKNOWN; TOSA_REF_TYPE output_dtype = TOSA_REF_TYPE_UNKNOWN; TOSA_REF_TYPE weight_dtype = TOSA_REF_TYPE_UNKNOWN; uint32_t input_rank = 0; uint32_t output_rank = 0; uint32_t weight_rank = 0; int32_t input_index = -1; int32_t weight_index = -1; switch (op->GetOp()) { case Op_CONV2D: case Op_CONV3D: case Op_DEPTHWISE_CONV2D: case Op_TRANSPOSE_CONV2D: case Op_FULLY_CONNECTED: input_index = 0; weight_index = 1; break; case Op_SELECT: input_index = 1; break; default: if (!op->GetInputTensorNames().empty()) input_index = 0; break; } if (input_index != -1) { SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( (size_t)input_index >= op->GetInputTensorNames().size(), "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Op=%s, input_index %d must be within [0, num_input - 1]", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()], input_index); std::string input_name = op->GetInputTensorNames()[input_index]; TosaSerializationTensor* input_tensor = nullptr; for (auto ser_tensor : ser_tensor_vec) { if (ser_tensor->GetName() == input_name) { input_tensor = ser_tensor; } } SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( !input_tensor, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): fail to get input tensor %s from TosaSerializationHandler", input_name.c_str()); input_dtype = ConvertDType(input_tensor->GetDtype()); input_rank = input_tensor->GetShape().size(); } if (weight_index != -1) { SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( (size_t)weight_index >= op->GetInputTensorNames().size(), "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Op=%s, weight_index %d must be within [0, num_input - 1]", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()], weight_index); std::string weight_name = op->GetInputTensorNames()[weight_index]; TosaSerializationTensor* weight_tensor = nullptr; for (auto ser_tensor : ser_tensor_vec) { if (ser_tensor->GetName() == weight_name) { weight_tensor = ser_tensor; } } SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( !weight_tensor, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): fail to get weight tensor %s from TosaSerializationHandler", weight_name.c_str()); weight_dtype = ConvertDType(weight_tensor->GetDtype()); weight_rank = weight_tensor->GetShape().size(); } SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(op->GetOutputTensorNames().size() == 0, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Op=%s must have at least one output tensor.", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()]); std::string output_name = op->GetOutputTensorNames()[0]; TosaSerializationTensor* output_tensor = block->GetTensorByName(output_name); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( !output_tensor, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): fail to get output tensor %s from TosaSerializationHandler", output_name.c_str()); output_dtype = ConvertDType(output_tensor->GetDtype()); output_rank = output_tensor->GetShape().size(); DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Creating operator id_%03u, %8s, %lu input tensors, %lu output tensors", idx, EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()], op->GetInputTensorNames().size(), op->GetOutputTensorNames().size()); GraphNode* node = nullptr; if (this->parent_sgt) { node = OpFactory::newOp(this->parent_sgt, tsh, op->GetOp(), op->GetAttribute(), idx, input_dtype, input_rank, output_dtype, output_rank, weight_dtype, weight_rank); node->setInMainBlock(false); } else { node = OpFactory::newOp(this, tsh, op->GetOp(), op->GetAttribute(), idx, input_dtype, input_rank, output_dtype, output_rank, weight_dtype, weight_rank); if (node) { node->setInMainBlock(true); } } if (!node) { if (weight_index == -1) { fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): OpFactory could not allocate op %8s input=(%s rank %d) " "-> (%s rank %d)", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()], EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(input_dtype), input_rank, EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(output_dtype), output_rank); } else { fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): OpFactory could not allocate op %8s input=(%s rank %d), " "weight=(%s rank %d) -> (%s rank %d)", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()], EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(input_dtype), input_rank, EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(weight_dtype), weight_rank, EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(output_dtype), output_rank); } for (auto& ts : op->GetInputTensorNames()) { fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Input: %s\n", ts.c_str()); } for (auto& ts : op->GetOutputTensorNames()) { fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Output: %s\n", ts.c_str()); } SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(true, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Unsupported operation type or rank."); } // Elementwise operator might set TOSA_ERROR when registering lambda function when creating the op. // Check graph status after the op being constructed. SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(getGraphStatus() == GraphStatus::TOSA_ERROR, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Op %8s triggered ERROR_IF() when constructing the op.", EnumNamesOp()[op->GetOp()]); for (auto& name : op->GetInputTensorNames()) { node->addInputName(name); used_tensor_name_set.insert(name); } for (auto name : op->GetOutputTensorNames()) { node->addOutputName(name); used_tensor_name_set.insert(name); } addNode(node); // if node doesn't have any inputs (i.e. CONST) // it should be ready for evaluation if (op->GetInputTensorNames().empty() && !node->getOnNextNodeList()) { addToNextNodeList(node); } else if (!node->getInMainBlock()) { non_const_node_vec.push_back(node); } idx++; } for (auto ts : block->GetTensors()) { DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Creating tensor %s", ts->GetName().c_str()); TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = TensorFactory::newTensor(ts->GetName(), ts->GetDtype(), ts->GetShape(), ts->GetShape().size()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(!tensor, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Unsupported tensor name=%s, type=%s, rank=%d", ts->GetName().c_str(), EnumNameDType(ts->GetDtype()), (int)ts->GetShape().size()); addTensor(tensor); } DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Enumerating block %s graph inputs", block->GetName().c_str()); for (auto& input_name : block->GetInputs()) { TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = findTensorByName(input_name); DEBUG_INFO(GT, "input tensor name=%s", input_name.c_str()); if (tensor) { tensor->setIsSubgraphInput(); inputTensors.push_back(tensor); } else { SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(true, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Failed to find input tensor by name %s", input_name.c_str()); } } DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Enumerating block %s graph outputs", block->GetName().c_str()); for (auto& output_name : block->GetOutputs()) { TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = findTensorByName(output_name); DEBUG_INFO(GT, "output tensor name=%s", output_name.c_str()); if (tensor) { tensor->setIsSubgraphOutput(); outputTensors.push_back(tensor); } else { SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(true, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Failed to find output tensor by name %s", output_name.c_str()); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG_VERB_HIGH, GT)) { dumpNextNodeList(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); } // If the node is not in mainblock and not const for (auto node : non_const_node_vec) { bool all_inputs_from_parent = true; for (std::string& name : node->getInputNames()) { TosaReference::Tensor* t = findTensorByName(name); if (!t->getIsParentGraphOutput()) { all_inputs_from_parent = false; } } // In the children block, when a node has all its inputs from parent // block, we have to manually add this node to the evaluation list if (all_inputs_from_parent && !node->getOnNextNodeList()) { addToNextNodeList(node); } } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::allocateTensor() { for (auto ts : block->GetTensors()) { // Bail out if tensor is used and any of its dimension is invalid. auto got = used_tensor_name_set.find(ts->GetName()); if (got != used_tensor_name_set.end()) { uint32_t elements = 1; for (auto& dim : ts->GetShape()) { if (dim <= 0) { DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Failed to allocate tensor %s with invalid dimension of %d", ts->GetName().c_str(), dim); this->setGraphStatus(GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE); return 1; } if (dim > static_cast(TOSA_MAX_TENSOR_SIZE / elements)) { // Size greather than maximum defined in spec DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Tensor %s size is greater than allowed maximum", ts->GetName().c_str()); this->setGraphStatus(GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE); return 1; } } } TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = findTensorByName(ts->GetName()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(!tensor, "SubgraphTraverser::allocateTensor(): can't find tensor %s.", ts->GetName().c_str()); DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Allocating tensor %s", tensor->getName().c_str()); if (tensor->allocate()) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate tensor %s", tensor->getName().c_str()); } if (!ts->GetData().empty()) { DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Allocating tensor %s", tensor->getName().c_str()); auto serialization_dtype = ts->GetDtype(); switch (serialization_dtype) { case DType_INT4: { std::vector i4_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toI4(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), i4_data); std::vector i32_data(i4_data.begin(), i4_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueInt32(i32_data.size(), i32_data.data()); } break; case DType_INT8: { std::vector i8_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toI8(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), i8_data); std::vector i32_data(i8_data.begin(), i8_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueInt32(i32_data.size(), i32_data.data()); } break; case DType_INT16: { std::vector i16_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toI16(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), i16_data); std::vector i32_data(i16_data.begin(), i16_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueInt32(i32_data.size(), i32_data.data()); } break; case DType_INT32: { std::vector i32_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toI32(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), i32_data); tensor->setTensorValueInt32(i32_data.size(), i32_data.data()); } break; case DType_INT48: { std::vector i64_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toI48(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), i64_data); tensor->setTensorValueInt64(i64_data.size(), i64_data.data()); } break; case DType_FP16: { // Interpret f16 data as float std::vector f16_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toF16(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), f16_data); if (tensor->getDtype() == TOSA_REF_TYPE_FP64) { std::vector f64_data(f16_data.begin(), f16_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueDouble(f64_data.size(), f64_data.data()); } else { tensor->setTensorValueFloat(f16_data.size(), f16_data.data()); } } break; case DType_BF16: { std::vector fp32_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toF32(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), fp32_data); // Ensure valid bfloat16 stored in each float for (auto f : fp32_data) ASSERT_MSG(checkValidBFloat(f), "Float value %f not valid bfloat16", f); if (tensor->getDtype() == TOSA_REF_TYPE_FP64) { std::vector f64_data(fp32_data.begin(), fp32_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueDouble(f64_data.size(), f64_data.data()); } else { tensor->setTensorValueFloat(fp32_data.size(), fp32_data.data()); } } break; case DType_FP32: { std::vector fp32_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toF32(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), fp32_data); if (tensor->getDtype() == TOSA_REF_TYPE_FP64) { std::vector f64_data(fp32_data.begin(), fp32_data.end()); tensor->setTensorValueDouble(f64_data.size(), f64_data.data()); } else { tensor->setTensorValueFloat(fp32_data.size(), fp32_data.data()); } } break; case DType_BOOL: { std::vector bool_data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertU8toBool(ts->GetData(), tensor->getElementCount(), bool_data); // std::vector::data() will return bit mask instead of array of bool array. // Need to translate manually. bool* bool_array = (bool*)calloc(bool_data.size(), sizeof(bool)); for (size_t i = 0; i < bool_data.size(); i++) { bool_array[i] = bool_data[i]; } tensor->setTensorValueBool(bool_data.size(), bool_array); } break; default: SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(true, "SubgraphTraverser::initializeGraph(): Unsupported tensor type %s.", EnumNameDType(ts->GetDtype())); } } } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::isFullyEvaluated() const { return nextNodeList.empty(); } GraphNode* SubgraphTraverser::getNextNode() { GraphNode* nextNode = nextNodeList.front(); ASSERT_MSG(nextNode, "SubgraphTraverser::getNextNode(): called with empty next node list"); ASSERT_MSG(nextNode->getOnNextNodeList(), "SubgraphTraverser::getNextNode(): internal state error: node is not listed as being on next node list"); nextNodeList.pop_front(); nextNode->clearOnNextNodeList(); return nextNode; } int SubgraphTraverser::addToNextNodeList(GraphNode* nextNode) { ASSERT_MSG(nextNode, "SubgraphTraverser::addToNextNodeList(): called with no node"); ASSERT_MSG(!nextNode->getOnNextNodeList(), "SubgraphTraverser::addToNextNodeList(): internal state error: node is already on next node list"); nextNode->setOnNextNodeList(); nextNodeList.push_back(nextNode); return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::evaluateNextNode() { if (isFullyEvaluated()) return 0; GraphNode* currNode = getNextNode(); DEBUG_INFO(GT, "Evaluating node_%03lu, %8s, output tensor=%s", currNode->getID(), EnumNamesOp()[currNode->getOp()], currNode->getOutputNames()[0].c_str()); // Sanity check for never-ending loops if (currNode->getEvalCount() >= MAX_EVAL_COUNT && (currNode->getEvalCount() % MAX_EVAL_COUNT) == 0) { WARNING("SubgraphTraverser::evaluateNextNode(): Node %lu has been evaluated %d times. Loop suspected.", currNode->getID(), currNode->getEvalCount()); } for (auto tensor : currNode->getOutputs()) { if (!tensor->is_allocated()) if (tensor->allocate()) { FATAL_ERROR("SubgraphTraverser::evaluateNextNode(): Failed to allocate Eigen tensor %s", tensor->getName().c_str()); } } if (currNode->eval()) { WARNING("SubgraphTraverser::evaluateNextNode(): Failed to evaluate node: %lu", currNode->getID()); return 1; } // free input tensor if all of its consumers have all of their outputs ready and it's not block's output if (!currNode->getInMainBlock()) { // we don't free it if the node is in main block and has nested blocks for (auto tensor : currNode->getInputs()) { bool in_use = false; auto tensor_check = findTensorByName(tensor->getName()); if (tensor_check->getIsParentGraphOutput()) { // if it's parent's block output tensor, we can't free it continue; } for (auto node : tensor->getConsumers()) { // If the node is inside a loop, the input tensor is still needed if (!node->hasAllOutputsReady()) { in_use = true; } } for (auto name : block->GetOutputs()) { if (name == tensor->getName()) { in_use = true; } } if (!in_use) { tensor->deallocate(); } } } // Search the output tensors of this node to see if // there are now new ready nodes available from completing this node for (TosaReference::Tensor* tensor : currNode->getOutputs()) { for (GraphNode* node : tensor->getConsumers()) { if (!node->getOnNextNodeList() && node->hasAllInputsReady()) { addToNextNodeList(node); } } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG_VERB_HIGH, GT)) { dumpNextNodeList(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); } if (g_func_config.dump_intermediates) { currNode->dumpNode(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); for (auto outs : currNode->getOutputs()) { outs->dumpTensorParams(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); outs->dumpTensor(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); fprintf(g_func_debug.func_debug_file, "\n"); } } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::dumpNextNodeList(FILE* out) const { // Dump next node list fprintf(out, "Next node list\n"); if (nextNodeList.empty()) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } for (auto gn : nextNodeList) { gn->dumpNode(out); } fprintf(out, "Done.\n"); return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::clearAllNodeMarkings() { for (GraphNode* currNode : nodes) { currNode->clearNodeMarked(); } return false; } int SubgraphTraverser::addTensor(TosaReference::Tensor* tensor) { // Enforce no duplicate tensors/tensor names // O(N), but the number of tensors is small for (TosaReference::Tensor* currTensor : tensors) { if (tensor == currTensor || currTensor->getName() == tensor->getName()) { FATAL_ERROR("SubgraphTraverser::addTensor(): Duplicate tensor or tensor name being added to graph: %s\n", tensor->getName().c_str()); return 1; } } tensors.push_back(tensor); if (tensor->getIsSubgraphInput()) { inputTensors.push_back(tensor); } if (tensor->getIsSubgraphOutput()) { outputTensors.push_back(tensor); } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::addNode(GraphNode* newNode) { // Enforce no duplicate nodes for (GraphNode* currNode : nodes) { if (currNode == newNode) { FATAL_ERROR("SubgraphTraverser::addTensor(): duplicate node being added to graph"); return 1; } } nodes.push_back(newNode); return 0; } TosaReference::Tensor* SubgraphTraverser::findTensorByName(const std::string& name) const { TosaReference::Tensor* res_tensor = nullptr; for (TosaReference::Tensor* currTensor : tensors) { if (currTensor->getName() == name) { res_tensor = currTensor; return res_tensor; } } if (parent_sgt) { for (TosaReference::Tensor* currTensor : parent_sgt->tensors) { if (currTensor->getName() == name) { res_tensor = currTensor; res_tensor->setIsParentGraphOutput(); } } } if (!res_tensor) { WARNING("SubgraphTraverser::findTensorByName(): Unable to find tensor with name: %s\n", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } return res_tensor; } int SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes() { // Nodes have a list of input/output tensor names // For each node, read this list, link up the tensors with their inputs/outputs for (GraphNode* currNode : nodes) { // Link inputs/consuming nodes for (std::string& name : currNode->getInputNames()) { TosaReference::Tensor* t = findTensorByName(name); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(!t, "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): Cannot find tensor %s in node %lu\n", name.c_str(), currNode->getID()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(currNode->addInputTensor(t), "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): cannot link tensor %s to node %lu\n", name.c_str(), currNode->getID()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(t->addConsumer(currNode), "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): cannot link consumer node %lu to tensor %s\n", currNode->getID(), name.c_str()); } // Link outputs/producing nodes for (std::string& name : currNode->getOutputNames()) { TosaReference::Tensor* t = findTensorByName(name); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(!t, "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): Cannot find tensor %s in node %lu\n", name.c_str(), currNode->getID()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(currNode->addOutputTensor(t), "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): cannot link tensor %s to node %lu\n", name.c_str(), currNode->getID()); SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF( t->setProducer(currNode), "SubgraphTraverser::linkTensorsAndNodes(): cannot link producer node %lu to tensor tensor %s\n", currNode->getID(), name.c_str()); } } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::validateGraph() { // Need to make sure that: // - each tensor is actually used // - input and output tesnsors truly are just input and just output // Graph building already determined that each node has found its input/output tensors for (TosaReference::Tensor* currTensor : tensors) { // It's okay for block input tensor not being consumed by operators. // This is common in control flow op execution. if (!currTensor->getIsSubgraphInput()) { if (!currTensor->getProducer() && currTensor->getConsumers().empty()) { WARNING("SubgraphTraverser::validateGraph(): TosaReference::Tensor %s has no producers or consumers\n", currTensor->getName().c_str()); return 1; } } if (g_func_config.tosa_profile == 0) { TOSA_REF_TYPE dtype = currTensor->getDtype(); // Float-point disallowed if (dtype == TOSA_REF_TYPE_FP32 || dtype == TOSA_REF_TYPE_FP16) { WARNING("SubgraphTraverser::validateGraph(): TOSA Base Inference profile selected: All floating point " "disabled, but %s tensor %s found\n", EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(dtype), currTensor->getName().c_str()); return 1; } } else if (g_func_config.tosa_profile == 1 || g_func_config.tosa_profile == 2) { // Do nothing. All FP types allowed // Currently no implementation difference between Main Inference and Main Training modes } else { FATAL_ERROR("SubgraphTraverser::validateGraph(): TOSA profile not recognized: %d", g_func_config.tosa_profile); } } for (GraphNode* currNode : nodes) { SUBGRAPH_ERROR_IF(currNode->checkTensorAttributes(), "SubgraphTraverser::validateGraph(): TosaReference::Tensor attribute check failed"); } if (outputTensors.size() <= 0) { DEBUG_MED(GT, "Graph output tensor empty"); return 0; } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::dumpGraph(FILE* out) const { int i = 0; fprintf(out, "Full graph dump:\n"); for (GraphNode* currNode : nodes) { fprintf(out, "Node [%d]: ", i++); currNode->dumpNode(out); } return 0; } int SubgraphTraverser::evaluateAll() { // evaluation loop while (!isFullyEvaluated()) { if (evaluateNextNode()) { return 1; } } return 0; }