# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Tests for the logging utility functions.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import sys from contextlib import ExitStack as does_not_raise from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest from mlia.utils.logging import create_log_handler from mlia.utils.logging import redirect_output from mlia.utils.logging import redirect_raw_output @pytest.mark.parametrize( "file_path, stream, log_filter, delay, expected_error, expected_class", [ ( "test.log", None, None, True, does_not_raise(), logging.FileHandler, ), ( None, sys.stdout, None, None, does_not_raise(), logging.StreamHandler, ), ( None, None, None, None, pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unable to create logging handler"), None, ), ], ) def test_create_log_handler( file_path: Path | None, stream: Any | None, log_filter: logging.Filter | None, delay: bool, expected_error: Any, expected_class: type, ) -> None: """Test function test_create_log_handler.""" with expected_error: handler = create_log_handler( file_path=file_path, stream=stream, log_level=logging.INFO, log_format="%(name)s - %(message)s", log_filter=log_filter, delay=delay, ) assert isinstance(handler, expected_class) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "redirect_context_manager", [ redirect_raw_output, redirect_output, ], ) def test_output_redirection(redirect_context_manager: Callable) -> None: """Test output redirection via context manager.""" print("before redirect") logger_mock = MagicMock() with redirect_context_manager(logger_mock): print("output redirected") print("after redirect") logger_mock.log.assert_called_once_with(logging.INFO, "output redirected")