# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Tests for Ethos-U advice generation.""" from __future__ import annotations import pytest from mlia.cli.helpers import CLIActionResolver from mlia.core.advice_generation import Advice from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory from mlia.core.common import DataItem from mlia.core.context import ExecutionContext from mlia.core.helpers import ActionResolver from mlia.core.helpers import APIActionResolver from mlia.devices.ethosu.advice_generation import EthosUAdviceProducer from mlia.devices.ethosu.advice_generation import EthosUStaticAdviceProducer from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import AllOperatorsSupportedOnNPU from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import HasCPUOnlyOperators from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import HasUnsupportedOnNPUOperators from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import OptimizationDiff from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import OptimizationResults from mlia.devices.ethosu.data_analysis import PerfMetricDiff from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.select import OptimizationSettings @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_data, advice_category, action_resolver, expected_advice", [ [ AllOperatorsSupportedOnNPU(), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "You don't have any unsupported operators, your model will " "run completely on NPU." ] ) ], ], [ AllOperatorsSupportedOnNPU(), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, CLIActionResolver( { "target_profile": "sample_target", "model": "sample_model.tflite", } ), [ Advice( [ "You don't have any unsupported operators, your model will " "run completely on NPU.", "Check the estimated performance by running the " "following command: ", "mlia performance --target-profile sample_target " "sample_model.tflite", ] ) ], ], [ HasCPUOnlyOperators(cpu_only_ops=["OP1", "OP2", "OP3"]), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "You have at least 3 operators that is CPU only: " "OP1,OP2,OP3.", "Using operators that are supported by the NPU will " "improve performance.", ] ) ], ], [ HasCPUOnlyOperators(cpu_only_ops=["OP1", "OP2", "OP3"]), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, CLIActionResolver({}), [ Advice( [ "You have at least 3 operators that is CPU only: " "OP1,OP2,OP3.", "Using operators that are supported by the NPU will " "improve performance.", "For guidance on supported operators, run: mlia operators " "--supported-ops-report", ] ) ], ], [ HasUnsupportedOnNPUOperators(npu_unsupported_ratio=0.4), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "You have 40% of operators that cannot be placed on the NPU.", "For better performance, please review the reasons reported " "in the table, and adjust the model accordingly " "where possible.", ] ) ], ], [ HasUnsupportedOnNPUOperators(npu_unsupported_ratio=0.4), AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, CLIActionResolver({}), [ Advice( [ "You have 40% of operators that cannot be placed on the NPU.", "For better performance, please review the reasons reported " "in the table, and adjust the model accordingly " "where possible.", ] ) ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 50), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 5), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "With the selected optimization (pruning: 0.5)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "DRAM used (KB)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "NPU total cycles", "- SRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "You can try to push the optimization target higher " "(e.g. pruning: 0.6) " "to check if those results can be further improved.", ] ), Advice( [ "The applied tooling techniques have an impact " "on accuracy. Additional hyperparameter tuning may be required " "after any optimization." ] ), ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 50), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 5), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, CLIActionResolver({"model": "sample_model.h5"}), [ Advice( [ "With the selected optimization (pruning: 0.5)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "DRAM used (KB)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "NPU total cycles", "- SRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "You can try to push the optimization target higher " "(e.g. pruning: 0.6) " "to check if those results can be further improved.", "For more info: mlia optimization --help", "Optimization command: " "mlia optimization --optimization-type pruning " "--optimization-target 0.6 sample_model.h5", ] ), Advice( [ "The applied tooling techniques have an impact " "on accuracy. Additional hyperparameter tuning may be required " "after any optimization." ] ), ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[ OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None), OptimizationSettings("clustering", 32, None), ], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 50), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 5), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "With the selected optimization (pruning: 0.5, clustering: 32)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "DRAM used (KB)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "NPU total cycles", "- SRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "You can try to push the optimization target higher " "(e.g. pruning: 0.6 and/or clustering: 16) " "to check if those results can be further improved.", ] ), Advice( [ "The applied tooling techniques have an impact " "on accuracy. Additional hyperparameter tuning may be required " "after any optimization." ] ), ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[ OptimizationSettings("clustering", 2, None), ], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 50), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 100), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 5), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "With the selected optimization (clustering: 2)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "DRAM used (KB)", "- You have achieved 50.00% performance improvement in " "NPU total cycles", "- SRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", ] ), Advice( [ "The applied tooling techniques have an impact " "on accuracy. Additional hyperparameter tuning may be required " "after any optimization." ] ), ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 100), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "With the selected optimization (pruning: 0.5)", "- DRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "- SRAM used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "- On chip flash used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "- Off chip flash used (KB) have degraded by 50.00%", "- NPU total cycles have degraded by 900.00%", "The performance seems to have degraded after " "applying the selected optimizations, " "try exploring different optimization types/targets.", ] ), Advice( [ "The applied tooling techniques have an impact " "on accuracy. Additional hyperparameter tuning may be required " "after any optimization." ] ), ], ], [ OptimizationResults( [ OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 100), }, ), OptimizationDiff( opt_type=[OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.6, None)], opt_diffs={ "sram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "dram": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "on_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "off_chip_flash": PerfMetricDiff(100, 150), "npu_total_cycles": PerfMetricDiff(10, 100), }, ), ] ), AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [], # no advice for more than one optimization result ], ], ) def test_ethosu_advice_producer( tmpdir: str, input_data: DataItem, expected_advice: list[Advice], advice_category: AdviceCategory, action_resolver: ActionResolver, ) -> None: """Test Ethos-U Advice producer.""" producer = EthosUAdviceProducer() context = ExecutionContext( advice_category=advice_category, working_dir=tmpdir, action_resolver=action_resolver, ) producer.set_context(context) producer.produce_advice(input_data) assert producer.get_advice() == expected_advice @pytest.mark.parametrize( "advice_category, action_resolver, expected_advice", [ [ AdviceCategory.ALL, None, [], ], [ AdviceCategory.OPERATORS, None, [], ], [ AdviceCategory.PERFORMANCE, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "You can improve the inference time by using only operators " "that are supported by the NPU.", ] ), Advice( [ "Check if you can improve the performance by applying " "tooling techniques to your model." ] ), ], ], [ AdviceCategory.PERFORMANCE, CLIActionResolver({"model": "test_model.h5"}), [ Advice( [ "You can improve the inference time by using only operators " "that are supported by the NPU.", "Try running the following command to verify that:", "mlia operators test_model.h5", ] ), Advice( [ "Check if you can improve the performance by applying " "tooling techniques to your model.", "For example: mlia optimization --optimization-type " "pruning,clustering --optimization-target 0.5,32 " "test_model.h5", "For more info: mlia optimization --help", ] ), ], ], [ AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, APIActionResolver(), [ Advice( [ "For better performance, make sure that all the operators " "of your final TensorFlow Lite model are supported by the NPU.", ] ) ], ], [ AdviceCategory.OPTIMIZATION, CLIActionResolver({"model": "test_model.h5"}), [ Advice( [ "For better performance, make sure that all the operators " "of your final TensorFlow Lite model are supported by the NPU.", "For more details, run: mlia operators --help", ] ) ], ], ], ) def test_ethosu_static_advice_producer( tmpdir: str, advice_category: AdviceCategory, action_resolver: ActionResolver, expected_advice: list[Advice], ) -> None: """Test static advice generation.""" producer = EthosUStaticAdviceProducer() context = ExecutionContext( advice_category=advice_category, working_dir=tmpdir, action_resolver=action_resolver, ) producer.set_context(context) assert producer.get_advice() == expected_advice