# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Tests for main module.""" from __future__ import annotations import argparse from functools import wraps from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from unittest.mock import ANY from unittest.mock import call from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest import mlia from mlia.backend.errors import BackendUnavailableError from mlia.cli.main import backend_main from mlia.cli.main import CommandInfo from mlia.cli.main import main from mlia.core.errors import InternalError from tests.utils.logging import clear_loggers def teardown_function() -> None: """Perform action after test completion. This function is launched automatically by pytest after each test in this module. """ clear_loggers() def test_option_version(capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture) -> None: """Test --version.""" with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as ex: main(["--version"]) assert ex.type == SystemExit assert ex.value.code == 0 stdout, stderr = capfd.readouterr() assert len(stdout.splitlines()) == 1 assert stderr == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "is_default, expected_command_help", [(True, "Test command [default]"), (False, "Test command")], ) def test_command_info(is_default: bool, expected_command_help: str) -> None: """Test properties of CommandInfo object.""" def test_command() -> None: """Test command.""" command_info = CommandInfo(test_command, ["test"], [], is_default) assert command_info.command_name == "test_command" assert command_info.command_name_and_aliases == ["test_command", "test"] assert command_info.command_help == expected_command_help def test_default_command(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: """Test adding default command.""" def mock_command(func_mock: MagicMock, name: str) -> Callable[..., None]: """Mock cli command.""" def sample_cmd_1(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sample command.""" func_mock(*args, **kwargs) ret_func = sample_cmd_1 ret_func.__name__ = name return ret_func non_default_command = MagicMock() def non_default_command_params(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """Add parameters for non default command.""" parser.add_argument("--param") monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.cli.main.get_commands", MagicMock( return_value=[ CommandInfo( func=mock_command(non_default_command, "non_default_command"), aliases=["command2"], opt_groups=[non_default_command_params], is_default=False, ), ] ), ) main(["command2", "--param", "test"]) non_default_command.assert_called_once_with(param="test") def wrap_mock_command(mock: MagicMock, command: Callable) -> Callable: """Wrap the command with the mock.""" @wraps(command) def mock_command(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Mock the command.""" mock(*args, **kwargs) return mock_command @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params, expected_call", [ [ ["check", "sample_model.tflite", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256"], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.tflite", compatibility=False, performance=False, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], [ ["check", "sample_model.tflite", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-128"], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-128", model="sample_model.tflite", compatibility=False, performance=False, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "check", "sample_model.h5", "--performance", "--compatibility", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.h5", output=None, json=False, compatibility=True, performance=True, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "check", "sample_model.h5", "--performance", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256", "--output", "result.json", "--json", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.h5", performance=True, compatibility=False, output=Path("result.json"), json=True, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "check", "sample_model.h5", "--performance", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-128", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-128", model="sample_model.h5", compatibility=False, performance=True, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "optimize", "sample_model.h5", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256", "--pruning", "--clustering", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.h5", pruning=True, clustering=True, pruning_target=None, clustering_target=None, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "optimize", "sample_model.h5", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256", "--pruning", "--clustering", "--pruning-target", "0.5", "--clustering-target", "32", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.h5", pruning=True, clustering=True, pruning_target=0.5, clustering_target=32, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], [ [ "optimize", "sample_model.h5", "--target-profile", "ethos-u55-256", "--pruning", "--backend", "some_backend", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="ethos-u55-256", model="sample_model.h5", pruning=True, clustering=False, pruning_target=None, clustering_target=None, output=None, json=False, backend=["some_backend"], ), ], [ [ "check", "sample_model.h5", "--compatibility", "--target-profile", "cortex-a", ], call( ctx=ANY, target_profile="cortex-a", model="sample_model.h5", compatibility=True, performance=False, output=None, json=False, backend=None, ), ], ], ) def test_commands_execution( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, params: list[str], expected_call: Any ) -> None: """Test calling commands from the main function.""" mock = MagicMock() monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.cli.options.get_available_backends", MagicMock(return_value=["Vela", "some_backend"]), ) for command in ["check", "optimize"]: monkeypatch.setattr( f"mlia.cli.main.{command}", wrap_mock_command(mock, getattr(mlia.cli.main, command)), ) main(params) mock.assert_called_once_with(*expected_call.args, **expected_call.kwargs) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params, expected_call", [ [ ["list"], call(), ], ], ) def test_commands_execution_backend_main( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, params: list[str], expected_call: Any, ) -> None: """Test calling commands from the backend_main function.""" mock = MagicMock() monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.cli.main.backend_list", wrap_mock_command(mock, getattr(mlia.cli.main, "backend_list")), ) backend_main(params) mock.assert_called_once_with(*expected_call.args, **expected_call.kwargs) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "debug, exc_mock, expected_output", [ [ True, MagicMock(side_effect=Exception("Error")), [ "Execution finished with error: Error", "Please check the log files in the /tmp/mlia-", "/logs for more details", ], ], [ False, MagicMock(side_effect=Exception("Error")), [ "Execution finished with error: Error", "Please check the log files in the /tmp/mlia-", "/logs for more details, or enable debug mode (--debug)", ], ], [ False, MagicMock(side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt()), ["Execution has been interrupted"], ], [ False, MagicMock( side_effect=BackendUnavailableError( "Backend sample is not available", "sample" ) ), ["Error: Backend sample is not available."], ], [ False, MagicMock( side_effect=BackendUnavailableError( "Backend tosa-checker is not available", "tosa-checker" ) ), [ "Error: Backend tosa-checker is not available.", "Please use next command to install it: " 'mlia-backend install "tosa-checker"', ], ], [ False, MagicMock(side_effect=InternalError("Unknown error")), ["Internal error: Unknown error"], ], ], ) def test_debug_output( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, debug: bool, exc_mock: MagicMock, expected_output: list[str], ) -> None: """Test flag --debug.""" def command_params(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """Add parameters for non default command.""" parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") def command() -> None: """Run test command.""" exc_mock() monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.cli.main.get_commands", MagicMock( return_value=[ CommandInfo( func=command, aliases=["command"], opt_groups=[command_params], ), ] ), ) params = ["command"] if debug: params.append("--debug") exit_code = main(params) assert exit_code == 1 stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr() for expected_message in expected_output: assert expected_message in stdout