# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2024, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Tests for the helper classes.""" from __future__ import annotations import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import pytest from mlia.cli.helpers import CLIActionResolver from mlia.cli.helpers import copy_profile_file_to_output_dir from mlia.nn.select import OptimizationSettings class TestCliActionResolver: """Test cli action resolver.""" @staticmethod @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args, params, expected_result", [ [ {}, {"opt_settings": "some_setting"}, [], ], [ {}, {}, [ "Note: you will need a Keras model for that.", "For example: mlia optimize /path/to/keras_model " "--pruning --clustering " "--pruning-target 0.5 --clustering-target 32", "For more info: mlia optimize --help", ], ], [ {"model": "model.h5"}, {}, [ "For example: mlia optimize model.h5 --pruning --clustering " "--pruning-target 0.5 --clustering-target 32", "For more info: mlia optimize --help", ], ], [ {"model": "model.h5"}, {"opt_settings": [OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)]}, [ "For more info: mlia optimize --help", "Optimization command: " "mlia optimize model.h5 --pruning " "--pruning-target 0.5", ], ], [ {"model": "model.h5", "target_profile": "target_profile"}, {"opt_settings": [OptimizationSettings("pruning", 0.5, None)]}, [ "For more info: mlia optimize --help", "Optimization command: " "mlia optimize model.h5 --target-profile target_profile " "--pruning --pruning-target 0.5", ], ], ], ) def test_apply_optimizations( args: dict[str, Any], params: dict[str, Any], expected_result: list[str], ) -> None: """Test action resolving for applying optimizations.""" resolver = CLIActionResolver(args) assert resolver.apply_optimizations(**params) == expected_result @staticmethod def test_operator_compatibility_details() -> None: """Test operator compatibility details info.""" resolver = CLIActionResolver({}) assert resolver.operator_compatibility_details() == [ "For more details, run: mlia check --help" ] @staticmethod def test_optimization_details() -> None: """Test optimization details info.""" resolver = CLIActionResolver({}) assert resolver.optimization_details() == [ "For more info, see: mlia optimize --help" ] @staticmethod @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args, expected_result", [ [ {}, [], ], [ {"model": "model.tflite", "target_profile": "target_profile"}, [ "Check the estimated performance by running the " "following command: ", "mlia check model.tflite " "--target-profile target_profile --performance", ], ], ], ) def test_check_performance( args: dict[str, Any], expected_result: list[str] ) -> None: """Test check performance info.""" resolver = CLIActionResolver(args) assert resolver.check_performance() == expected_result @staticmethod @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args, expected_result", [ [ {}, [], ], [ {"model": "model.tflite", "target_profile": "target_profile"}, [ "Try running the following command to verify that:", "mlia check model.tflite --target-profile target_profile", ], ], ], ) def test_check_operator_compatibility( args: dict[str, Any], expected_result: list[str] ) -> None: """Test checking operator compatibility info.""" resolver = CLIActionResolver(args) assert resolver.check_operator_compatibility() == expected_result def test_copy_profile_file_to_output_dir(tmp_path: Path) -> None: """Test if the target profile file is copied into the output directory.""" test_target_profile_name = "ethos-u55-128" test_file_path = Path(f"{tmp_path}/{test_target_profile_name}.toml") copy_profile_file_to_output_dir( test_target_profile_name, tmp_path, profile_to_copy="target_profile" ) assert Path.is_file(test_file_path) def test_copy_optimization_file_to_output_dir(tmp_path: Path) -> None: """Test if the profile file is copied into the output directory.""" test_target_profile_name = "optimization" test_file_path = Path(f"{tmp_path}/{test_target_profile_name}.toml") copy_profile_file_to_output_dir( test_target_profile_name, tmp_path, profile_to_copy="optimization_profile" ) assert Path.is_file(test_file_path) def test_copy_optimization_file_to_output_dir_error(tmp_path: Path) -> None: """Test that the correct error is raised if the optimization profile cannot be found.""" test_target_profile_name = "wrong_file" with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match=re.escape( "Failed to copy optimization_profile file: " "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '" + test_target_profile_name + "'" ), ): copy_profile_file_to_output_dir( test_target_profile_name, tmp_path, profile_to_copy="optimization_profile" )