# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Tests for the output parsing.""" from __future__ import annotations import base64 import json from typing import Any import pytest from mlia.backend.executor.output_consumer import Base64OutputConsumer from mlia.backend.executor.output_consumer import OutputConsumer OUTPUT_MATCH_ALL = bytearray( """ String1: My awesome string! String2: STRINGS_ARE_GREAT!!! Int: 12 Float: 3.14 """, encoding="utf-8", ) OUTPUT_NO_MATCH = bytearray( """ This contains no matches... Test1234567890!"£$%^&*()_+@~{}[]/.,<>?| """, encoding="utf-8", ) OUTPUT_PARTIAL_MATCH = bytearray( "String1: My awesome string!", encoding="utf-8", ) REGEX_CONFIG = { "FirstString": {"pattern": r"String1.*: (.*)", "type": "str"}, "SecondString": {"pattern": r"String2.*: (.*)!!!", "type": "str"}, "IntegerValue": {"pattern": r"Int.*: (.*)", "type": "int"}, "FloatValue": {"pattern": r"Float.*: (.*)", "type": "float"}, } EMPTY_REGEX_CONFIG: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} EXPECTED_METRICS_ALL = { "FirstString": "My awesome string!", "SecondString": "STRINGS_ARE_GREAT", "IntegerValue": 12, "FloatValue": 3.14, } EXPECTED_METRICS_PARTIAL = { "FirstString": "My awesome string!", } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "expected_metrics", [ EXPECTED_METRICS_ALL, EXPECTED_METRICS_PARTIAL, ], ) def test_base64_output_consumer(expected_metrics: dict) -> None: """ Make sure the Base64OutputConsumer yields valid results. I.e. return an empty dict if either the input or the config is empty and return the parsed metrics otherwise. """ parser = Base64OutputConsumer() assert isinstance(parser, OutputConsumer) def create_base64_output(expected_metrics: dict) -> bytearray: json_str = json.dumps(expected_metrics, indent=4) json_b64 = base64.b64encode(json_str.encode("utf-8")) return ( OUTPUT_MATCH_ALL # Should not be matched by the Base64OutputConsumer + f"<{Base64OutputConsumer.TAG_NAME}>".encode() + bytearray(json_b64) + f"".encode() + OUTPUT_NO_MATCH # Just to add some difficulty... ) output = create_base64_output(expected_metrics) consumed = False for line in output.splitlines(): if parser.feed(line.decode("utf-8")): consumed = True assert consumed # we should have consumed at least one line res = parser.parsed_output assert len(res) == 1 assert isinstance(res, list) for val in res: assert val == expected_metrics