# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Utils related to process management.""" import os import signal import subprocess import time from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Generator from typing import Iterable from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple class OutputConsumer(ABC): """Base class for the output consumers.""" @abstractmethod def feed(self, line: str) -> None: """Feed new line to the consumer.""" class RunningCommand: """Running command.""" def __init__(self, process: subprocess.Popen) -> None: """Init running command instance.""" self.process = process self.output_consumers: List[OutputConsumer] = [] def is_alive(self) -> bool: """Return true if process is still alive.""" return self.process.poll() is None def exit_code(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return process's return code.""" return self.process.poll() def stdout(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Return std output of the process.""" assert self.process.stdout is not None for line in self.process.stdout: yield line def kill(self) -> None: """Kill the process.""" self.process.kill() def send_signal(self, signal_num: int) -> None: """Send signal to the process.""" self.process.send_signal(signal_num) def consume_output(self) -> None: """Pass program's output to the consumers.""" if self.process is None or not self.output_consumers: return for line in self.stdout(): for consumer in self.output_consumers: consumer.feed(line) def stop( self, wait: bool = True, num_of_attempts: int = 5, interval: float = 0.5 ) -> None: """Stop execution.""" try: if not self.is_alive(): return self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) self.consume_output() if not wait: return for _ in range(num_of_attempts): time.sleep(interval) if not self.is_alive(): break else: raise Exception("Unable to stop running command") finally: self._close_fd() def _close_fd(self) -> None: """Close file descriptors.""" def close(file_descriptor: Any) -> None: """Check and close file.""" if file_descriptor is not None and hasattr(file_descriptor, "close"): file_descriptor.close() close(self.process.stdout) close(self.process.stderr) def wait(self, redirect_output: bool = False) -> None: """Redirect process output to stdout and wait for completion.""" if redirect_output: for line in self.stdout(): print(line, end="") self.process.wait() class CommandExecutor: """Command executor.""" @staticmethod def execute(command: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]: """Execute the command.""" result = subprocess.run( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True ) return (result.returncode, result.stdout, result.stderr) @staticmethod def submit(command: List[str]) -> RunningCommand: """Submit command for the execution.""" process = subprocess.Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, # redirect command stderr to stdout universal_newlines=True, bufsize=1, ) return RunningCommand(process) @contextmanager def working_directory( working_dir: Path, create_dir: bool = False ) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: """Temporary change working directory.""" current_working_dir = Path.cwd() if create_dir: working_dir.mkdir() os.chdir(working_dir) try: yield working_dir finally: os.chdir(current_working_dir)