# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Functions for checking TensorFlow Lite compatibility.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import auto from enum import Enum from typing import Any from typing import cast from typing import List import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.lite.python import convert from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import get_tflite_converter from mlia.utils.logging import redirect_raw_output TF_VERSION_MAJOR, TF_VERSION_MINOR, _ = (int(s) for s in tf.version.VERSION.split(".")) # pylint: disable=import-error,ungrouped-imports if (TF_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 and TF_VERSION_MINOR > 7) or TF_VERSION_MAJOR > 2: from tensorflow.lite.python.metrics import converter_error_data_pb2 else: from tensorflow.lite.python.metrics_wrapper import converter_error_data_pb2 # pylint: enable=import-error,ungrouped-imports logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TFLiteConversionErrorCode(Enum): """TensorFlow Lite conversion error codes.""" NEEDS_FLEX_OPS = auto() NEEDS_CUSTOM_OPS = auto() UNSUPPORTED_CONTROL_FLOW_V1 = auto() GPU_NOT_COMPATIBLE = auto() UNKNOWN = auto() @dataclass class TFLiteConversionError: """TensorFlow Lite conversion error details.""" message: str code: TFLiteConversionErrorCode operator: str location: list[str] @dataclass class TFLiteCompatibilityInfo: """TensorFlow Lite compatibility information.""" compatible: bool conversion_exception: Exception | None = None conversion_errors: list[TFLiteConversionError] | None = None def unsupported_ops_by_code(self, code: TFLiteConversionErrorCode) -> list[str]: """Filter unsupported operators by error code.""" if not self.conversion_errors: return [] return [err.operator for err in self.conversion_errors if err.code == code] class TFLiteChecker: """Class for checking TensorFlow Lite compatibility.""" def __init__(self, quantized: bool = False) -> None: """Init TensorFlow Lite checker.""" self.quantized = quantized def check_compatibility(self, model: Any) -> TFLiteCompatibilityInfo: """Check TensorFlow Lite compatibility for the provided model.""" try: logger.debug("Check TensorFlow Lite compatibility for %s", model) converter = get_tflite_converter(model, quantized=self.quantized) # there is an issue with intercepting TensorFlow output # not all output could be captured, for now just intercept # stderr output with redirect_raw_output( logging.getLogger("tensorflow"), stdout_level=None ): converter.convert() except convert.ConverterError as err: return self._process_exception(err) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except return TFLiteCompatibilityInfo(compatible=False, conversion_exception=err) else: return TFLiteCompatibilityInfo(compatible=True) def _process_exception( self, err: convert.ConverterError ) -> TFLiteCompatibilityInfo: """Parse error details if possible.""" conversion_errors = None if hasattr(err, "errors"): conversion_errors = [ TFLiteConversionError( message=error.error_message.splitlines()[0], code=self._convert_error_code(error.error_code), operator=error.operator.name, location=cast( List[str], [loc.name for loc in error.location.call if loc.name] if hasattr(error, "location") else [], ), ) for error in err.errors ] return TFLiteCompatibilityInfo( compatible=False, conversion_exception=err, conversion_errors=conversion_errors, ) @staticmethod def _convert_error_code(code: int) -> TFLiteConversionErrorCode: """Convert internal error codes.""" # pylint: disable=no-member error_data = converter_error_data_pb2.ConverterErrorData if code == error_data.ERROR_NEEDS_FLEX_OPS: return TFLiteConversionErrorCode.NEEDS_FLEX_OPS if code == error_data.ERROR_NEEDS_CUSTOM_OPS: return TFLiteConversionErrorCode.NEEDS_CUSTOM_OPS if code == error_data.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONTROL_FLOW_V1: return TFLiteConversionErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_CONTROL_FLOW_V1 if code == converter_error_data_pb2.ConverterErrorData.ERROR_GPU_NOT_COMPATIBLE: return TFLiteConversionErrorCode.GPU_NOT_COMPATIBLE # pylint: enable=no-member return TFLiteConversionErrorCode.UNKNOWN