# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023-2024, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Contains class RewritingOptimizer to replace a subgraph/layer of a model.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import tempfile from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable import tensorflow_model_optimization as tfmot from keras.api._v2 import keras # Temporary workaround for now: MLIA-1107 from mlia.core.errors import ConfigurationError from mlia.core.reporting import Column from mlia.core.reporting import Format from mlia.core.reporting import Table from mlia.nn.common import Optimizer from mlia.nn.common import OptimizerConfiguration from mlia.nn.rewrite.core.train import train from mlia.nn.rewrite.core.train import TrainingParameters from mlia.nn.rewrite.library.fc_layer import get_keras_model as fc_rewrite from mlia.nn.rewrite.library.fc_sparsity24_layer import ( get_keras_model as fc_rewrite_sparsity24, ) from mlia.nn.tensorflow.config import TFLiteModel from mlia.utils.registry import Registry logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RewriteCallable = Callable[[Any, Any], keras.Model] class Rewrite(ABC): """Abstract class for rewrite logic to be used by RewritingOptimizer.""" def __init__(self, name: str, rewrite_fn: RewriteCallable): """Initialize a Rewrite instance with a given name and an optional function.""" self.name = name self.function = rewrite_fn def __call__(self, input_shape: Any, output_shape: Any) -> keras.Model: """Perform the rewrite operation using the configured function.""" try: return self.function(input_shape, output_shape) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeError(f"Rewrite '{self.name}' failed.") from ex @abstractmethod def quantize(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Return a quantized model if required.""" @abstractmethod def training_callbacks(self) -> list: """Return default rewrite callbacks.""" @abstractmethod def post_process(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Return default post-processing rewrite options.""" class QATRewrite(Rewrite): """Logic for rewrites requiring quantization-aware training.""" def pruning_preserved_quantization( self, model: keras.Model, ) -> keras.Model: """Apply pruning-preserved quantization training to a given model.""" model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_annotate_model(model) model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_apply( model, tfmot.experimental.combine.Default8BitPrunePreserveQuantizeScheme(), ) return model class FullyConnectedRewrite(Rewrite): """Graph rewrite logic for fully-connected rewrite.""" def quantize(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Return a quantized model if required.""" model = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantize_model(model) return model def training_callbacks(self) -> list: """Return default rewrite callbacks.""" return [] def post_process(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Return default post-processing rewrite options.""" return model class Sparsity24Rewrite(QATRewrite): """Graph rewrite logic for fully-connected-sparsity24 rewrite.""" pruning_callback = tfmot.sparsity.keras.UpdatePruningStep strip_pruning_wrapper = staticmethod(tfmot.sparsity.keras.strip_pruning) def quantize(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Skip quantization when using pruning rewrite.""" return model def training_callbacks(self) -> list: """Return pruning-specific rewrite callback.""" return [self.pruning_callback()] def post_process(self, model: keras.Model) -> keras.Model: """Pruning-specific post-processing rewrite options.""" return self.strip_pruning_wrapper(model) class RewriteRegistry(Registry[Rewrite]): """Registry rewrite functions.""" def __init__(self, rewrites: list[Rewrite] | None = None): """Set up a rewrite registry. Can optionally initialise with name->function pairs to be automatically loaded on demand """ super().__init__() if rewrites: for rewrite in rewrites: self.register_rewrite(rewrite) def register_rewrite(self, rewrite: Rewrite) -> bool: """Register a rewrite.""" return super().register(rewrite.name, rewrite) @dataclass class RewriteConfiguration(OptimizerConfiguration): """Rewrite configuration.""" optimization_target: str layers_to_optimize: list[str] | None = None dataset: Path | None = None train_params: TrainingParameters = TrainingParameters() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of the configuration.""" return f"rewrite: {self.optimization_target}" class RewritingOptimizer(Optimizer): """RewritingOptimizer class for basic rewrite flow.""" registry = RewriteRegistry( [ FullyConnectedRewrite("fully-connected", fc_rewrite), Sparsity24Rewrite("fully-connected-sparsity24", fc_rewrite_sparsity24), FullyConnectedRewrite("fully-connected-clustering", fc_rewrite), ] ) def __init__( self, tflite_model_path: Path, optimizer_configuration: RewriteConfiguration ): """Init RewritingOptimizer instance.""" self.model = TFLiteModel(tflite_model_path) self.model_path = tflite_model_path self.optimizer_configuration = optimizer_configuration @classmethod def builtin_rewrite_names(cls) -> list: """Return all registered rewrite names.""" return cls.registry.names() def apply_optimization(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Apply the rewrite flow.""" rewrite = RewritingOptimizer.registry.items[ self.optimizer_configuration.optimization_target ] is_qat = isinstance(rewrite, QATRewrite) use_unmodified_model = True tflite_model = self.model.model_path tfrecord = str(self.optimizer_configuration.dataset) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmp_output = Path(tmp_dir, "output.tflite") if not self.optimizer_configuration.layers_to_optimize: raise ConfigurationError( "Input and output tensor names need to be set for rewrite." ) orig_vs_repl_stats, total_stats = train( source_model=tflite_model, unmodified_model=tflite_model if use_unmodified_model else None, output_model=str(tmp_output), input_tfrec=str(tfrecord), rewrite=rewrite, input_tensors=[self.optimizer_configuration.layers_to_optimize[0]], output_tensors=[self.optimizer_configuration.layers_to_optimize[1]], is_qat=is_qat, train_params=self.optimizer_configuration.train_params, ) if orig_vs_repl_stats: model_stats: list = [] cp_param = self.optimizer_configuration.train_params.checkpoint_at checkpoints = ( [ "At checkpoint " + str(checkpoint) + " steps" for checkpoint in cp_param ] if cp_param else [] ) checkpoints.append("All Steps") for checkpoint, orig_vs_repl_stat in zip(checkpoints, orig_vs_repl_stats): model_stats.append( ["Replaced sub-graph: " + checkpoint] + [f"{stat:.3f}" for stat in orig_vs_repl_stat] ) total = ["Total model"] + [f"{stat:.3f}" for stat in total_stats] notes = ( "These metrics show the difference between original model\n" "and the model optimized by the rewrite. The models are\n" "compared at two positions: directly after the replaced\n" "sub-graph and at the model output.\n" "MAE = Mean Absolute Error\n" "NRMSE = Normalized Root Mean Square Error" ) table = Table( columns=[ Column( "Original vs. Optimized", alias="metric", fmt=Format(wrap_width=40), ), Column("MAE", alias="value", fmt=Format(wrap_width=15)), Column("NRMSE", alias="value", fmt=Format(wrap_width=15)), ], rows=[*model_stats, total], name="Rewrite performance metrics", alias="rewrite_performance_metrics", notes=notes, ) logger.info(table.to_plain_text(show_title=True)) self.model = TFLiteModel(tmp_output) def get_model(self) -> TFLiteModel: """Return optimized model.""" return self.model def optimization_config(self) -> str: """Optimization configurations.""" return str(self.optimizer_configuration)