# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Reporting module.""" from __future__ import annotations import json import logging from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from contextlib import ExitStack from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial from io import TextIOWrapper from pathlib import Path from textwrap import fill from textwrap import indent from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Collection from typing import Generator from typing import Iterable import numpy as np from mlia.core.typing import FileLike from mlia.core.typing import OutputFormat from mlia.core.typing import PathOrFileLike from mlia.utils.console import apply_style from mlia.utils.console import produce_table from mlia.utils.logging import LoggerWriter from mlia.utils.types import is_list_of logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OUTPUT_FORMATS = ("json",) class Report(ABC): """Abstract class for the report.""" @abstractmethod def to_json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Convert to json serializible format.""" @abstractmethod def to_plain_text(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Convert to human readable format.""" class ReportItem: """Item of the report.""" def __init__( self, name: str, alias: str | None = None, value: str | int | Cell | None = None, nested_items: list[ReportItem] | None = None, ) -> None: """Init the report item.""" self.name = name self.alias = alias self.value = value self.nested_items = nested_items or [] @property def compound(self) -> bool: """Return true if item has nested items.""" return self.nested_items is not None and len(self.nested_items) > 0 @property def raw_value(self) -> Any: """Get actual item value.""" val = self.value if isinstance(val, Cell): return val.value return val @dataclass class Format: """Column or cell format. Format could be applied either to a column or an individual cell. :param wrap_width: width of the wrapped text value :param str_fmt: string format to be applied to the value :param style: text style """ wrap_width: int | None = None str_fmt: str | Callable[[Any], str] | None = None style: str | None = None @dataclass class Cell: """Cell definition. This a wrapper class for a particular value in the table. Could be used for applying specific format to this value. """ value: Any fmt: Format | None = None def _apply_style(self, value: str) -> str: """Apply style to the value.""" if self.fmt and self.fmt.style: value = apply_style(value, self.fmt.style) return value def _get_value(self) -> str: """Return cell value.""" if self.fmt: if isinstance(self.fmt.str_fmt, str): return f"{self.value:{self.fmt.str_fmt}}" if callable(self.fmt.str_fmt): return self.fmt.str_fmt(self.value) return str(self.value) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string representation.""" val = self._get_value() return self._apply_style(val) def to_json(self) -> Any: """Cell definition for json.""" return self.value class CountAwareCell(Cell): """Count aware cell.""" def __init__( self, value: int | float | None, singular: str, plural: str, format_string: str = ",d", ): """Init cell instance.""" self.unit = singular if value == 1 else plural def format_value(val: int | float | None) -> str: """Provide string representation for the value.""" if val is None: return "" if val == 1: return f"1 {singular}" return f"{val:{format_string}} {plural}" super().__init__(value, Format(str_fmt=format_value)) def to_json(self) -> Any: """Cell definition for json.""" return {"value": self.value, "unit": self.unit} class BytesCell(CountAwareCell): """Cell that represents memory size.""" def __init__(self, value: int | None) -> None: """Init cell instance.""" super().__init__(value, "byte", "bytes") class CyclesCell(CountAwareCell): """Cell that represents cycles.""" def __init__(self, value: int | float | None) -> None: """Init cell instance.""" super().__init__(value, "cycle", "cycles", ",.0f") class ClockCell(CountAwareCell): """Cell that represents clock value.""" def __init__(self, value: int | float | None) -> None: """Init cell instance.""" super().__init__(value, "Hz", "Hz", ",.0f") class Column: """Column definition.""" def __init__( self, header: str, alias: str | None = None, fmt: Format | None = None, only_for: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Init column definition. :param header: column's header :param alias: columns's alias, could be used as column's name :param fmt: format that will be applied for all column's values :param only_for: list of the formats where this column should be represented. May be used to differentiate data representation in different formats """ self.header = header self.alias = alias self.fmt = fmt self.only_for = only_for def supports_format(self, fmt: OutputFormat) -> bool: """Return true if column should be shown.""" return not self.only_for or fmt in self.only_for class NestedReport(Report): """Report with nested items.""" def __init__(self, name: str, alias: str, items: list[ReportItem]) -> None: """Init nested report.""" self.name = name self.alias = alias self.items = items def to_json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Convert to json serializible format.""" per_parent: dict[ReportItem | None, dict] = defaultdict(dict) result = per_parent[None] def collect_as_dicts( item: ReportItem, parent: ReportItem | None, _prev: ReportItem | None, _level: int, ) -> None: """Collect item values as nested dictionaries.""" parent_dict = per_parent[parent] if item.compound: item_dict = per_parent[item] parent_dict[item.alias] = item_dict else: out_dis = ( item.value.to_json() if isinstance(item.value, Cell) else item.raw_value ) parent_dict[item.alias] = out_dis self._traverse(self.items, collect_as_dicts) return {self.alias: result} def to_plain_text(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Convert to human readable format.""" header = f"{self.name}:\n" processed_items = [] def convert_to_text( item: ReportItem, _parent: ReportItem | None, prev: ReportItem | None, level: int, ) -> None: """Convert item to text representation.""" if level >= 1 and prev is not None and (item.compound or prev.compound): processed_items.append("") val = self._item_value(item, level) processed_items.append(val) self._traverse(self.items, convert_to_text) body = "\n".join(processed_items) return header + body @staticmethod def _item_value( item: ReportItem, level: int, tab_size: int = 2, column_width: int = 35 ) -> str: """Get report item value.""" shift = " " * tab_size * level if item.value is None: return f"{shift}{item.name}:" col1 = f"{shift}{item.name}".ljust(column_width) col2 = f"{item.value}".rjust(column_width) return col1 + col2 def _traverse( self, items: list[ReportItem], visit_item: Callable[ [ReportItem, ReportItem | None, ReportItem | None, int], None ], level: int = 1, parent: ReportItem | None = None, ) -> None: """Traverse through items.""" prev = None for item in items: visit_item(item, parent, prev, level) self._traverse(item.nested_items, visit_item, level + 1, item) prev = item class Table(Report): """Table definition. This class could be used for representing tabular data. """ def __init__( self, columns: list[Column], rows: Collection, name: str, alias: str | None = None, notes: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Init table definition. :param columns: list of the table's columns :param rows: list of the table's rows :param name: name of the table :param alias: alias for the table """ self.columns = columns self.rows = rows self.name = name self.alias = alias self.notes = notes def to_json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterable: """Convert table to dict object.""" def item_to_json(item: Any) -> Any: value = item if isinstance(item, Cell): value = item.value if isinstance(value, Table): return value.to_json() return value json_data = [ { col.alias or col.header: item_to_json(item) for (item, col) in zip(row, self.columns) if col.supports_format("json") } for row in self.rows ] if not self.alias: return json_data return {self.alias: json_data} def to_plain_text(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Produce report in human readable format.""" nested = kwargs.get("nested", False) show_headers = kwargs.get("show_headers", True) show_title = kwargs.get("show_title", True) table_style = kwargs.get("table_style", "default") space = kwargs.get("space", False) headers = ( [] if (nested or not show_headers) else [c.header for c in self.columns] ) def item_to_plain_text(item: Any, col: Column) -> str: """Convert item to text.""" if isinstance(item, Table): return item.to_plain_text(nested=True, **kwargs) if is_list_of(item, str): as_text = "\n".join(item) else: as_text = str(item) if col.fmt and col.fmt.wrap_width: as_text = fill(as_text, col.fmt.wrap_width) return as_text title = "" if show_title and not nested: title = f"{self.name}:\n" if space in (True, "top"): title = "\n" + title footer = "" if space in (True, "bottom"): footer = "\n" if self.notes: footer = "\n" + self.notes formatted_rows = ( ( item_to_plain_text(item, col) for item, col in zip(row, self.columns) if col.supports_format("plain_text") ) for row in self.rows ) if space == "between": formatted_table = "\n\n".join( produce_table([row], table_style=table_style) for row in formatted_rows ) else: formatted_table = produce_table( formatted_rows, headers=headers, table_style="nested" if nested else table_style, ) return title + formatted_table + footer class SingleRow(Table): """Table with a single row.""" def to_plain_text(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Produce report in human readable format.""" if len(self.rows) != 1: raise Exception("Table should have only one row") items = "\n".join( column.header.ljust(35) + str(item).rjust(25) for row in self.rows for item, column in zip(row, self.columns) if column.supports_format("plain_text") ) return "\n".join([f"{self.name}:", indent(items, " ")]) class CompoundReport(Report): """Compound report. This class could be used for producing multiple reports at once. """ def __init__(self, reports: list[Report]) -> None: """Init compound report instance.""" self.reports = reports def to_json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Convert to json serializible format. Method attempts to create compound dictionary based on provided parts. """ result: dict[str, Any] = {} for item in self.reports: result.update(item.to_json(**kwargs)) return result def to_plain_text(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Convert to human readable format.""" return "\n".join(item.to_plain_text(**kwargs) for item in self.reports) class CompoundFormatter: """Compound data formatter.""" def __init__(self, formatters: list[Callable]) -> None: """Init compound formatter.""" self.formatters = formatters def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Report: """Produce report.""" reports = [formatter(item) for item, formatter in zip(data, self.formatters)] return CompoundReport(reports) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSON encoder.""" def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: """Support numpy types.""" if isinstance(o, np.integer): return int(o) if isinstance(o, np.floating): return float(o) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def json_reporter(report: Report, output: FileLike, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Produce report in json format.""" json_str = json.dumps(report.to_json(**kwargs), indent=4, cls=CustomJSONEncoder) print(json_str, file=output) def text_reporter(report: Report, output: FileLike, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Produce report in text format.""" print(report.to_plain_text(**kwargs), file=output) def produce_report( data: Any, formatter: Callable[[Any], Report], fmt: OutputFormat = "plain_text", output: PathOrFileLike | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Produce report based on provided data.""" # check if provided format value is supported formats = {"json": json_reporter, "plain_text": text_reporter} if fmt not in formats: raise Exception(f"Unknown format {fmt}") if output is None: output = cast(TextIOWrapper, LoggerWriter(logger, logging.INFO)) with ExitStack() as exit_stack: if isinstance(output, (str, Path)): # open file and add it to the ExitStack context manager # in that case it will be automatically closed stream = exit_stack.enter_context(open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8")) else: stream = cast(TextIOWrapper, output) # convert data into serializable form formatted_data = formatter(data) # find handler for the format format_handler = formats[fmt] # produce report in requested format format_handler(formatted_data, stream, **kwargs) class Reporter: """Reporter class.""" def __init__( self, formatter_resolver: Callable[[Any], Callable[[Any], Report]], output_format: OutputFormat = "plain_text", print_as_submitted: bool = True, ) -> None: """Init reporter instance.""" self.formatter_resolver = formatter_resolver self.output_format = output_format self.print_as_submitted = print_as_submitted self.data: list[tuple[Any, Callable[[Any], Report]]] = [] self.delayed: list[tuple[Any, Callable[[Any], Report]]] = [] def submit(self, data_item: Any, delay_print: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Submit data for the report.""" if self.print_as_submitted and not delay_print: produce_report( data_item, self.formatter_resolver(data_item), fmt="plain_text", **kwargs, ) formatter = _apply_format_parameters( self.formatter_resolver(data_item), self.output_format, **kwargs ) self.data.append((data_item, formatter)) if delay_print: self.delayed.append((data_item, formatter)) def print_delayed(self) -> None: """Print delayed reports.""" if not self.delayed: return data, formatters = zip(*self.delayed) produce_report( data, formatter=CompoundFormatter(formatters), fmt="plain_text", ) self.delayed = [] def generate_report(self, output: PathOrFileLike | None) -> None: """Generate report.""" already_printed = ( self.print_as_submitted and self.output_format == "plain_text" and output is None ) if not self.data or already_printed: return data, formatters = zip(*self.data) produce_report( data, formatter=CompoundFormatter(formatters), fmt=self.output_format, output=output, ) @contextmanager def get_reporter( output_format: OutputFormat, output: PathOrFileLike | None, formatter_resolver: Callable[[Any], Callable[[Any], Report]], ) -> Generator[Reporter, None, None]: """Get reporter and generate report.""" reporter = Reporter(formatter_resolver, output_format) yield reporter reporter.generate_report(output) def _apply_format_parameters( formatter: Callable[[Any], Report], output_format: OutputFormat, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[Any], Report]: """Wrap report method.""" def wrapper(data: Any) -> Report: report = formatter(data) method_name = f"to_{output_format}" method = getattr(report, method_name) setattr(report, method_name, partial(method, **kwargs)) return report return wrapper