# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Module for the events and related functionality. This module represents one of the main component of the workflow - events publishing and provides a way for delivering results to the calling application. Each component of the workflow can generate events of specific type. Application can subscribe and react to those events. """ import traceback import uuid from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import asdict from dataclasses import dataclass from dataclasses import field from functools import singledispatchmethod from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Generator from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from mlia.core.common import DataItem @dataclass class Event: """Base class for the events. This class is used as a root node of the events class hierarchy. """ event_id: str = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Generate unique ID for the event.""" self.event_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) def compare_without_id(self, other: "Event") -> bool: """Compare two events without event_id field.""" if not isinstance(other, Event) or self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False self_as_dict = asdict(self) self_as_dict.pop("event_id") other_as_dict = asdict(other) other_as_dict.pop("event_id") return self_as_dict == other_as_dict @dataclass class ChildEvent(Event): """Child event. This class could be used to link event with the parent event. """ parent_event_id: str @dataclass class ActionStartedEvent(Event): """Action started event. This event is published when some action has been started. """ action_type: str params: Optional[Dict] = None @dataclass class SubActionEvent(ChildEvent): """SubAction event. This event could be used to represent some action during parent action. """ action_type: str params: Optional[Dict] = None @dataclass class ActionFinishedEvent(ChildEvent): """Action finished event. This event is published when some action has been finished. """ @dataclass class SystemEvent(Event): """System event. System event class represents events that published by components of the core module. Most common example is an workflow executor that publishes number of system events for starting/completion of different stages/workflow. Events that published by components outside of core module should not use this class as base class. """ @dataclass class ExecutionStartedEvent(SystemEvent): """Execution started event. This event is published when workflow execution started. """ @dataclass class ExecutionFinishedEvent(SystemEvent): """Execution finished event. This event is published when workflow execution finished. """ @dataclass class ExecutionFailedEvent(SystemEvent): """Execution failed event.""" err: Exception @dataclass class DataCollectionStageStartedEvent(SystemEvent): """Data collection stage started. This event is published when data collection stage started. """ @dataclass class DataCollectorSkippedEvent(SystemEvent): """Data collector skipped event. This event is published when particular data collector can not provide data for the provided parameters. """ data_collector: str reason: str @dataclass class DataCollectionStageFinishedEvent(SystemEvent): """Data collection stage finished. This event is published when data collection stage finished. """ @dataclass class DataAnalysisStageStartedEvent(SystemEvent): """Data analysis stage started. This event is published when data analysis stage started. """ @dataclass class DataAnalysisStageFinishedEvent(SystemEvent): """Data analysis stage finished. This event is published when data analysis stage finished. """ @dataclass class AdviceStageStartedEvent(SystemEvent): """Advace producing stage started. This event is published when advice generation stage started. """ @dataclass class AdviceStageFinishedEvent(SystemEvent): """Advace producing stage finished. This event is published when advice generation stage finished. """ @dataclass class CollectedDataEvent(SystemEvent): """Collected data event. This event is published for every collected data item. :param data_item: collected data item """ data_item: DataItem @dataclass class AnalyzedDataEvent(SystemEvent): """Analyzed data event. This event is published for every analyzed data item. :param data_item: analyzed data item """ data_item: DataItem class EventHandler: """Base class for the event handlers. Each event handler should derive from this base class. """ def handle_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Handle the event. By default all published events are being passed to each registered event handler. It is handler's responsibility to filter events that it interested in. """ class DebugEventHandler(EventHandler): """Event handler for debugging purposes. This handler could print every published event to the standard output. """ def __init__(self, with_stacktrace: bool = False) -> None: """Init event handler. :param with_stacktrace: enable printing stacktrace of the place where event publishing occurred. """ self.with_stacktrace = with_stacktrace def handle_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Handle event.""" print(f"Got event {event}") if self.with_stacktrace: traceback.print_stack() class EventDispatcherMetaclass(type): """Metaclass for event dispatching. It could be tedious to check type of the published event inside event handler. Instead the following convention could be established: if method name of the class starts with some prefix then it is considered to be event handler of particular type. This metaclass goes through the list of class methods and links all methods with the prefix "on_" to the common dispatcher method. """ def __new__( cls, clsname: str, bases: Tuple, namespace: Dict[str, Any], event_handler_method_prefix: str = "on_", ) -> Any: """Create event dispatcher and link event handlers.""" new_class = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, namespace) @singledispatchmethod def dispatcher(_self: Any, _event: Event) -> Any: """Event dispatcher.""" # get all class methods which starts with particular prefix event_handler_methods = ( (item_name, item) for item_name in dir(new_class) if callable((item := getattr(new_class, item_name))) and item_name.startswith(event_handler_method_prefix) ) # link all collected event handlers to one dispatcher method for method_name, method in event_handler_methods: event_handler = dispatcher.register(method) setattr(new_class, method_name, event_handler) # override default handle_event method, replace it with the # dispatcher setattr(new_class, "handle_event", dispatcher) return new_class class EventDispatcher(EventHandler, metaclass=EventDispatcherMetaclass): """Event dispatcher.""" class EventPublisher(ABC): """Base class for the event publisher. Event publisher is a intermidiate component between event emitter and event consumer. """ @abstractmethod def register_event_handler(self, event_handler: EventHandler) -> None: """Register event handler. :param event_handler: instance of the event handler """ def register_event_handlers( self, event_handlers: Optional[List[EventHandler]] ) -> None: """Register event handlers. Can be used for batch registration of the event handlers: :param event_handlers: list of the event handler instances """ if not event_handlers: return for handler in event_handlers: self.register_event_handler(handler) @abstractmethod def publish_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Publish the event. Deliver the event to the all registered event handlers. :param event: event instance """ class DefaultEventPublisher(EventPublisher): """Default event publishing implementation. Simple implementation that maintains list of the registered event handlers. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Init the event publisher.""" self.handlers: List[EventHandler] = [] def register_event_handler(self, event_handler: EventHandler) -> None: """Register the event handler. :param event_handler: instance of the event handler """ self.handlers.append(event_handler) def publish_event(self, event: Event) -> None: """Publish the event. Publisher does not catch exceptions that could be raised by event handlers. """ for handler in self.handlers: handler.handle_event(event) @contextmanager def stage( publisher: EventPublisher, events: Tuple[Event, Event] ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Generate events before and after stage. This context manager could be used to mark start/finish execution of a particular logical part of the workflow. """ started, finished = events publisher.publish_event(started) yield publisher.publish_event(finished) @contextmanager def action( publisher: EventPublisher, action_type: str, params: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Generate events before and after action.""" action_started = ActionStartedEvent(action_type, params) action_finished = ActionFinishedEvent(action_started.event_id) publisher.publish_event(action_started) yield publisher.publish_event(action_finished)