# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """CLI commands module. This module contains functions which implement main app functionality. Before running them from scripts 'logging' module should be configured. Function 'setup_logging' from module 'mli.cli.logging' could be used for that, e.g. >>> from mlia.api import ExecutionContext >>> from mlia.cli.logging import setup_logging >>> setup_logging(verbose=True) >>> import mlia.cli.commands as mlia >>> mlia.all_tests(ExecutionContext(working_dir="mlia_output"), "ethos-u55-256", "path/to/model") """ from __future__ import annotations import logging from pathlib import Path from mlia.api import ExecutionContext from mlia.api import generate_supported_operators_report from mlia.api import get_advice from mlia.api import PathOrFileLike from mlia.cli.config import get_installation_manager from mlia.cli.options import parse_optimization_parameters from mlia.utils.console import create_section_header logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG = create_section_header("ML Inference Advisor configuration") def all_tests( ctx: ExecutionContext, target_profile: str, model: str, optimization_type: str = "pruning,clustering", optimization_target: str = "0.5,32", output: PathOrFileLike | None = None, evaluate_on: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Generate a full report on the input model. This command runs a series of tests in order to generate a comprehensive report/advice: - converts the input Keras model into TensorFlow Lite format - checks the model for operator compatibility on the specified device - applies optimizations to the model and estimates the resulting performance on both the original and the optimized models - generates a final report on the steps above - provides advice on how to (possibly) improve the inference performance :param ctx: execution context :param target_profile: target profile identifier. Will load appropriate parameters from the profile.json file based on this argument. :param model: path to the Keras model :param optimization_type: list of the optimization techniques separated by comma, e.g. 'pruning,clustering' :param optimization_target: list of the corresponding targets for the provided optimization techniques, e.g. '0.5,32' :param output: path to the file where the report will be saved :param evaluate_on: list of the backends to use for evaluation Example: Run command for the target profile ethos-u55-256 with two model optimizations and save report in json format locally in the file report.json >>> from mlia.api import ExecutionContext >>> from mlia.cli.logging import setup_logging >>> setup_logging() >>> from mlia.cli.commands import all_tests >>> all_tests(ExecutionContext(working_dir="mlia_output"), "ethos-u55-256", "model.h5", "pruning,clustering", "0.5,32", output="report.json") """ opt_params = parse_optimization_parameters( optimization_type, optimization_target, ) get_advice( target_profile, model, "all", optimization_targets=opt_params, output=output, context=ctx, backends=evaluate_on, ) def operators( ctx: ExecutionContext, target_profile: str, model: str | None = None, output: PathOrFileLike | None = None, supported_ops_report: bool = False, ) -> None: """Print the model's operator list. This command checks the operator compatibility of the input model with the specific target profile. Generates a report of the operator placement (NPU or CPU fallback) and advice on how to improve it (if necessary). :param ctx: execution context :param target_profile: target profile identifier. Will load appropriate parameters from the profile.json file based on this argument. :param model: path to the model, which can be TensorFlow Lite or Keras :param output: path to the file where the report will be saved :param supported_ops_report: if True then generates supported operators report in current directory and exits Example: Run command for the target profile ethos-u55-256 and the provided TensorFlow Lite model and print report on the standard output >>> from mlia.api import ExecutionContext >>> from mlia.cli.logging import setup_logging >>> setup_logging() >>> from mlia.cli.commands import operators >>> operators(ExecutionContext(working_dir="mlia_output"), "ethos-u55-256", "model.tflite") """ if supported_ops_report: generate_supported_operators_report(target_profile) logger.info("Report saved into SUPPORTED_OPS.md") return if not model: raise Exception("Model is not provided") get_advice( target_profile, model, "operators", output=output, context=ctx, ) def performance( ctx: ExecutionContext, target_profile: str, model: str, output: PathOrFileLike | None = None, evaluate_on: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Print the model's performance stats. This command estimates the inference performance of the input model on the specified target profile, and generates a report with advice on how to improve it. :param ctx: execution context :param target_profile: target profile identifier. Will load appropriate parameters from the profile.json file based on this argument. :param model: path to the model, which can be TensorFlow Lite or Keras :param output: path to the file where the report will be saved :param evaluate_on: list of the backends to use for evaluation Example: Run command for the target profile ethos-u55-256 and the provided TensorFlow Lite model and print report on the standard output >>> from mlia.api import ExecutionContext >>> from mlia.cli.logging import setup_logging >>> setup_logging() >>> from mlia.cli.commands import performance >>> performance(ExecutionContext(working_dir="mlia_output"), "ethos-u55-256", "model.tflite") """ get_advice( target_profile, model, "performance", output=output, context=ctx, backends=evaluate_on, ) def optimization( ctx: ExecutionContext, target_profile: str, model: str, optimization_type: str, optimization_target: str, layers_to_optimize: list[str] | None = None, output: PathOrFileLike | None = None, evaluate_on: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Show the performance improvements (if any) after applying the optimizations. This command applies the selected optimization techniques (up to the indicated targets) and generates a report with advice on how to improve the inference performance (if possible). :param ctx: execution context :param target: target profile identifier. Will load appropriate parameters from the profile.json file based on this argument. :param model: path to the TensorFlow Lite model :param optimization_type: list of the optimization techniques separated by comma, e.g. 'pruning,clustering' :param optimization_target: list of the corresponding targets for the provided optimization techniques, e.g. '0.5,32' :param layers_to_optimize: list of the layers of the model which should be optimized, if None then all layers are used :param output: path to the file where the report will be saved :param evaluate_on: list of the backends to use for evaluation Example: Run command for the target profile ethos-u55-256 and the provided TensorFlow Lite model and print report on the standard output >>> from mlia.cli.logging import setup_logging >>> setup_logging() >>> from mlia.cli.commands import optimization >>> optimization(ExecutionContext(working_dir="mlia_output"), target="ethos-u55-256", "model.tflite", "pruning", "0.5") """ opt_params = parse_optimization_parameters( optimization_type, optimization_target, layers_to_optimize=layers_to_optimize, ) get_advice( target_profile, model, "optimization", optimization_targets=opt_params, output=output, context=ctx, backends=evaluate_on, ) def backend_install( name: str, path: Path | None = None, i_agree_to_the_contained_eula: bool = False, noninteractive: bool = False, force: bool = False, ) -> None: """Install backend.""" logger.info(CONFIG) manager = get_installation_manager(noninteractive) if path is not None: manager.install_from(path, name, force) else: eula_agreement = not i_agree_to_the_contained_eula manager.download_and_install(name, eula_agreement, force) def backend_uninstall(name: str) -> None: """Uninstall backend.""" logger.info(CONFIG) manager = get_installation_manager(noninteractive=True) manager.uninstall(name) def backend_list() -> None: """List backends status.""" logger.info(CONFIG) manager = get_installation_manager(noninteractive=True) manager.show_env_details()