# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Processes module. This module contains all classes and functions for dealing with Linux processes. """ import csv import datetime import logging import shlex import signal import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import List from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple import psutil from sh import Command from sh import CommandNotFound from sh import ErrorReturnCode from sh import RunningCommand from mlia.backend.fs import valid_for_filename class CommandFailedException(Exception): """Exception for failed command execution.""" class ShellCommand: """Wrapper class for shell commands.""" def __init__(self, base_log_path: str = "/tmp") -> None: """Initialise the class. base_log_path: it is the base directory where logs will be stored """ self.base_log_path = base_log_path def run( self, cmd: str, *args: str, _cwd: Optional[Path] = None, _tee: bool = True, _bg: bool = True, _out: Any = None, _err: Any = None, _search_paths: Optional[List[Path]] = None ) -> RunningCommand: """Run the shell command with the given arguments. There are special arguments that modify the behaviour of the process. _cwd: current working directory _tee: it redirects the stdout both to console and file _bg: if True, it runs the process in background and the command is not blocking. _out: use this object for stdout redirect, _err: use this object for stderr redirect, _search_paths: If presented used for searching executable """ try: kwargs = {} if _cwd: kwargs["_cwd"] = str(_cwd) command = Command(cmd, _search_paths).bake(args, **kwargs) except CommandNotFound as error: logging.error("Command '%s' not found", error.args[0]) raise error out, err = _out, _err if not _out and not _err: out, err = [ str(item) for item in self.get_stdout_stderr_paths(self.base_log_path, cmd) ] return command(_out=out, _err=err, _tee=_tee, _bg=_bg, _bg_exc=False) @classmethod def get_stdout_stderr_paths(cls, base_log_path: str, cmd: str) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: """Construct and returns the paths of stdout/stderr files.""" timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() base_path = Path(base_log_path) base = base_path / "{}_{}".format(valid_for_filename(cmd, "_"), timestamp) stdout = base.with_suffix(".out") stderr = base.with_suffix(".err") try: stdout.touch() stderr.touch() except FileNotFoundError as error: logging.error("File not found: %s", error.filename) raise error return stdout, stderr def parse_command(command: str, shell: str = "bash") -> List[str]: """Parse command.""" cmd, *args = shlex.split(command, posix=True) if is_shell_script(cmd): args = [cmd] + args cmd = shell return [cmd] + args def get_stdout_stderr_paths( command: str, base_log_path: str = "/tmp" ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: """Construct and returns the paths of stdout/stderr files.""" cmd, *_ = parse_command(command) return ShellCommand.get_stdout_stderr_paths(base_log_path, cmd) def execute_command( # pylint: disable=invalid-name command: str, cwd: Path, bg: bool = False, shell: str = "bash", out: Any = None, err: Any = None, ) -> RunningCommand: """Execute shell command.""" cmd, *args = parse_command(command, shell) search_paths = None if cmd != shell and (cwd / cmd).is_file(): search_paths = [cwd] return ShellCommand().run( cmd, *args, _cwd=cwd, _bg=bg, _search_paths=search_paths, _out=out, _err=err ) def is_shell_script(cmd: str) -> bool: """Check if command is shell script.""" return cmd.endswith(".sh") def run_and_wait( command: str, cwd: Path, terminate_on_error: bool = False, out: Any = None, err: Any = None, ) -> Tuple[int, bytearray, bytearray]: """ Run command and wait while it is executing. Returns a tuple: (exit_code, stdout, stderr) """ running_cmd: Optional[RunningCommand] = None try: running_cmd = execute_command(command, cwd, bg=True, out=out, err=err) return running_cmd.exit_code, running_cmd.stdout, running_cmd.stderr except ErrorReturnCode as cmd_failed: raise CommandFailedException() from cmd_failed except Exception as error: is_running = running_cmd is not None and running_cmd.is_alive() if terminate_on_error and is_running: print("Terminating ...") terminate_command(running_cmd) raise error def terminate_command( running_cmd: RunningCommand, wait: bool = True, wait_period: float = 0.5, number_of_attempts: int = 20, ) -> None: """Terminate running command.""" try: running_cmd.process.signal_group(signal.SIGINT) if wait: for _ in range(number_of_attempts): time.sleep(wait_period) if not running_cmd.is_alive(): return print( "Unable to terminate process {}. Sending SIGTERM...".format( running_cmd.process.pid ) ) running_cmd.process.signal_group(signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: pass def terminate_external_process( process: psutil.Process, wait_period: float = 0.5, number_of_attempts: int = 20, wait_for_termination: float = 5.0, ) -> None: """Terminate external process.""" try: process.terminate() for _ in range(number_of_attempts): if not process.is_running(): return time.sleep(wait_period) if process.is_running(): process.terminate() time.sleep(wait_for_termination) except psutil.Error: print("Unable to terminate process") class ProcessInfo(NamedTuple): """Process information.""" name: str executable: str cwd: str pid: int def save_process_info(pid: int, pid_file: Path) -> None: """Save process information to file.""" try: parent = psutil.Process(pid) children = parent.children(recursive=True) family = [parent] + children with open(pid_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: csv_writer = csv.writer(file) for member in family: process_info = ProcessInfo( name=member.name(), executable=member.exe(), cwd=member.cwd(), pid=member.pid, ) csv_writer.writerow(process_info) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: # if process does not exist or finishes before # function call then nothing could be saved # just ignore this exception and exit pass def read_process_info(pid_file: Path) -> List[ProcessInfo]: """Read information about previous system processes.""" if not pid_file.is_file(): return [] result = [] with open(pid_file, encoding="utf-8") as file: csv_reader = csv.reader(file) for row in csv_reader: name, executable, cwd, pid = row result.append( ProcessInfo(name=name, executable=executable, cwd=cwd, pid=int(pid)) ) return result def print_command_stdout(command: RunningCommand) -> None: """Print the stdout of a command. The command has 2 states: running and done. If the command is running, the output is taken by the running process. If the command has ended its execution, the stdout is taken from stdout property """ if command.is_alive(): while True: try: print(command.next(), end="") except StopIteration: break else: print(command.stdout)