# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Module for installation process.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable from mlia.backend.corstone.install import get_corstone_installations from mlia.backend.install import DownloadAndInstall from mlia.backend.install import Installation from mlia.backend.install import InstallationType from mlia.backend.install import InstallFromPath from mlia.backend.tosa_checker.install import get_tosa_backend_installation from mlia.core.errors import ConfigurationError from mlia.core.errors import InternalError from mlia.utils.misc import yes logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) InstallationFilter = Callable[[Installation], bool] class AlreadyInstalledFilter: """Filter for already installed backends.""" def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.already_installed class ReadyForInstallationFilter: """Filter for ready to be installed backends.""" def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.could_be_installed and not installation.already_installed class SupportsInstallTypeFilter: """Filter backends that support certain type of the installation.""" def __init__(self, installation_type: InstallationType) -> None: """Init filter.""" self.installation_type = installation_type def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.supports(self.installation_type) class SearchByNameFilter: """Filter installation by name.""" def __init__(self, backend_name: str | None) -> None: """Init filter.""" self.backend_name = backend_name def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return ( not self.backend_name or installation.name.casefold() == self.backend_name.casefold() ) class InstallationManager(ABC): """Helper class for managing installations.""" @abstractmethod def install_from(self, backend_path: Path, backend_name: str, force: bool) -> None: """Install backend from the local directory.""" @abstractmethod def download_and_install( self, backend_name: str, eula_agreement: bool, force: bool ) -> None: """Download and install backends.""" @abstractmethod def show_env_details(self) -> None: """Show environment details.""" @abstractmethod def backend_installed(self, backend_name: str) -> bool: """Return true if requested backend installed.""" @abstractmethod def uninstall(self, backend_name: str) -> None: """Delete the existing installation.""" class InstallationFiltersMixin: """Mixin for filtering installation based on different conditions.""" installations: list[Installation] def filter_by(self, *filters: InstallationFilter) -> list[Installation]: """Filter installations.""" return [ installation for installation in self.installations if all(filter_(installation) for filter_ in filters) ] def find_by_name(self, backend_name: str) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of the backends filtered by name.""" return self.filter_by(SearchByNameFilter(backend_name)) def already_installed(self, backend_name: str = None) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of backends that are already installed.""" return self.filter_by( AlreadyInstalledFilter(), SearchByNameFilter(backend_name), ) def ready_for_installation(self) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of the backends that could be installed.""" return self.filter_by(ReadyForInstallationFilter()) class DefaultInstallationManager(InstallationManager, InstallationFiltersMixin): """Interactive installation manager.""" def __init__( self, installations: list[Installation], noninteractive: bool = False ) -> None: """Init the manager.""" self.installations = installations self.noninteractive = noninteractive def _install( self, backend_name: str, install_type: InstallationType, prompt: Callable[[Installation], str], force: bool, ) -> None: """Check metadata and install backend.""" installs = self.find_by_name(backend_name) if not installs: logger.info("Unknown backend '%s'.", backend_name) logger.info( "Please run command 'mlia-backend list' to get list of " "supported backend names." ) return if len(installs) > 1: raise InternalError(f"More than one backend with name {backend_name} found") installation = installs[0] if not installation.supports(install_type): if isinstance(install_type, InstallFromPath): logger.info( "Backend '%s' could not be installed using path '%s'.", installation.name, install_type.backend_path, ) logger.info( "Please check that '%s' is a valid path to the installed backend.", install_type.backend_path, ) else: logger.info( "Backend '%s' could not be downloaded and installed", installation.name, ) logger.info( "Please refer to the project's documentation for more details." ) return if installation.already_installed and not force: logger.info("Backend '%s' is already installed.", installation.name) logger.info("Please, consider using --force option.") return proceed = self.noninteractive or yes(prompt(installation)) if not proceed: logger.info("%s installation canceled.", installation.name) return if installation.already_installed and force: logger.info( "Force installing %s, so delete the existing " "installed backend first.", installation.name, ) installation.uninstall() installation.install(install_type) logger.info("%s successfully installed.", installation.name) def install_from( self, backend_path: Path, backend_name: str, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Install from the provided directory.""" def prompt(install: Installation) -> str: return ( f"{install.name} was found in {backend_path}. " "Would you like to install it?" ) install_type = InstallFromPath(backend_path) self._install(backend_name, install_type, prompt, force) def download_and_install( self, backend_name: str, eula_agreement: bool = True, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Download and install available backends.""" def prompt(install: Installation) -> str: return f"Would you like to download and install {install.name}?" install_type = DownloadAndInstall(eula_agreement=eula_agreement) self._install(backend_name, install_type, prompt, force) def show_env_details(self) -> None: """Print current state of the execution environment.""" if installed := self.already_installed(): self._print_installation_list("Installed backends:", installed) if could_be_installed := self.ready_for_installation(): self._print_installation_list( "Following backends could be installed:", could_be_installed, new_section=bool(installed), ) if not installed and not could_be_installed: logger.info("No backends installed") @staticmethod def _print_installation_list( header: str, installations: list[Installation], new_section: bool = False ) -> None: """Print list of the installations.""" logger.info("%s%s\n", "\n" if new_section else "", header) for installation in installations: logger.info(" - %s", installation.name) def uninstall(self, backend_name: str) -> None: """Uninstall the backend with name backend_name.""" installations = self.already_installed(backend_name) if not installations: raise ConfigurationError(f"Backend '{backend_name}' is not installed") if len(installations) != 1: raise InternalError( f"More than one installed backend with name {backend_name} found" ) installation = installations[0] installation.uninstall() logger.info("%s successfully uninstalled.", installation.name) def backend_installed(self, backend_name: str) -> bool: """Return true if requested backend installed.""" installations = self.already_installed(backend_name) return len(installations) == 1 def get_installation_manager(noninteractive: bool = False) -> InstallationManager: """Return installation manager.""" backends = get_corstone_installations() backends.append(get_tosa_backend_installation()) return DefaultInstallationManager(backends, noninteractive=noninteractive)