# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Module for installation process.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable from mlia.backend.install import DownloadAndInstall from mlia.backend.install import Installation from mlia.backend.install import InstallationType from mlia.backend.install import InstallFromPath from mlia.core.errors import ConfigurationError from mlia.core.errors import InternalError from mlia.utils.misc import yes logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) InstallationFilter = Callable[[Installation], bool] class AlreadyInstalledFilter: """Filter for already installed backends.""" def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.already_installed class ReadyForInstallationFilter: """Filter for ready to be installed backends.""" def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.could_be_installed and not installation.already_installed class SupportsInstallTypeFilter: """Filter backends that support certain type of the installation.""" def __init__(self, installation_type: InstallationType) -> None: """Init filter.""" self.installation_type = installation_type def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return installation.supports(self.installation_type) class SearchByNameFilter: """Filter installation by name.""" def __init__(self, backend_name: str | None) -> None: """Init filter.""" self.backend_name = backend_name def __call__(self, installation: Installation) -> bool: """Installation filter.""" return ( not self.backend_name or installation.name.casefold() == self.backend_name.casefold() ) class InstallationManager(ABC): """Helper class for managing installations.""" @abstractmethod def install_from(self, backend_path: Path, backend_name: str, force: bool) -> None: """Install backend from the local directory.""" @abstractmethod def download_and_install( self, backend_name: str, eula_agreement: bool, force: bool ) -> None: """Download and install backends.""" @abstractmethod def show_env_details(self) -> None: """Show environment details.""" @abstractmethod def backend_installed(self, backend_name: str) -> bool: """Return true if requested backend installed.""" @abstractmethod def uninstall(self, backend_name: str) -> None: """Delete the existing installation.""" class InstallationFiltersMixin: """Mixin for filtering installation based on different conditions.""" installations: list[Installation] def filter_by(self, *filters: InstallationFilter) -> list[Installation]: """Filter installations.""" return [ installation for installation in self.installations if all(filter_(installation) for filter_ in filters) ] def find_by_name(self, backend_name: str) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of the backends filtered by name.""" return self.filter_by(SearchByNameFilter(backend_name)) def already_installed(self, backend_name: str = None) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of backends that are already installed.""" return self.filter_by( AlreadyInstalledFilter(), SearchByNameFilter(backend_name), ) def ready_for_installation(self) -> list[Installation]: """Return list of the backends that could be installed.""" return self.filter_by(ReadyForInstallationFilter()) class DefaultInstallationManager(InstallationManager, InstallationFiltersMixin): """Interactive installation manager.""" def __init__( self, installations: list[Installation], noninteractive: bool = False ) -> None: """Init the manager.""" self.installations = installations self.noninteractive = noninteractive def _install( self, backend_name: str, install_type: InstallationType, prompt: Callable[[Installation], str], force: bool, ) -> None: """Check metadata and install backend.""" installs = self.find_by_name(backend_name) if not installs: logger.info("Unknown backend '%s'.", backend_name) logger.info( "Please run command 'mlia-backend list' to get list of " "supported backend names." ) return if len(installs) > 1: raise InternalError(f"More than one backend with name {backend_name} found") installation = installs[0] if not installation.supports(install_type): if isinstance(install_type, InstallFromPath): logger.info( "Backend '%s' could not be installed using path '%s'.", installation.name, install_type.backend_path, ) logger.info( "Please check that '%s' is a valid path to the installed backend.", install_type.backend_path, ) else: logger.info( "Backend '%s' could not be downloaded and installed", installation.name, ) logger.info( "Please refer to the project's documentation for more details." ) return if installation.already_installed and not force: logger.info("Backend '%s' is already installed.", installation.name) logger.info("Please, consider using --force option.") return proceed = self.noninteractive or yes(prompt(installation)) if not proceed: logger.info("%s installation canceled.", installation.name) return if installation.already_installed and force: logger.info( "Force installing %s, so delete the existing " "installed backend first.", installation.name, ) installation.uninstall() installation.install(install_type) logger.info("%s successfully installed.", installation.name) def install_from( self, backend_path: Path, backend_name: str, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Install from the provided directory.""" def prompt(install: Installation) -> str: return ( f"{install.name} was found in {backend_path}. " "Would you like to install it?" ) install_type = InstallFromPath(backend_path) self._install(backend_name, install_type, prompt, force) def download_and_install( self, backend_name: str, eula_agreement: bool = True, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Download and install available backends.""" def prompt(install: Installation) -> str: return f"Would you like to download and install {install.name}?" install_type = DownloadAndInstall(eula_agreement=eula_agreement) self._install(backend_name, install_type, prompt, force) def show_env_details(self) -> None: """Print current state of the execution environment.""" if installed := self.already_installed(): self._print_installation_list("Installed backends:", installed) if could_be_installed := self.ready_for_installation(): self._print_installation_list( "Following backends could be installed:", could_be_installed, new_section=bool(installed), ) if not installed and not could_be_installed: logger.info("No backends installed") @staticmethod def _print_installation_list( header: str, installations: list[Installation], new_section: bool = False ) -> None: """Print list of the installations.""" logger.info("%s%s\n", "\n" if new_section else "", header) for installation in installations: logger.info(" - %s", installation.name) def uninstall(self, backend_name: str) -> None: """Uninstall the backend with name backend_name.""" installations = self.already_installed(backend_name) if not installations: raise ConfigurationError(f"Backend '{backend_name}' is not installed") if len(installations) != 1: raise InternalError( f"More than one installed backend with name {backend_name} found" ) installation = installations[0] installation.uninstall() logger.info("%s successfully uninstalled.", installation.name) def backend_installed(self, backend_name: str) -> bool: """Return true if requested backend installed.""" installations = self.already_installed(backend_name) return len(installations) == 1