# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Module for backend integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import base64 import json import logging import re import subprocess # nosec from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from mlia.backend.errors import BackendExecutionFailed from mlia.backend.repo import get_backend_repository from mlia.utils.filesystem import get_mlia_resources from mlia.utils.proc import Command from mlia.utils.proc import process_command_output logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class PerformanceMetrics: """Performance metrics parsed from generic inference output.""" npu_active_cycles: int npu_idle_cycles: int npu_total_cycles: int npu_axi0_rd_data_beat_received: int npu_axi0_wr_data_beat_written: int npu_axi1_rd_data_beat_received: int class GenericInferenceOutputParser: """Generic inference runner output parser.""" pattern = re.compile(r"(.*)") def __init__(self) -> None: """Init parser.""" self.base64_data: list[str] = [] def __call__(self, line: str) -> None: """Extract base64 strings from the app output.""" if res_b64 := self.pattern.search(line): self.base64_data.append(res_b64.group(1)) def get_metrics(self) -> PerformanceMetrics: """Parse the collected data and return perf metrics.""" try: parsed_metrics = self._parse_data() return PerformanceMetrics( parsed_metrics["NPU ACTIVE"], parsed_metrics["NPU IDLE"], parsed_metrics["NPU TOTAL"], parsed_metrics["NPU AXI0_RD_DATA_BEAT_RECEIVED"], parsed_metrics["NPU AXI0_WR_DATA_BEAT_WRITTEN"], parsed_metrics["NPU AXI1_RD_DATA_BEAT_RECEIVED"], ) except Exception as err: raise ValueError("Unable to parse output and get metrics.") from err def _parse_data(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Parse the data.""" parsed_metrics: dict[str, int] = {} for base64_item in self.base64_data: res_json = base64.b64decode(base64_item, validate=True) for profiling_group in json.loads(res_json): for metric in profiling_group["samples"]: metric_name = metric["name"] metric_value = int(metric["value"][0]) if metric_name in parsed_metrics: raise KeyError(f"Duplicate key {metric_name}") parsed_metrics[metric_name] = metric_value return parsed_metrics @dataclass class FVPMetadata: """Metadata for FVP.""" executable: str generic_inf_app: Path def get_generic_inference_app_path(fvp: str, target: str) -> Path: """Return path to the generic inference runner binary.""" apps_path = get_mlia_resources() / "backends/applications" fvp_mapping = {"Corstone-300": "300", "Corstone-310": "310"} target_mapping = {"ethos-u55": "U55", "ethos-u65": "U65"} fvp_version = f"sse-{fvp_mapping[fvp]}" app_version = f"22.08.02-ethos-{target_mapping[target]}-Default-noTA" app_dir = f"inference_runner-{fvp_version}-{app_version}" return apps_path.joinpath(app_dir, "ethos-u-inference_runner.axf") def get_executable_name(fvp: str, profile: str, target: str) -> str: """Return name of the executable for selected FVP and profile.""" executable_name_mapping = { ("Corstone-300", "AVH", "ethos-u55"): "VHT_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55", ("Corstone-300", "AVH", "ethos-u65"): "VHT_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U65", ("Corstone-300", "default", "ethos-u55"): "FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55", ("Corstone-300", "default", "ethos-u65"): "FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U65", ("Corstone-310", "AVH", "ethos-u55"): "VHT_Corstone_SSE-310", ("Corstone-310", "AVH", "ethos-u65"): "VHT_Corstone_SSE-310_Ethos-U65", } return executable_name_mapping[(fvp, profile, target)] def get_fvp_metadata(fvp: str, profile: str, target: str) -> FVPMetadata: """Return metadata for selected Corstone backend.""" executable_name = get_executable_name(fvp, profile, target) app = get_generic_inference_app_path(fvp, target) return FVPMetadata(executable_name, app) def build_corstone_command( backend_path: Path, fvp: str, target: str, mac: int, model: Path, profile: str, ) -> Command: """Build command to run Corstone FVP.""" fvp_metadata = get_fvp_metadata(fvp, profile, target) cmd = [ backend_path.joinpath(fvp_metadata.executable).as_posix(), "-a", fvp_metadata.generic_inf_app.as_posix(), "--data", f"{model}@0x90000000", "-C", f"ethosu.num_macs={mac}", "-C", "mps3_board.telnetterminal0.start_telnet=0", "-C", "mps3_board.uart0.out_file='-'", "-C", "mps3_board.uart0.shutdown_on_eot=1", "-C", "mps3_board.visualisation.disable-visualisation=1", "--stat", ] return Command(cmd) def get_metrics( backend_path: Path, fvp: str, target: str, mac: int, model: Path, profile: str = "default", ) -> PerformanceMetrics: """Run generic inference and return perf metrics.""" try: command = build_corstone_command( backend_path, fvp, target, mac, model, profile, ) except Exception as err: raise BackendExecutionFailed( f"Unable to construct a command line for {fvp}" ) from err output_parser = GenericInferenceOutputParser() def redirect_to_log(line: str) -> None: """Redirect FVP output to the logger.""" logger.debug(line.strip()) try: process_command_output( command, [output_parser, redirect_to_log], ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise BackendExecutionFailed("Backend execution failed.") from err return output_parser.get_metrics() def estimate_performance( target: str, mac: int, model: Path, backend: str ) -> PerformanceMetrics: """Get performance estimations.""" backend_repo = get_backend_repository() backend_path, settings = backend_repo.get_backend_settings(backend) if not settings or "profile" not in settings: raise BackendExecutionFailed(f"Unable to configure backend {backend}.") return get_metrics( backend_path, backend, target, mac, model, settings["profile"], )