# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Backend config module.""" from __future__ import annotations import platform from enum import auto from enum import Enum from typing import cast from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory class System(Enum): """Enum of system configurations (e.g. OS and architecture).""" LINUX_AMD64 = ("Linux", "x86_64") LINUX_AARCH64 = ("Linux", "aarch64") WINDOWS_AMD64 = ("Windows", "AMD64") WINDOWS_AARCH64 = ("Windows", "ARM64") DARWIN_AARCH64 = ("Darwin", "arm64") CURRENT = (platform.system(), platform.machine()) def __init__( self, system: str = platform.system(), machine: str = platform.machine() ) -> None: """Set the system parameters (defaults to the current system).""" self.system = system.lower() self.machine = machine.lower() def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Compare two System instances for equality. Raises a TypeError if the input is not a System. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.system == other.system and self.machine == other.machine return False def is_compatible(self) -> bool: """Check if this system is compatible with the current system.""" return self == self.CURRENT class BackendType(Enum): """Define the type of the backend (builtin, wheel file etc).""" BUILTIN = auto() WHEEL = auto() CUSTOM = auto() class BackendConfiguration: """Base class for backend configurations.""" def __init__( self, supported_advice: list[AdviceCategory], supported_systems: list[System] | None, backend_type: BackendType, ) -> None: """Set up basic information about the backend.""" self.supported_advice = supported_advice self.supported_systems = supported_systems self.type = backend_type def __str__(self) -> str: """List supported advice.""" return ", ".join(cast(str, adv.name).lower() for adv in self.supported_advice) def is_supported( self, advice: AdviceCategory | None = None, check_system: bool = False ) -> bool: """Check backend supports the current system and advice.""" is_system_supported = ( not self.supported_systems or not check_system or any(sys.is_compatible() for sys in self.supported_systems) ) is_advice_supported = advice is None or advice in self.supported_advice return is_system_supported and is_advice_supported