path: root/tests/aiet/test_cli_tool.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/aiet/test_cli_tool.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/tests/aiet/test_cli_tool.py b/tests/aiet/test_cli_tool.py
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--- a/tests/aiet/test_cli_tool.py
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-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,no-member,line-too-long,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
-"""Module for testing CLI tool subcommand."""
-import json
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any
-from typing import List
-from typing import Optional
-from typing import Sequence
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock
-import click
-import pytest
-from click.testing import CliRunner
-from click.testing import Result
-from aiet.backend.tool import get_unique_tool_names
-from aiet.backend.tool import Tool
-from aiet.cli.tool import details_cmd
-from aiet.cli.tool import execute_cmd
-from aiet.cli.tool import list_cmd
-from aiet.cli.tool import tool_cmd
-def test_tool_cmd() -> None:
- """Test tool commands."""
- commands = ["list", "details", "execute"]
- assert all(command in tool_cmd.commands for command in commands)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("format_", ["json", "cli"])
-def test_tool_cmd_context(cli_runner: CliRunner, format_: str) -> None:
- """Test setting command context parameters."""
- result = cli_runner.invoke(tool_cmd, ["--format", format_])
- # command should fail if no subcommand provided
- assert result.exit_code == 2
- result = cli_runner.invoke(tool_cmd, ["--format", format_, "list"])
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- "format_, expected_output",
- [
- (
- "json",
- '{"type": "tool", "available": ["tool_1", "tool_2"]}\n',
- ),
- ("cli", "Available tools:\n\ntool_1\ntool_2\n"),
- ],
-def test_list_cmd(
- cli_runner: CliRunner,
- monkeypatch: Any,
- format_: str,
- expected_output: str,
-) -> None:
- """Test available tool commands."""
- # Mock some tools
- mock_tool_1 = MagicMock(spec=Tool)
- mock_tool_1.name = "tool_1"
- mock_tool_2 = MagicMock(spec=Tool)
- mock_tool_2.name = "tool_2"
- # Monkey patch the call get_available_tools
- mock_available_tools = MagicMock()
- mock_available_tools.return_value = [mock_tool_1, mock_tool_2]
- monkeypatch.setattr("aiet.backend.tool.get_available_tools", mock_available_tools)
- obj = {"format": format_}
- args: Sequence[str] = []
- result = cli_runner.invoke(list_cmd, obj=obj, args=args)
- assert result.output == expected_output
-def get_details_cmd_json_output() -> List[dict]:
- """Get JSON output for details command."""
- json_output = [
- {
- "type": "tool",
- "name": "tool_1",
- "description": "This is tool 1",
- "supported_systems": ["System 1"],
- "commands": {
- "clean": {"command_strings": ["echo 'clean'"], "user_params": []},
- "build": {"command_strings": ["echo 'build'"], "user_params": []},
- "run": {"command_strings": ["echo 'run'"], "user_params": []},
- "post_run": {"command_strings": ["echo 'post_run'"], "user_params": []},
- },
- }
- ]
- return json_output
-def get_details_cmd_console_output() -> str:
- """Get console output for details command."""
- return (
- 'Tool "tool_1" details'
- "\nDescription: This is tool 1"
- "\n\nSupported systems: System 1"
- "\n\nclean commands:"
- "\nCommands: [\"echo 'clean'\"]"
- "\n\nbuild commands:"
- "\nCommands: [\"echo 'build'\"]"
- "\n\nrun commands:\nCommands: [\"echo 'run'\"]"
- "\n\npost_run commands:"
- "\nCommands: [\"echo 'post_run'\"]"
- "\n"
- )
- [
- "tool_name",
- "format_",
- "expected_success",
- "expected_output",
- ],
- [
- ("tool_1", "json", True, get_details_cmd_json_output()),
- ("tool_1", "cli", True, get_details_cmd_console_output()),
- ("non-existent tool", "json", False, None),
- ("non-existent tool", "cli", False, None),
- ],
-def test_details_cmd(
- cli_runner: CliRunner,
- tool_name: str,
- format_: str,
- expected_success: bool,
- expected_output: str,
-) -> None:
- """Test tool details command."""
- details_cmd.params[0].type = click.Choice(["tool_1", "tool_2", "vela"])
- result = cli_runner.invoke(
- details_cmd, obj={"format": format_}, args=["--name", tool_name]
- )
- success = result.exit_code == 0
- assert success == expected_success, result.output
- if expected_success:
- assert result.exception is None
- output = json.loads(result.output) if format_ == "json" else result.output
- assert output == expected_output
- "system_name",
- [
- "",
- "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55",
- "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65",
- "Corstone-310: Cortex-M85+Ethos-U55",
- ],
-def test_details_cmd_vela(cli_runner: CliRunner, system_name: str) -> None:
- """Test tool details command for Vela."""
- details_cmd.params[0].type = click.Choice(get_unique_tool_names())
- details_cmd.params[1].type = click.Choice([system_name])
- args = ["--name", "vela"]
- if system_name:
- args += ["--system", system_name]
- result = cli_runner.invoke(details_cmd, obj={"format": "json"}, args=args)
- success = result.exit_code == 0
- assert success, result.output
- result_json = json.loads(result.output)
- assert result_json
- if system_name:
- assert len(result_json) == 1
- tool = result_json[0]
- assert len(tool["supported_systems"]) == 1
- assert system_name == tool["supported_systems"][0]
- else: # no system specified => list details for all systems
- assert len(result_json) == 3
- assert all(len(tool["supported_systems"]) == 1 for tool in result_json)
-def input_model_file(non_optimised_input_model_file: Path) -> Path:
- """Provide the path to a quantized dummy model file in the test_resources_path."""
- return non_optimised_input_model_file
-def execute_vela(
- cli_runner: CliRunner,
- tool_name: str = "vela",
- system_name: Optional[str] = None,
- input_model: Optional[Path] = None,
- output_model: Optional[Path] = None,
- mac: Optional[int] = None,
- format_: str = "cli",
-) -> Result:
- """Run Vela with different parameters."""
- execute_cmd.params[0].type = click.Choice(get_unique_tool_names())
- execute_cmd.params[2].type = click.Choice([system_name or "dummy_system"])
- args = ["--name", tool_name]
- if system_name is not None:
- args += ["--system", system_name]
- if input_model is not None:
- args += ["--param", "input={}".format(input_model)]
- if output_model is not None:
- args += ["--param", "output={}".format(output_model)]
- if mac is not None:
- args += ["--param", "mac={}".format(mac)]
- result = cli_runner.invoke(
- execute_cmd,
- args=args,
- obj={"format": format_},
- )
- return result
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("format_", ["cli, json"])
- ["tool_name", "system_name", "mac", "expected_success", "expected_output"],
- [
- ("vela", "System 1", 32, False, None), # system not supported
- ("vela", "NON-EXISTENT SYSTEM", 128, False, None), # system does not exist
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55", 32, True, None),
- ("NON-EXISTENT TOOL", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55", 32, False, None),
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55", 64, True, None),
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55", 128, True, None),
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55", 256, True, None),
- (
- "vela",
- "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U55",
- 512,
- False,
- None,
- ), # mac not supported
- (
- "vela",
- "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65",
- 32,
- False,
- None,
- ), # mac not supported
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65", 256, True, None),
- ("vela", "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65", 512, True, None),
- (
- "vela",
- None,
- 512,
- False,
- "Error: Please specify the system for tool vela.",
- ), # no system specified
- (
- "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65",
- 512,
- False,
- None,
- ), # tool does not exist
- ("vela", "Corstone-310: Cortex-M85+Ethos-U55", 128, True, None),
- ],
-def test_vela_run(
- cli_runner: CliRunner,
- format_: str,
- input_model_file: Path, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
- tool_name: str,
- system_name: Optional[str],
- mac: int,
- expected_success: bool,
- expected_output: Optional[str],
- monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
- tmp_path: Path,
-) -> None:
- """Test the execution of the Vela command."""
- monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path)
- output_file = Path("vela_output.tflite")
- result = execute_vela(
- cli_runner,
- tool_name=tool_name,
- system_name=system_name,
- input_model=input_model_file,
- output_model=output_file,
- mac=mac,
- format_=format_,
- )
- success = result.exit_code == 0
- assert success == expected_success
- if success:
- # Check output file
- output_file = output_file.resolve()
- assert output_file.is_file()
- if expected_output:
- assert result.output.strip() == expected_output
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("include_input_model", [True, False])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("include_output_model", [True, False])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("include_mac", [True, False])
-def test_vela_run_missing_params(
- cli_runner: CliRunner,
- input_model_file: Path, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
- include_input_model: bool,
- include_output_model: bool,
- include_mac: bool,
- monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
- tmp_path: Path,
-) -> None:
- """Test the execution of the Vela command with missing user parameters."""
- monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path)
- output_model_file = Path("output_model.tflite")
- system_name = "Corstone-300: Cortex-M55+Ethos-U65"
- mac = 256
- # input_model is a required parameters, but mac and output_model have default values.
- expected_success = include_input_model
- result = execute_vela(
- cli_runner,
- tool_name="vela",
- system_name=system_name,
- input_model=input_model_file if include_input_model else None,
- output_model=output_model_file if include_output_model else None,
- mac=mac if include_mac else None,
- )
- success = result.exit_code == 0
- assert success == expected_success, (
- f"Success is {success}, but expected {expected_success}. "
- f"Included params: ["
- f"input_model={include_input_model}, "
- f"output_model={include_output_model}, "
- f"mac={include_mac}]"
- )