path: root/src/mlia/target/cortex_a
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mlia/target/cortex_a')
11 files changed, 982 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/__init__.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe01835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A target module."""
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advice_generation.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advice_generation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b68106e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advice_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A advice generation."""
+from functools import singledispatchmethod
+from mlia.core.advice_generation import advice_category
+from mlia.core.advice_generation import FactBasedAdviceProducer
+from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory
+from mlia.core.common import DataItem
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import ModelHasCustomOperators
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import ModelIsCortexACompatible
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import ModelIsNotCortexACompatible
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import ModelIsNotTFLiteCompatible
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import TFLiteCompatibilityCheckFailed
+class CortexAAdviceProducer(FactBasedAdviceProducer):
+ """Cortex-A advice producer."""
+ cortex_a_disclaimer = (
+ "Note that the provided compatibility information is general. "
+ "At runtime individual operators in the given model might fall back to "
+ "the TensorFlow Lite reference or might produce errors based on the "
+ "specific parameters."
+ )
+ @singledispatchmethod
+ def produce_advice(self, _data_item: DataItem) -> None: # type: ignore
+ """Produce advice."""
+ @produce_advice.register
+ @advice_category(AdviceCategory.ALL, AdviceCategory.OPERATORS)
+ def handle_model_is_cortex_a_compatible(
+ self, data_item: ModelIsCortexACompatible
+ ) -> None:
+ """Advice for Cortex-A compatibility."""
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ f"Model is fully compatible with {data_item.backend_info} for "
+ "Cortex-A.",
+ self.cortex_a_disclaimer,
+ ]
+ )
+ @produce_advice.register
+ @advice_category(AdviceCategory.ALL, AdviceCategory.OPERATORS)
+ def handle_model_is_not_cortex_a_compatible(
+ self, data_item: ModelIsNotCortexACompatible
+ ) -> None:
+ """Advice for Cortex-A compatibility."""
+ if data_item.unsupported_ops:
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "The following operators are not supported by "
+ f"{data_item.backend_info} and will fall back to the "
+ "TensorFlow Lite runtime:",
+ "\n".join(f" - {op}" for op in data_item.unsupported_ops),
+ ]
+ )
+ if data_item.activation_func_support:
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "The fused activation functions of the following operators "
+ f"are not supported by {data_item.backend_info}. Please "
+ "consider using one of the supported activation functions "
+ "instead:",
+ "\n".join(
+ f" - {op}\n"
+ f" - Used unsupported: {act.used_unsupported}\n"
+ f" - Supported: {act.supported}"
+ for op, act in data_item.activation_func_support.items()
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "Please, refer to the full table of operators above for more "
+ "information.",
+ self.cortex_a_disclaimer,
+ ]
+ )
+ @produce_advice.register
+ @advice_category(AdviceCategory.ALL, AdviceCategory.OPERATORS)
+ def handle_model_is_not_tflite_compatible(
+ self, data_item: ModelIsNotTFLiteCompatible
+ ) -> None:
+ """Advice for TensorFlow Lite compatibility."""
+ if data_item.flex_ops:
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "The following operators are not natively "
+ "supported by TensorFlow Lite: "
+ f"{', '.join(data_item.flex_ops)}.",
+ "Using select TensorFlow operators in TensorFlow Lite model "
+ "requires special initialization of TFLiteConverter and "
+ "TensorFlow Lite run-time.",
+ "Please refer to the TensorFlow documentation for more "
+ "details: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/ops_select",
+ "Note, such models are not supported by the ML Inference Advisor.",
+ ]
+ )
+ if data_item.custom_ops:
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "The following operators appear to be custom and not natively "
+ "supported by TensorFlow Lite: "
+ f"{', '.join(data_item.custom_ops)}.",
+ "Using custom operators in TensorFlow Lite model "
+ "requires special initialization of TFLiteConverter and "
+ "TensorFlow Lite run-time.",
+ "Please refer to the TensorFlow documentation for more "
+ "details: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/ops_custom",
+ "Note, such models are not supported by the ML Inference Advisor.",
+ ]
+ )
+ if not data_item.flex_ops and not data_item.custom_ops:
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "Model could not be converted into TensorFlow Lite format.",
+ "Please refer to the table for more details.",
+ ]
+ )
+ @produce_advice.register
+ @advice_category(AdviceCategory.ALL, AdviceCategory.OPERATORS)
+ def handle_tflite_check_failed(
+ self, _data_item: TFLiteCompatibilityCheckFailed
+ ) -> None:
+ """Advice for the failed TensorFlow Lite compatibility checks."""
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "Model could not be converted into TensorFlow Lite format.",
+ "Please refer to the table for more details.",
+ ]
+ )
+ @produce_advice.register
+ @advice_category(AdviceCategory.ALL, AdviceCategory.OPERATORS)
+ def handle_model_has_custom_operators(
+ self, _data_item: ModelHasCustomOperators
+ ) -> None:
+ """Advice for the models with custom operators."""
+ self.add_advice(
+ [
+ "Models with custom operators require special initialization "
+ "and currently are not supported by the ML Inference Advisor.",
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advisor.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advisor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5912e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/advisor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A MLIA module."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from mlia.core.advice_generation import AdviceProducer
+from mlia.core.advisor import DefaultInferenceAdvisor
+from mlia.core.advisor import InferenceAdvisor
+from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory
+from mlia.core.context import Context
+from mlia.core.context import ExecutionContext
+from mlia.core.data_analysis import DataAnalyzer
+from mlia.core.data_collection import DataCollector
+from mlia.core.events import Event
+from mlia.core.typing import PathOrFileLike
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.advice_generation import CortexAAdviceProducer
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.config import CortexAConfiguration
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_analysis import CortexADataAnalyzer
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.data_collection import CortexAOperatorCompatibility
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.events import CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.handlers import CortexAEventHandler
+class CortexAInferenceAdvisor(DefaultInferenceAdvisor):
+ """Cortex-A Inference Advisor."""
+ @classmethod
+ def name(cls) -> str:
+ """Return name of the advisor."""
+ return "cortex_a_inference_advisor"
+ def get_collectors(self, context: Context) -> list[DataCollector]:
+ """Return list of the data collectors."""
+ model = self.get_model(context)
+ collectors: list[DataCollector] = []
+ if AdviceCategory.OPERATORS in context.advice_category:
+ collectors.append(CortexAOperatorCompatibility(model))
+ return collectors
+ def get_analyzers(self, context: Context) -> list[DataAnalyzer]:
+ """Return list of the data analyzers."""
+ return [
+ CortexADataAnalyzer(),
+ ]
+ def get_producers(self, context: Context) -> list[AdviceProducer]:
+ """Return list of the advice producers."""
+ return [CortexAAdviceProducer()]
+ def get_events(self, context: Context) -> list[Event]:
+ """Return list of the startup events."""
+ model = self.get_model(context)
+ target_profile = self.get_target_profile(context)
+ return [
+ CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent(model, CortexAConfiguration(target_profile)),
+ ]
+def configure_and_get_cortexa_advisor(
+ context: ExecutionContext,
+ target_profile: str,
+ model: str | Path,
+ output: PathOrFileLike | None = None,
+ **_extra_args: Any,
+) -> InferenceAdvisor:
+ """Create and configure Cortex-A advisor."""
+ if context.event_handlers is None:
+ context.event_handlers = [CortexAEventHandler(output)]
+ if context.config_parameters is None:
+ context.config_parameters = _get_config_parameters(model, target_profile)
+ return CortexAInferenceAdvisor()
+def _get_config_parameters(model: str | Path, target_profile: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Get configuration parameters for the advisor."""
+ advisor_parameters: dict[str, Any] = {
+ "cortex_a_inference_advisor": {
+ "model": str(model),
+ "target_profile": target_profile,
+ },
+ }
+ return advisor_parameters
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/config.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b51ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A configuration."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from mlia.target.config import IPConfiguration
+from mlia.utils.filesystem import get_profile
+class CortexAConfiguration(IPConfiguration): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """Cortex-A configuration."""
+ def __init__(self, target_profile: str) -> None:
+ """Init Cortex-A target configuration."""
+ target_data = get_profile(target_profile)
+ target = target_data["target"]
+ if target != "cortex-a":
+ raise Exception(f"Wrong target {target} for Cortex-A configuration")
+ super().__init__(target)
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_analysis.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a3a068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A data analysis module."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from dataclasses import field
+from functools import singledispatchmethod
+from mlia.core.common import DataItem
+from mlia.core.data_analysis import Fact
+from mlia.core.data_analysis import FactExtractor
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_compat import TFLiteCompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import CortexACompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import Operator
+class CortexADataAnalyzer(FactExtractor):
+ """Cortex-A data analyzer."""
+ @singledispatchmethod
+ def analyze_data(self, data_item: DataItem) -> None: # type: ignore
+ """Analyse the data."""
+ @analyze_data.register
+ def analyze_operator_compatibility(
+ self, data_item: CortexACompatibilityInfo
+ ) -> None:
+ """Analyse operator compatibility information."""
+ if data_item.cortex_a_compatible:
+ self.add_fact(ModelIsCortexACompatible(data_item.backend_info))
+ else:
+ unsupported_ops = set()
+ activation_func_support: defaultdict[
+ str, ModelIsNotCortexACompatible.ActivationFunctionSupport
+ ] = defaultdict(ModelIsNotCortexACompatible.ActivationFunctionSupport)
+ for oper in data_item.operators:
+ if oper.support_type == Operator.SupportType.OP_NOT_SUPPORTED:
+ unsupported_ops.add(oper.full_name)
+ if oper.support_type == Operator.SupportType.ACTIVATION_NOT_SUPPORTED:
+ # Add used but unsupported actication functions
+ activation_func_support[oper.full_name].used_unsupported.add(
+ oper.activation_func.name
+ )
+ # Add supported activation functions
+ activation_func_support[oper.full_name].supported.update(
+ oper.supported_activation_functions
+ )
+ assert (
+ unsupported_ops or activation_func_support or not data_item.operators
+ ), (
+ "The model is marked as not compatible with Cortex-A but there "
+ "are no unsupported ops activation functions listed."
+ )
+ self.add_fact(
+ ModelIsNotCortexACompatible(
+ data_item.backend_info, unsupported_ops, activation_func_support
+ )
+ )
+ @analyze_data.register
+ def analyze_tflite_compatibility(self, data_item: TFLiteCompatibilityInfo) -> None:
+ """Analyze TensorFlow Lite compatibility information."""
+ if data_item.compatible:
+ return
+ if data_item.conversion_failed_with_errors:
+ self.add_fact(
+ ModelIsNotTFLiteCompatible(
+ custom_ops=data_item.required_custom_ops,
+ flex_ops=data_item.required_flex_ops,
+ )
+ )
+ if data_item.check_failed_with_unknown_error:
+ self.add_fact(TFLiteCompatibilityCheckFailed())
+ if data_item.conversion_failed_for_model_with_custom_ops:
+ self.add_fact(ModelHasCustomOperators())
+class CortexACompatibility(Fact):
+ """Base class for Cortex-A compatibility providing backend info."""
+ backend_info: str
+class ModelIsCortexACompatible(CortexACompatibility):
+ """Model is completely compatible with Cortex-A."""
+class ModelIsNotCortexACompatible(CortexACompatibility):
+ """Model is not compatible with Cortex-A."""
+ @dataclass
+ class ActivationFunctionSupport:
+ """Activation function support per operator."""
+ used_unsupported: set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
+ supported: set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
+ unsupported_ops: set[str]
+ activation_func_support: dict[str, ActivationFunctionSupport]
+class ModelIsNotTFLiteCompatible(Fact):
+ """Model could not be converted into TensorFlow Lite format."""
+ custom_ops: list[str] | None = None
+ flex_ops: list[str] | None = None
+class TFLiteCompatibilityCheckFailed(Fact):
+ """TensorFlow Lite compatibility check failed by unknown reason."""
+class ModelHasCustomOperators(Fact):
+ """Model could not be loaded because it contains custom ops."""
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_collection.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_collection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec63e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/data_collection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Data collection module for Cortex-A."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+from mlia.core.data_collection import ContextAwareDataCollector
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.config import get_tflite_model
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_compat import TFLiteChecker
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_compat import TFLiteCompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import is_tflite_model
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import CortexACompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import get_cortex_a_compatibility_info
+from mlia.utils.logging import log_action
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CortexAOperatorCompatibility(ContextAwareDataCollector):
+ """Collect operator compatibility information."""
+ def __init__(self, model: Path) -> None:
+ """Init operator compatibility data collector."""
+ self.model = model
+ def collect_data(self) -> TFLiteCompatibilityInfo | CortexACompatibilityInfo | None:
+ """Collect operator compatibility information."""
+ if not is_tflite_model(self.model):
+ with log_action("Checking TensorFlow Lite compatibility ..."):
+ tflite_checker = TFLiteChecker()
+ tflite_compat = tflite_checker.check_compatibility(self.model)
+ if not tflite_compat.compatible:
+ return tflite_compat
+ tflite_model = get_tflite_model(self.model, self.context)
+ with log_action("Checking operator compatibility ..."):
+ return (
+ get_cortex_a_compatibility_info( # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
+ Path(tflite_model.model_path)
+ )
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def name(cls) -> str:
+ """Return name of the collector."""
+ return "cortex_a_operator_compatibility"
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/events.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/events.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a172d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/events.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A MLIA module events."""
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
+from mlia.core.events import Event
+from mlia.core.events import EventDispatcher
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.config import CortexAConfiguration
+class CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent(Event):
+ """Event with Cortex-A advisor parameters."""
+ model: Path
+ device: CortexAConfiguration
+class CortexAAdvisorEventHandler(EventDispatcher):
+ """Event handler for the Cortex-A inference advisor."""
+ def on_cortex_a_advisor_started(self, event: CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent) -> None:
+ """Handle CortexAAdvisorStarted event."""
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/handlers.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/handlers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2d5faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/handlers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Event handler."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+from mlia.core.events import CollectedDataEvent
+from mlia.core.handlers import WorkflowEventsHandler
+from mlia.core.typing import PathOrFileLike
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_compat import TFLiteCompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.events import CortexAAdvisorEventHandler
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.events import CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import CortexACompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.reporters import cortex_a_formatters
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CortexAEventHandler(WorkflowEventsHandler, CortexAAdvisorEventHandler):
+ """CLI event handler."""
+ def __init__(self, output: PathOrFileLike | None = None) -> None:
+ """Init event handler."""
+ super().__init__(cortex_a_formatters, output)
+ def on_collected_data(self, event: CollectedDataEvent) -> None:
+ """Handle CollectedDataEvent event."""
+ data_item = event.data_item
+ if isinstance(data_item, CortexACompatibilityInfo):
+ self.reporter.submit(data_item.operators, delay_print=True)
+ if isinstance(data_item, TFLiteCompatibilityInfo) and not data_item.compatible:
+ self.reporter.submit(data_item, delay_print=True)
+ def on_cortex_a_advisor_started(self, event: CortexAAdvisorStartedEvent) -> None:
+ """Handle CortexAAdvisorStarted event."""
+ self.reporter.submit(event.device)
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operator_compatibility.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operator_compatibility.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c474e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operator_compatibility.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Collection of Cortex-A operator compatibility information."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any
+ARMNN_TFLITE_DELEGATE: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "backend": "Arm NN TensorFlow Lite delegate",
+ "version": "22.08",
+ },
+ "builtin_ops": {
+ "ABS": {},
+ "ADD": {},
+ "ARG_MAX": {},
+ "ARG_MIN": {},
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "CAST": {},
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "CONV_2D": {
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "CONV_3D": {
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "DIV": {},
+ "EQUAL": {},
+ "ELU": {},
+ "EXP": {},
+ "EXPAND_DIMS": {},
+ "FILL": {},
+ "FLOOR": {},
+ "FLOOR_DIV": {},
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "GATHER": {},
+ "GATHER_ND": {},
+ "GREATER": {},
+ "HARD_SWISH": {},
+ "L2_POOL_2D": {},
+ "LESS": {},
+ "LESS_EQUAL": {},
+ "LOG": {},
+ "LOGICAL_AND": {},
+ "LOGICAL_NOT": {},
+ "LOGICAL_OR": {},
+ "LOGISTIC": {},
+ "LOG_SOFTMAX": {},
+ "LSTM": {},
+ "MAXIMUM": {},
+ "MAX_POOL_2D": {
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "MEAN": {},
+ "MINIMUM": {},
+ "MIRROR_PAD": {},
+ "MUL": {},
+ "NEG": {},
+ "NOT_EQUAL": {},
+ "PACK": {},
+ "PAD": {},
+ "PADV2": {},
+ "PRELU": {},
+ "QUANTIZE": {},
+ "RANK": {},
+ "REDUCE_MAX": {},
+ "REDUCE_MIN": {},
+ "REDUCE_PROD": {},
+ "RELU": {},
+ "RELU6": {},
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1": {},
+ "RESHAPE": {},
+ "RSQRT": {},
+ "SHAPE": {},
+ "SIN": {},
+ "SOFTMAX": {},
+ "SPLIT": {},
+ "SPLIT_V": {},
+ "SQRT": {},
+ "SQUEEZE": {},
+ "SUB": {},
+ "SUM": {},
+ "TANH": {},
+ "TRANSPOSE": {},
+ "UNPACK": {},
+ },
+ "custom_ops": {
+ "AveragePool3D": {
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ "MaxPool3D": {
+ "supported_fused_activation": [
+ "RELU",
+ "RELU6",
+ "RELU_N1_TO_1",
+ "TANH",
+ "NONE",
+ ]
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operators.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91f1886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/operators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Cortex-A tools module."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from typing import ClassVar
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_graph import Op
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_graph import parse_subgraphs
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_graph import TFL_ACTIVATION_FUNCTION
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operator_compatibility import (
+class Operator:
+ """Cortex-A compatibility information of the operator."""
+ class SupportType(Enum):
+ """Type of operator support."""
+ COMPATIBLE = "Compatible"
+ OP_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Operator not supported"
+ ACTIVATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Activation not supported"
+ name: str
+ location: str
+ support_type: SupportType
+ activation_func: TFL_ACTIVATION_FUNCTION
+ custom_name: str | None = None
+ @property
+ def is_cortex_a_compatible(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if this operator is compatible."""
+ return self.support_type == Operator.SupportType.COMPATIBLE
+ @property
+ def full_name(self) -> str:
+ """Returun the full name including the custom name if applicable."""
+ return self.name + (f" - '{self.custom_name}'" if self.custom_name else "")
+ @property
+ def is_custom(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if this is a custom operator."""
+ return bool(self.custom_name)
+ @property
+ def compatibility_data(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
+ """Get the compatibility data (builtin or custom ops)."""
+ return (
+ if self.is_custom
+ )
+ @property
+ def supported_activation_functions(self) -> list[str]:
+ """Return a list of fused activation functions supported by this op."""
+ op_name = self.custom_name if self.custom_name else self.name
+ return self.compatibility_data[op_name].get("supported_fused_activation", [])
+ @classmethod
+ def from_tflite_op(cls, tfl_op: Op, location: str) -> Operator:
+ """Create a new instance from TensorFlow Lite operator and location."""
+ support_type = cls._get_support_type(tfl_op)
+ activation_func = (
+ tfl_op.builtin_options["fused_activation_function"]
+ if (
+ tfl_op.builtin_options
+ and "fused_activation_function" in tfl_op.builtin_options
+ )
+ )
+ return Operator(
+ tfl_op.type,
+ location,
+ support_type,
+ activation_func=activation_func,
+ custom_name=(tfl_op.custom_type if tfl_op.is_custom else None),
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_support_type(tfl_op: Op) -> Operator.SupportType:
+ """Get the support type from the TensorFlow Lite operator."""
+ compat_data = (
+ if tfl_op.is_custom
+ )
+ op_type = tfl_op.custom_type if tfl_op.is_custom else tfl_op.type
+ if op_type not in compat_data:
+ return Operator.SupportType.OP_NOT_SUPPORTED
+ compat_op = compat_data[op_type]
+ if "supported_fused_activation" in compat_op:
+ assert tfl_op.builtin_options
+ assert "fused_activation_function" in tfl_op.builtin_options
+ if (
+ tfl_op.builtin_options["fused_activation_function"]
+ not in compat_op["supported_fused_activation"]
+ ):
+ return Operator.SupportType.ACTIVATION_NOT_SUPPORTED
+ return Operator.SupportType.COMPATIBLE
+class CortexACompatibilityInfo:
+ """Model's operators."""
+ cortex_a_compatible: bool
+ operators: list[Operator]
+ backend_info: ClassVar[str] = (
+ f"{TFLITE_DELEGATE_COMPAT['metadata']['backend']} "
+ f"{TFLITE_DELEGATE_COMPAT['metadata']['version']}"
+ )
+def get_cortex_a_compatibility_info(model_path: Path) -> CortexACompatibilityInfo:
+ """Return list of model's operators."""
+ model = parse_subgraphs(model_path)
+ op_list = [
+ Operator.from_tflite_op(oper, f"subgraph:{g_idx},oper:{op_idx}")
+ for g_idx, g in enumerate(model)
+ for op_idx, oper in enumerate(g)
+ ]
+ all_compatible = all(oper.is_cortex_a_compatible for oper in op_list)
+ compat_info = CortexACompatibilityInfo(all_compatible, op_list)
+ return compat_info
+def report() -> None:
+ """Generate supported operators report."""
+ raise Exception(
+ "Generating a supported operators report is not "
+ "currently supported with Cortex-A target profile."
+ )
diff --git a/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/reporters.py b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/reporters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43d6c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/target/cortex_a/reporters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Reports module."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import cast
+from mlia.core.advice_generation import Advice
+from mlia.core.reporters import report_advice
+from mlia.core.reporting import Cell
+from mlia.core.reporting import Column
+from mlia.core.reporting import Format
+from mlia.core.reporting import NestedReport
+from mlia.core.reporting import Report
+from mlia.core.reporting import ReportItem
+from mlia.core.reporting import Table
+from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_compat import TFLiteCompatibilityInfo
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.config import CortexAConfiguration
+from mlia.target.cortex_a.operators import Operator
+from mlia.utils.console import style_improvement
+from mlia.utils.types import is_list_of
+def report_device(device: CortexAConfiguration) -> Report:
+ """Generate report for the device."""
+ return NestedReport(
+ "Device information",
+ "device",
+ [
+ ReportItem("Target", alias="target", value=device.target),
+ ],
+ )
+def report_tflite_compatiblity(compat_info: TFLiteCompatibilityInfo) -> Report:
+ """Generate report for the TensorFlow Lite compatibility information."""
+ if compat_info.conversion_errors:
+ return Table(
+ [
+ Column("#", only_for=["plain_text"]),
+ Column("Operator", alias="operator"),
+ Column(
+ "Operator location",
+ alias="operator_location",
+ fmt=Format(wrap_width=25),
+ ),
+ Column("Error code", alias="error_code"),
+ Column(
+ "Error message", alias="error_message", fmt=Format(wrap_width=25)
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ (
+ index + 1,
+ err.operator,
+ ", ".join(err.location),
+ err.code.name,
+ err.message,
+ )
+ for index, err in enumerate(compat_info.conversion_errors)
+ ],
+ name="TensorFlow Lite conversion errors",
+ alias="tensorflow_lite_conversion_errors",
+ )
+ return Table(
+ columns=[
+ Column("Reason", alias="reason"),
+ Column(
+ "Exception details",
+ alias="exception_details",
+ fmt=Format(wrap_width=40),
+ ),
+ ],
+ rows=[
+ (
+ "TensorFlow Lite compatibility check failed with exception",
+ str(compat_info.conversion_exception),
+ ),
+ ],
+ name="TensorFlow Lite compatibility errors",
+ alias="tflite_compatibility",
+ )
+def report_cortex_a_operators(ops: list[Operator]) -> Report:
+ """Generate report for the operators."""
+ return Table(
+ [
+ Column("#", only_for=["plain_text"]),
+ Column(
+ "Operator location",
+ alias="operator_location",
+ fmt=Format(wrap_width=30),
+ ),
+ Column("Operator name", alias="operator_name", fmt=Format(wrap_width=20)),
+ Column(
+ "Arm NN TFLite Delegate compatibility",
+ alias="cortex_a_compatible",
+ fmt=Format(wrap_width=40),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ (
+ index + 1,
+ op.location,
+ op.full_name,
+ Cell(
+ op.support_type,
+ Format(
+ wrap_width=30,
+ style=style_improvement(op.is_cortex_a_compatible),
+ str_fmt=lambda v: cast(str, v.value),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ for index, op in enumerate(ops)
+ ],
+ name="Operators",
+ alias="operators",
+ )
+def cortex_a_formatters(data: Any) -> Callable[[Any], Report]:
+ """Find appropriate formatter for the provided data."""
+ if is_list_of(data, Advice):
+ return report_advice
+ if isinstance(data, CortexAConfiguration):
+ return report_device
+ if isinstance(data, TFLiteCompatibilityInfo):
+ return report_tflite_compatiblity
+ if is_list_of(data, Operator):
+ return report_cortex_a_operators
+ raise Exception(f"Unable to find appropriate formatter for {data}")