path: root/src/mlia/backend/execution.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mlia/backend/execution.py')
1 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mlia/backend/execution.py b/src/mlia/backend/execution.py
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlia/backend/execution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Application execution module."""
+import itertools
+import json
+import random
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import time
+from collections import defaultdict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from contextlib import ExitStack
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import cast
+from typing import ContextManager
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import Generator
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import TypedDict
+from filelock import FileLock
+from filelock import Timeout
+from mlia.backend.application import Application
+from mlia.backend.application import get_application
+from mlia.backend.common import Backend
+from mlia.backend.common import ConfigurationException
+from mlia.backend.common import DataPaths
+from mlia.backend.common import Param
+from mlia.backend.common import parse_raw_parameter
+from mlia.backend.common import resolve_all_parameters
+from mlia.backend.fs import recreate_directory
+from mlia.backend.fs import remove_directory
+from mlia.backend.fs import valid_for_filename
+from mlia.backend.output_parser import Base64OutputParser
+from mlia.backend.output_parser import OutputParser
+from mlia.backend.output_parser import RegexOutputParser
+from mlia.backend.proc import run_and_wait
+from mlia.backend.system import ControlledSystem
+from mlia.backend.system import get_system
+from mlia.backend.system import StandaloneSystem
+from mlia.backend.system import System
+class AnotherInstanceIsRunningException(Exception):
+ """Concurrent execution error."""
+class ConnectionException(Exception):
+ """Connection exception."""
+class ExecutionParams(TypedDict, total=False):
+ """Execution parameters."""
+ disable_locking: bool
+ unique_build_dir: bool
+class ExecutionContext:
+ """Command execution context."""
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ app: Application,
+ app_params: List[str],
+ system: Optional[System],
+ system_params: List[str],
+ custom_deploy_data: Optional[List[DataPaths]] = None,
+ execution_params: Optional[ExecutionParams] = None,
+ report_file: Optional[Path] = None,
+ ):
+ """Init execution context."""
+ self.app = app
+ self.app_params = app_params
+ self.custom_deploy_data = custom_deploy_data or []
+ self.system = system
+ self.system_params = system_params
+ self.execution_params = execution_params or ExecutionParams()
+ self.report_file = report_file
+ self.reporter: Optional[Reporter]
+ if self.report_file:
+ # Create reporter with output parsers
+ parsers: List[OutputParser] = []
+ if system and system.reporting:
+ # Add RegexOutputParser, if it is configured in the system
+ parsers.append(RegexOutputParser("system", system.reporting["regex"]))
+ # Add Base64 parser for applications
+ parsers.append(Base64OutputParser("application"))
+ self.reporter = Reporter(parsers=parsers)
+ else:
+ self.reporter = None # No reporter needed.
+ self.param_resolver = ParamResolver(self)
+ self._resolved_build_dir: Optional[Path] = None
+ self.stdout: Optional[bytearray] = None
+ self.stderr: Optional[bytearray] = None
+ @property
+ def is_deploy_needed(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if application requires data deployment."""
+ return len(self.app.get_deploy_data()) > 0 or len(self.custom_deploy_data) > 0
+ @property
+ def is_locking_required(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true if any form of locking required."""
+ return not self._disable_locking() and (
+ self.app.lock or (self.system is not None and self.system.lock)
+ )
+ @property
+ def is_build_required(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true if application build required."""
+ return "build" in self.app.commands
+ @property
+ def is_unique_build_dir_required(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true if unique build dir required."""
+ return self.execution_params.get("unique_build_dir", False)
+ def build_dir(self) -> Path:
+ """Return resolved application build dir."""
+ if self._resolved_build_dir is not None:
+ return self._resolved_build_dir
+ if (
+ not isinstance(self.app.config_location, Path)
+ or not self.app.config_location.is_dir()
+ ):
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Application {} has wrong config location".format(self.app.name)
+ )
+ _build_dir = self.app.build_dir
+ if _build_dir:
+ _build_dir = resolve_all_parameters(_build_dir, self.param_resolver)
+ if not _build_dir:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "No build directory defined for the app {}".format(self.app.name)
+ )
+ if self.is_unique_build_dir_required:
+ random_suffix = "".join(
+ random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=7)
+ )
+ _build_dir = "{}_{}".format(_build_dir, random_suffix)
+ self._resolved_build_dir = self.app.config_location / _build_dir
+ return self._resolved_build_dir
+ def _disable_locking(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true if locking should be disabled."""
+ return self.execution_params.get("disable_locking", False)
+class ParamResolver:
+ """Parameter resolver."""
+ def __init__(self, context: ExecutionContext):
+ """Init parameter resolver."""
+ self.ctx = context
+ @staticmethod
+ def resolve_user_params(
+ cmd_name: Optional[str],
+ index_or_alias: str,
+ resolved_params: Optional[List[Tuple[Optional[str], Param]]],
+ ) -> str:
+ """Resolve user params."""
+ if not cmd_name or resolved_params is None:
+ raise ConfigurationException("Unable to resolve user params")
+ param_value: Optional[str] = None
+ param: Optional[Param] = None
+ if index_or_alias.isnumeric():
+ i = int(index_or_alias)
+ if i not in range(len(resolved_params)):
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Invalid index {} for user params of command {}".format(i, cmd_name)
+ )
+ param_value, param = resolved_params[i]
+ else:
+ for val, par in resolved_params:
+ if par.alias == index_or_alias:
+ param_value, param = val, par
+ break
+ if param is None:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "No user parameter for command '{}' with alias '{}'.".format(
+ cmd_name, index_or_alias
+ )
+ )
+ if param_value:
+ # We need to handle to cases of parameters here:
+ # 1) Optional parameters (non-positional with a name and value)
+ # 2) Positional parameters (value only, no name needed)
+ # Default to empty strings for positional arguments
+ param_name = ""
+ separator = ""
+ if param.name is not None:
+ # A valid param name means we have an optional/non-positional argument:
+ # The separator is an empty string in case the param_name
+ # has an equal sign as we have to honour it.
+ # If the parameter doesn't end with an equal sign then a
+ # space character is injected to split the parameter name
+ # and its value
+ param_name = param.name
+ separator = "" if param.name.endswith("=") else " "
+ return "{param_name}{separator}{param_value}".format(
+ param_name=param_name,
+ separator=separator,
+ param_value=param_value,
+ )
+ if param.name is None:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Missing user parameter with alias '{}' for command '{}'.".format(
+ index_or_alias, cmd_name
+ )
+ )
+ return param.name # flag: just return the parameter name
+ def resolve_commands_and_params(
+ self, backend_type: str, cmd_name: str, return_params: bool, index_or_alias: str
+ ) -> str:
+ """Resolve command or command's param value."""
+ if backend_type == "system":
+ backend = cast(Backend, self.ctx.system)
+ backend_params = self.ctx.system_params
+ else: # Application or Tool backend
+ backend = cast(Backend, self.ctx.app)
+ backend_params = self.ctx.app_params
+ if cmd_name not in backend.commands:
+ raise ConfigurationException("Command {} not found".format(cmd_name))
+ if return_params:
+ params = backend.resolved_parameters(cmd_name, backend_params)
+ if index_or_alias.isnumeric():
+ i = int(index_or_alias)
+ if i not in range(len(params)):
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Invalid parameter index {} for command {}".format(i, cmd_name)
+ )
+ param_value = params[i][0]
+ else:
+ param_value = None
+ for value, param in params:
+ if param.alias == index_or_alias:
+ param_value = value
+ break
+ if not param_value:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ (
+ "No value for parameter with index or alias {} of command {}"
+ ).format(index_or_alias, cmd_name)
+ )
+ return param_value
+ if not index_or_alias.isnumeric():
+ raise ConfigurationException("Bad command index {}".format(index_or_alias))
+ i = int(index_or_alias)
+ commands = backend.build_command(cmd_name, backend_params, self.param_resolver)
+ if i not in range(len(commands)):
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Invalid index {} for command {}".format(i, cmd_name)
+ )
+ return commands[i]
+ def resolve_variables(self, backend_type: str, var_name: str) -> str:
+ """Resolve variable value."""
+ if backend_type == "system":
+ backend = cast(Backend, self.ctx.system)
+ else: # Application or Tool backend
+ backend = cast(Backend, self.ctx.app)
+ if var_name not in backend.variables:
+ raise ConfigurationException("Unknown variable {}".format(var_name))
+ return backend.variables[var_name]
+ def param_matcher(
+ self,
+ param_name: str,
+ cmd_name: Optional[str],
+ resolved_params: Optional[List[Tuple[Optional[str], Param]]],
+ ) -> str:
+ """Regexp to resolve a param from the param_name."""
+ # this pattern supports parameter names like "application.commands.run:0" and
+ # "system.commands.run.params:0"
+ # Note: 'software' is included for backward compatibility.
+ commands_and_params_match = re.match(
+ r"(?P<type>application|software|tool|system)[.]commands[.]"
+ r"(?P<name>\w+)"
+ r"(?P<params>[.]params|)[:]"
+ r"(?P<index_or_alias>\w+)",
+ param_name,
+ )
+ if commands_and_params_match:
+ backend_type, cmd_name, return_params, index_or_alias = (
+ commands_and_params_match["type"],
+ commands_and_params_match["name"],
+ commands_and_params_match["params"],
+ commands_and_params_match["index_or_alias"],
+ )
+ return self.resolve_commands_and_params(
+ backend_type, cmd_name, bool(return_params), index_or_alias
+ )
+ # Note: 'software' is included for backward compatibility.
+ variables_match = re.match(
+ r"(?P<type>application|software|tool|system)[.]variables:(?P<var_name>\w+)",
+ param_name,
+ )
+ if variables_match:
+ backend_type, var_name = (
+ variables_match["type"],
+ variables_match["var_name"],
+ )
+ return self.resolve_variables(backend_type, var_name)
+ user_params_match = re.match(r"user_params:(?P<index_or_alias>\w+)", param_name)
+ if user_params_match:
+ index_or_alias = user_params_match["index_or_alias"]
+ return self.resolve_user_params(cmd_name, index_or_alias, resolved_params)
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Unable to resolve parameter {}".format(param_name)
+ )
+ def param_resolver(
+ self,
+ param_name: str,
+ cmd_name: Optional[str] = None,
+ resolved_params: Optional[List[Tuple[Optional[str], Param]]] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Resolve parameter value based on current execution context."""
+ # Note: 'software.*' is included for backward compatibility.
+ resolved_param = None
+ if param_name in ["application.name", "tool.name", "software.name"]:
+ resolved_param = self.ctx.app.name
+ elif param_name in [
+ "application.description",
+ "tool.description",
+ "software.description",
+ ]:
+ resolved_param = self.ctx.app.description
+ elif self.ctx.app.config_location and (
+ param_name
+ in ["application.config_dir", "tool.config_dir", "software.config_dir"]
+ ):
+ resolved_param = str(self.ctx.app.config_location.absolute())
+ elif self.ctx.app.build_dir and (
+ param_name
+ in ["application.build_dir", "tool.build_dir", "software.build_dir"]
+ ):
+ resolved_param = str(self.ctx.build_dir().absolute())
+ elif self.ctx.system is not None:
+ if param_name == "system.name":
+ resolved_param = self.ctx.system.name
+ elif param_name == "system.description":
+ resolved_param = self.ctx.system.description
+ elif param_name == "system.config_dir" and self.ctx.system.config_location:
+ resolved_param = str(self.ctx.system.config_location.absolute())
+ if not resolved_param:
+ resolved_param = self.param_matcher(param_name, cmd_name, resolved_params)
+ return resolved_param
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ param_name: str,
+ cmd_name: Optional[str] = None,
+ resolved_params: Optional[List[Tuple[Optional[str], Param]]] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Resolve provided parameter."""
+ return self.param_resolver(param_name, cmd_name, resolved_params)
+class Reporter:
+ """Report metrics from the simulation output."""
+ def __init__(self, parsers: Optional[List[OutputParser]] = None) -> None:
+ """Create an empty reporter (i.e. no parsers registered)."""
+ self.parsers: List[OutputParser] = parsers if parsers is not None else []
+ self._report: Dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
+ def parse(self, output: bytearray) -> None:
+ """Parse output and append parsed metrics to internal report dict."""
+ for parser in self.parsers:
+ # Merge metrics from different parsers (do not overwrite)
+ self._report[parser.name]["metrics"].update(parser(output))
+ def get_filtered_output(self, output: bytearray) -> bytearray:
+ """Filter the output according to each parser."""
+ for parser in self.parsers:
+ output = parser.filter_out_parsed_content(output)
+ return output
+ def report(self, ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Add static simulation info to parsed data and return the report."""
+ report: Dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(dict)
+ # Add static simulation info
+ report.update(self._static_info(ctx))
+ # Add metrics parsed from the output
+ for key, val in self._report.items():
+ report[key].update(val)
+ return report
+ @staticmethod
+ def save(report: Dict[str, Any], report_file: Path) -> None:
+ """Save the report to a JSON file."""
+ with open(report_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ json.dump(report, file, indent=4)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compute_all_params(cli_params: List[str], backend: Backend) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ Build a dict of all parameters, {name:value}.
+ Param values taken from command line if specified, defaults otherwise.
+ """
+ # map of params passed from the cli ["p1=v1","p2=v2"] -> {"p1":"v1", "p2":"v2"}
+ app_params_map = dict(parse_raw_parameter(expr) for expr in cli_params)
+ # a map of params declared in the application, with values taken from the CLI,
+ # defaults otherwise
+ all_params = {
+ (p.alias or p.name): app_params_map.get(
+ cast(str, p.name), cast(str, p.default_value)
+ )
+ for cmd in backend.commands.values()
+ for p in cmd.params
+ }
+ return cast(Dict[str, str], all_params)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _static_info(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Extract static simulation information from the context."""
+ if ctx.system is None:
+ raise ValueError("No system available to report.")
+ info = {
+ "system": {
+ "name": ctx.system.name,
+ "params": Reporter._compute_all_params(ctx.system_params, ctx.system),
+ },
+ "application": {
+ "name": ctx.app.name,
+ "params": Reporter._compute_all_params(ctx.app_params, ctx.app),
+ },
+ }
+ return info
+def validate_parameters(
+ backend: Backend, command_names: List[str], params: List[str]
+) -> None:
+ """Check parameters passed to backend."""
+ for param in params:
+ acceptable = any(
+ backend.validate_parameter(command_name, param)
+ for command_name in command_names
+ if command_name in backend.commands
+ )
+ if not acceptable:
+ backend_type = "System" if isinstance(backend, System) else "Application"
+ raise ValueError(
+ "{} parameter '{}' not valid for command '{}'".format(
+ backend_type, param, " or ".join(command_names)
+ )
+ )
+def get_application_by_name_and_system(
+ application_name: str, system_name: str
+) -> Application:
+ """Get application."""
+ applications = get_application(application_name, system_name)
+ if not applications:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Application '{}' doesn't support the system '{}'".format(
+ application_name, system_name
+ )
+ )
+ if len(applications) != 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Error during getting application {} for the system {}".format(
+ application_name, system_name
+ )
+ )
+ return applications[0]
+def get_application_and_system(
+ application_name: str, system_name: str
+) -> Tuple[Application, System]:
+ """Return application and system by provided names."""
+ system = get_system(system_name)
+ if not system:
+ raise ValueError("System {} is not found".format(system_name))
+ application = get_application_by_name_and_system(application_name, system_name)
+ return application, system
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+def run_application(
+ application_name: str,
+ application_params: List[str],
+ system_name: str,
+ system_params: List[str],
+ custom_deploy_data: List[DataPaths],
+ report_file: Optional[Path] = None,
+) -> ExecutionContext:
+ """Run application on the provided system."""
+ application, system = get_application_and_system(application_name, system_name)
+ validate_parameters(application, ["build", "run"], application_params)
+ validate_parameters(system, ["build", "run"], system_params)
+ execution_params = ExecutionParams()
+ if isinstance(system, StandaloneSystem):
+ execution_params["disable_locking"] = True
+ execution_params["unique_build_dir"] = True
+ ctx = ExecutionContext(
+ app=application,
+ app_params=application_params,
+ system=system,
+ system_params=system_params,
+ custom_deploy_data=custom_deploy_data,
+ execution_params=execution_params,
+ report_file=report_file,
+ )
+ with build_dir_manager(ctx):
+ if ctx.is_build_required:
+ execute_application_command_build(ctx)
+ execute_application_command_run(ctx)
+ return ctx
+def execute_application_command_build(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> None:
+ """Execute application command 'build'."""
+ with ExitStack() as context_stack:
+ for manager in get_context_managers("build", ctx):
+ context_stack.enter_context(manager(ctx))
+ build_dir = ctx.build_dir()
+ recreate_directory(build_dir)
+ build_commands = ctx.app.build_command(
+ "build", ctx.app_params, ctx.param_resolver
+ )
+ execute_commands_locally(build_commands, build_dir)
+def execute_commands_locally(commands: List[str], cwd: Path) -> None:
+ """Execute list of commands locally."""
+ for command in commands:
+ print("Running: {}".format(command))
+ run_and_wait(
+ command, cwd, terminate_on_error=True, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr
+ )
+def execute_application_command_run(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> None:
+ """Execute application command."""
+ assert ctx.system is not None, "System must be provided."
+ if ctx.is_deploy_needed and not ctx.system.supports_deploy:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "System {} does not support data deploy".format(ctx.system.name)
+ )
+ with ExitStack() as context_stack:
+ for manager in get_context_managers("run", ctx):
+ context_stack.enter_context(manager(ctx))
+ print("Generating commands to execute")
+ commands_to_run = build_run_commands(ctx)
+ if ctx.system.connectable:
+ establish_connection(ctx)
+ if ctx.system.supports_deploy:
+ deploy_data(ctx)
+ for command in commands_to_run:
+ print("Running: {}".format(command))
+ exit_code, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr = ctx.system.run(command)
+ if exit_code != 0:
+ print("Application exited with exit code {}".format(exit_code))
+ if ctx.reporter:
+ ctx.reporter.parse(ctx.stdout)
+ ctx.stdout = ctx.reporter.get_filtered_output(ctx.stdout)
+ if ctx.reporter:
+ report = ctx.reporter.report(ctx)
+ ctx.reporter.save(report, cast(Path, ctx.report_file))
+def establish_connection(
+ ctx: ExecutionContext, retries: int = 90, interval: float = 15.0
+) -> None:
+ """Establish connection with the system."""
+ assert ctx.system is not None, "System is required."
+ host, port = ctx.system.connection_details()
+ print(
+ "Trying to establish connection with '{}:{}' - "
+ "{} retries every {} seconds ".format(host, port, retries, interval),
+ end="",
+ )
+ try:
+ for _ in range(retries):
+ print(".", end="", flush=True)
+ if ctx.system.establish_connection():
+ break
+ if isinstance(ctx.system, ControlledSystem) and not ctx.system.is_running():
+ print(
+ "\n\n---------- {} execution failed ----------".format(
+ ctx.system.name
+ )
+ )
+ stdout, stderr = ctx.system.get_output()
+ print(stdout)
+ print(stderr)
+ raise Exception("System is not running")
+ wait(interval)
+ else:
+ raise ConnectionException("Couldn't connect to '{}:{}'.".format(host, port))
+ finally:
+ print()
+def wait(interval: float) -> None:
+ """Wait for a period of time."""
+ time.sleep(interval)
+def deploy_data(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> None:
+ """Deploy data to the system."""
+ assert ctx.system is not None, "System is required."
+ for item in itertools.chain(ctx.app.get_deploy_data(), ctx.custom_deploy_data):
+ print("Deploying {} onto {}".format(item.src, item.dst))
+ ctx.system.deploy(item.src, item.dst)
+def build_run_commands(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> List[str]:
+ """Build commands to run application."""
+ if isinstance(ctx.system, StandaloneSystem):
+ return ctx.system.build_command("run", ctx.system_params, ctx.param_resolver)
+ return ctx.app.build_command("run", ctx.app_params, ctx.param_resolver)
+def controlled_system_manager(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """Context manager used for system initialisation before run."""
+ system = cast(ControlledSystem, ctx.system)
+ commands = system.build_command("run", ctx.system_params, ctx.param_resolver)
+ pid_file_path: Optional[Path] = None
+ if ctx.is_locking_required:
+ file_lock_path = get_file_lock_path(ctx)
+ pid_file_path = file_lock_path.parent / "{}.pid".format(file_lock_path.stem)
+ system.start(commands, ctx.is_locking_required, pid_file_path)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ print("Shutting down sequence...")
+ print("Stopping {}... (It could take few seconds)".format(system.name))
+ system.stop(wait=True)
+ print("{} stopped successfully.".format(system.name))
+def lock_execution_manager(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """Lock execution manager."""
+ file_lock_path = get_file_lock_path(ctx)
+ file_lock = FileLock(str(file_lock_path))
+ try:
+ file_lock.acquire(timeout=1)
+ except Timeout as error:
+ raise AnotherInstanceIsRunningException() from error
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ file_lock.release()
+def get_file_lock_path(ctx: ExecutionContext, lock_dir: Path = Path("/tmp")) -> Path:
+ """Get file lock path."""
+ lock_modules = []
+ if ctx.app.lock:
+ lock_modules.append(ctx.app.name)
+ if ctx.system is not None and ctx.system.lock:
+ lock_modules.append(ctx.system.name)
+ lock_filename = ""
+ if lock_modules:
+ lock_filename = "_".join(["middleware"] + lock_modules) + ".lock"
+ if lock_filename:
+ lock_filename = resolve_all_parameters(lock_filename, ctx.param_resolver)
+ lock_filename = valid_for_filename(lock_filename)
+ if not lock_filename:
+ raise ConfigurationException("No filename for lock provided")
+ if not isinstance(lock_dir, Path) or not lock_dir.is_dir():
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Invalid directory {} for lock files provided".format(lock_dir)
+ )
+ return lock_dir / lock_filename
+def build_dir_manager(ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """Build directory manager."""
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if (
+ ctx.is_build_required
+ and ctx.is_unique_build_dir_required
+ and ctx.build_dir().is_dir()
+ ):
+ remove_directory(ctx.build_dir())
+def get_context_managers(
+ command_name: str, ctx: ExecutionContext
+) -> Sequence[Callable[[ExecutionContext], ContextManager[None]]]:
+ """Get context manager for the system."""
+ managers = []
+ if ctx.is_locking_required:
+ managers.append(lock_execution_manager)
+ if command_name == "run":
+ if isinstance(ctx.system, ControlledSystem):
+ managers.append(controlled_system_manager)
+ return managers