path: root/tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py
diff options
authorBenjamin Klimczak <benjamin.klimczak@arm.com>2022-07-11 12:33:42 +0100
committerBenjamin Klimczak <benjamin.klimczak@arm.com>2022-07-26 14:08:21 +0100
commit5d81f37de09efe10f90512e50252be9c36925fcf (patch)
treeb4d7cdfd051da0a6e882bdfcf280fd7ca7b39e57 /tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py
parent7899b908c1fe6d86b92a80f3827ddd0ac05b674b (diff)
MLIA-551 Rework remains of AIET architecture
Re-factoring the code base to further merge the old AIET code into MLIA. - Remove last traces of the backend type 'tool' - Controlled systems removed, including SSH protocol, controller, RunningCommand, locks etc. - Build command / build dir and deploy functionality removed from Applications and Systems - Moving working_dir() - Replace module 'output_parser' with new module 'output_consumer' and merge Base64 parsing into it - Change the output consumption to optionally remove (i.e. actually consume) lines - Use Base64 parsing in GenericInferenceOutputParser, replacing the regex-based parsing and remove the now unused regex parsing - Remove AIET reporting - Pre-install applications by moving them to src/mlia/resources/backends - Rename aiet-config.json to backend-config.json - Move tests from tests/mlia/ to tests/ - Adapt unit tests to code changes - Dependencies removed: paramiko, filelock, psutil - Fix bug in corstone.py: The wrong resource directory was used which broke the functionality to download backends. - Use f-string formatting. - Use logging instead of print. Change-Id: I768bc3bb6b2eda57d219ad01be4a8e0a74167d76
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py b/tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0da50e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_devices_ethosu_reporters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Tests for reports module."""
+import json
+import sys
+from contextlib import ExitStack as doesnt_raise
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import List
+from typing import Literal
+import pytest
+from mlia.core.reporting import get_reporter
+from mlia.core.reporting import produce_report
+from mlia.core.reporting import Report
+from mlia.core.reporting import Reporter
+from mlia.core.reporting import Table
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.config import EthosUConfiguration
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.performance import MemoryUsage
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.performance import NPUCycles
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.performance import PerformanceMetrics
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.reporters import find_appropriate_formatter
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.reporters import report_device_details
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.reporters import report_operators
+from mlia.devices.ethosu.reporters import report_perf_metrics
+from mlia.tools.vela_wrapper import NpuSupported
+from mlia.tools.vela_wrapper import Operator
+from mlia.tools.vela_wrapper import Operators
+from mlia.utils.console import remove_ascii_codes
+ "data, formatters",
+ [
+ (
+ [Operator("test_operator", "test_type", NpuSupported(False, []))],
+ [report_operators],
+ ),
+ (
+ PerformanceMetrics(
+ EthosUConfiguration("ethos-u55-256"),
+ NPUCycles(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ MemoryUsage(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ ),
+ [report_perf_metrics],
+ ),
+ ],
+ "fmt, output, expected_error",
+ [
+ [
+ "unknown_format",
+ sys.stdout,
+ pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown format unknown_format"),
+ ],
+ [
+ "plain_text",
+ sys.stdout,
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ [
+ "json",
+ sys.stdout,
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ [
+ "csv",
+ sys.stdout,
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ [
+ "plain_text",
+ "report.txt",
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ [
+ "json",
+ "report.json",
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ [
+ "csv",
+ "report.csv",
+ doesnt_raise(),
+ ],
+ ],
+def test_report(
+ data: Any,
+ formatters: List[Callable],
+ fmt: Literal["plain_text", "json", "csv"],
+ output: Any,
+ expected_error: Any,
+ tmp_path: Path,
+) -> None:
+ """Test report function."""
+ if is_file := isinstance(output, str):
+ output = tmp_path / output
+ for formatter in formatters:
+ with expected_error:
+ produce_report(data, formatter, fmt, output)
+ if is_file:
+ assert output.is_file()
+ assert output.stat().st_size > 0
+ "ops, expected_plain_text, expected_json_dict, expected_csv_list",
+ [
+ (
+ [
+ Operator(
+ "npu_supported",
+ "test_type",
+ NpuSupported(True, []),
+ ),
+ Operator(
+ "cpu_only",
+ "test_type",
+ NpuSupported(
+ False,
+ [
+ (
+ "CPU only operator",
+ "",
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ Operator(
+ "npu_unsupported",
+ "test_type",
+ NpuSupported(
+ False,
+ [
+ (
+ "Not supported operator",
+ "Reason why operator is not supported",
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ """
+│ # │ Operator name │ Operator type │ Placement │ Notes │
+│ 1 │ npu_supported │ test_type │ NPU │ │
+│ 2 │ cpu_only │ test_type │ CPU │ * CPU only operator │
+│ 3 │ npu_unsupported │ test_type │ CPU │ * Not supported operator │
+│ │ │ │ │ │
+│ │ │ │ │ * Reason why operator is not │
+│ │ │ │ │ supported │
+ {
+ "operators": [
+ {
+ "operator_name": "npu_supported",
+ "operator_type": "test_type",
+ "placement": "NPU",
+ "notes": [],
+ },
+ {
+ "operator_name": "cpu_only",
+ "operator_type": "test_type",
+ "placement": "CPU",
+ "notes": [{"note": "CPU only operator"}],
+ },
+ {
+ "operator_name": "npu_unsupported",
+ "operator_type": "test_type",
+ "placement": "CPU",
+ "notes": [
+ {"note": "Not supported operator"},
+ {"note": "Reason why operator is not supported"},
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ [
+ ["Operator name", "Operator type", "Placement", "Notes"],
+ ["npu_supported", "test_type", "NPU", ""],
+ ["cpu_only", "test_type", "CPU", "CPU only operator"],
+ [
+ "npu_unsupported",
+ "test_type",
+ "CPU",
+ "Not supported operator;Reason why operator is not supported",
+ ],
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_report_operators(
+ ops: List[Operator],
+ expected_plain_text: str,
+ expected_json_dict: Dict,
+ expected_csv_list: List,
+ monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+) -> None:
+ """Test report_operatos formatter."""
+ # make terminal wide enough to print whole table
+ monkeypatch.setenv("COLUMNS", "100")
+ report = report_operators(ops)
+ assert isinstance(report, Table)
+ plain_text = remove_ascii_codes(report.to_plain_text())
+ assert plain_text == expected_plain_text
+ json_dict = report.to_json()
+ assert json_dict == expected_json_dict
+ csv_list = report.to_csv()
+ assert csv_list == expected_csv_list
+ "device, expected_plain_text, expected_json_dict, expected_csv_list",
+ [
+ [
+ EthosUConfiguration("ethos-u55-256"),
+ """Device information:
+ Target ethos-u55
+ MAC 256
+ Memory mode Shared_Sram
+ Const mem area Axi1
+ Arena mem area Axi0
+ Cache mem area Axi0
+ Arena cache size 2,096,768 bytes
+ System config Ethos_U55_High_End_Embedded
+ Accelerator clock 500,000,000 Hz
+ AXI0 port Sram
+ AXI1 port OffChipFlash
+ Memory area settings:
+ Sram:
+ Clock scales 1.0
+ Burst length 32 bytes
+ Read latency 32 cycles
+ Write latency 32 cycles
+ Dram:
+ Clock scales 1.0
+ Burst length 1 byte
+ Read latency 0 cycles
+ Write latency 0 cycles
+ OnChipFlash:
+ Clock scales 1.0
+ Burst length 1 byte
+ Read latency 0 cycles
+ Write latency 0 cycles
+ OffChipFlash:
+ Clock scales 0.125
+ Burst length 128 bytes
+ Read latency 64 cycles
+ Write latency 64 cycles
+ Architecture settings:
+ Permanent storage mem area OffChipFlash
+ Feature map storage mem area Sram
+ Fast storage mem area Sram""",
+ {
+ "device": {
+ "target": "ethos-u55",
+ "mac": 256,
+ "memory_mode": {
+ "const_mem_area": "Axi1",
+ "arena_mem_area": "Axi0",
+ "cache_mem_area": "Axi0",
+ "arena_cache_size": {"value": 2096768, "unit": "bytes"},
+ },
+ "system_config": {
+ "accelerator_clock": {"value": 500000000.0, "unit": "Hz"},
+ "axi0_port": "Sram",
+ "axi1_port": "OffChipFlash",
+ "memory_area": {
+ "Sram": {
+ "clock_scales": 1.0,
+ "burst_length": {"value": 32, "unit": "bytes"},
+ "read_latency": {"value": 32, "unit": "cycles"},
+ "write_latency": {"value": 32, "unit": "cycles"},
+ },
+ "Dram": {
+ "clock_scales": 1.0,
+ "burst_length": {"value": 1, "unit": "byte"},
+ "read_latency": {"value": 0, "unit": "cycles"},
+ "write_latency": {"value": 0, "unit": "cycles"},
+ },
+ "OnChipFlash": {
+ "clock_scales": 1.0,
+ "burst_length": {"value": 1, "unit": "byte"},
+ "read_latency": {"value": 0, "unit": "cycles"},
+ "write_latency": {"value": 0, "unit": "cycles"},
+ },
+ "OffChipFlash": {
+ "clock_scales": 0.125,
+ "burst_length": {"value": 128, "unit": "bytes"},
+ "read_latency": {"value": 64, "unit": "cycles"},
+ "write_latency": {"value": 64, "unit": "cycles"},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "arch_settings": {
+ "permanent_storage_mem_area": "OffChipFlash",
+ "feature_map_storage_mem_area": "Sram",
+ "fast_storage_mem_area": "Sram",
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ [
+ (
+ "target",
+ "mac",
+ "memory_mode",
+ "const_mem_area",
+ "arena_mem_area",
+ "cache_mem_area",
+ "arena_cache_size_value",
+ "arena_cache_size_unit",
+ "system_config",
+ "accelerator_clock_value",
+ "accelerator_clock_unit",
+ "axi0_port",
+ "axi1_port",
+ "clock_scales",
+ "burst_length_value",
+ "burst_length_unit",
+ "read_latency_value",
+ "read_latency_unit",
+ "write_latency_value",
+ "write_latency_unit",
+ "permanent_storage_mem_area",
+ "feature_map_storage_mem_area",
+ "fast_storage_mem_area",
+ ),
+ (
+ "ethos-u55",
+ 256,
+ "Shared_Sram",
+ "Axi1",
+ "Axi0",
+ "Axi0",
+ 2096768,
+ "bytes",
+ "Ethos_U55_High_End_Embedded",
+ 500000000.0,
+ "Hz",
+ "Sram",
+ "OffChipFlash",
+ 0.125,
+ 128,
+ "bytes",
+ 64,
+ "cycles",
+ 64,
+ "cycles",
+ "OffChipFlash",
+ "Sram",
+ "Sram",
+ ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+def test_report_device_details(
+ device: EthosUConfiguration,
+ expected_plain_text: str,
+ expected_json_dict: Dict,
+ expected_csv_list: List,
+) -> None:
+ """Test report_operatos formatter."""
+ report = report_device_details(device)
+ assert isinstance(report, Report)
+ plain_text = report.to_plain_text()
+ assert plain_text == expected_plain_text
+ json_dict = report.to_json()
+ assert json_dict == expected_json_dict
+ csv_list = report.to_csv()
+ assert csv_list == expected_csv_list
+def test_get_reporter(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+ """Test reporter functionality."""
+ ops = Operators(
+ [
+ Operator(
+ "npu_supported",
+ "op_type",
+ NpuSupported(True, []),
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ output = tmp_path / "output.json"
+ with get_reporter("json", output, find_appropriate_formatter) as reporter:
+ assert isinstance(reporter, Reporter)
+ with pytest.raises(
+ Exception, match="Unable to find appropriate formatter for some_data"
+ ):
+ reporter.submit("some_data")
+ reporter.submit(ops)
+ with open(output, encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ json_data = json.load(file)
+ assert json_data == {
+ "operators_stats": [
+ {
+ "npu_unsupported_ratio": 0.0,
+ "num_of_npu_supported_operators": 1,
+ "num_of_operators": 1,
+ }
+ ]
+ }