/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RNNoiseModel.hpp" #include "UseCaseHandler.hpp" #include "InputFiles.hpp" #include "RNNUCTestCaseData.hpp" #include "UseCaseCommonUtils.hpp" #include #include #include #define PLATFORM hal_platform_init(); #define CONTEXT \ arm::app::ApplicationContext caseContext; \ arm::app::Profiler profiler{"noise_reduction"}; \ caseContext.Set("profiler", profiler); \ caseContext.Set("model", model); TEST_CASE("Verify output tensor memory dump") { constexpr size_t maxMemDumpSz = 0x100000; /* 1 MiB worth of space */ std::vector memPool(maxMemDumpSz); /* Memory pool */ arm::app::RNNoiseModel model{}; REQUIRE(model.Init()); REQUIRE(model.IsInited()); /* Populate the output tensors */ const size_t numOutputs = model.GetNumOutputs(); size_t sizeToWrite = 0; size_t lastTensorSize = model.GetOutputTensor(numOutputs - 1)->bytes; for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputs; ++i) { TfLiteTensor* tensor = model.GetOutputTensor(i); auto* tData = tflite::GetTensorData(tensor); if (tensor->bytes > 0) { memset(tData, static_cast(i), tensor->bytes); sizeToWrite += tensor->bytes; } } SECTION("Positive use case") { /* Run the memory dump */ auto bytesWritten = DumpOutputTensorsToMemory(model, memPool.data(), memPool.size()); REQUIRE(sizeToWrite == bytesWritten); /* Verify the dump */ size_t k = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < numOutputs && k < memPool.size(); ++i) { TfLiteTensor* tensor = model.GetOutputTensor(i); auto* tData = tflite::GetTensorData(tensor); for (size_t j = 0; j < tensor->bytes && k < memPool.size(); ++j) { REQUIRE(tData[j] == memPool[k++]); } } } SECTION("Limited memory - skipping last tensor") { /* Run the memory dump */ auto bytesWritten = DumpOutputTensorsToMemory(model, memPool.data(), sizeToWrite - 1); REQUIRE(lastTensorSize > 0); REQUIRE(bytesWritten == sizeToWrite - lastTensorSize); } SECTION("Zero memory") { /* Run the memory dump */ auto bytesWritten = DumpOutputTensorsToMemory(model, memPool.data(), 0); REQUIRE(bytesWritten == 0); } } TEST_CASE("Inference run all clips", "[RNNoise]") { PLATFORM arm::app::RNNoiseModel model; CONTEXT caseContext.Set("clipIndex", 0); caseContext.Set("numInputFeatures", g_NumInputFeatures); caseContext.Set("frameLength", g_FrameLength); caseContext.Set("frameStride", g_FrameStride); /* Load the model. */ REQUIRE(model.Init()); REQUIRE(arm::app::NoiseReductionHandler(caseContext, true)); } std::function get_golden_input_p232_208_array_size(const uint32_t numberOfFeatures) { return [numberOfFeatures](const uint32_t) -> uint32_t{ return numberOfFeatures; }; } const char* get_test_filename(const uint32_t idx) { auto name = get_filename(idx); REQUIRE(std::string("p232_208.wav") == name); return "p232_208.wav"; } void testInfByIndex(std::vector& numberOfInferences) { PLATFORM arm::app::RNNoiseModel model; CONTEXT caseContext.Set>("features", get_audio_array); caseContext.Set>("featureFileNames", get_test_filename); caseContext.Set("frameLength", g_FrameLength); caseContext.Set("frameStride", g_FrameStride); caseContext.Set("numInputFeatures", g_NumInputFeatures); /* Load the model. */ REQUIRE(model.Init()); size_t oneInferenceOutSizeBytes = g_FrameLength * sizeof(int16_t); auto infIndex = 0; for (auto numInf: numberOfInferences) { DYNAMIC_SECTION("Number of features: "<< numInf) { caseContext.Set("clipIndex", 1); /* Only getting p232_208.wav for tests. */ uint32_t audioSizeInput = numInf*g_FrameLength; caseContext.Set>("featureSizes", get_golden_input_p232_208_array_size(audioSizeInput)); size_t headerNumBytes = 4 + 12 + 4; /* Filename length, filename (12 for p232_208.wav), dump size. */ size_t footerNumBytes = 4; /* Eof value. */ size_t memDumpMaxLenBytes = headerNumBytes + footerNumBytes + oneInferenceOutSizeBytes * numInf; std::vector memDump(memDumpMaxLenBytes); size_t undefMemDumpBytesWritten = 0; caseContext.Set("MEM_DUMP_LEN", memDumpMaxLenBytes); caseContext.Set("MEM_DUMP_BASE_ADDR", memDump.data()); caseContext.Set("MEM_DUMP_BYTE_WRITTEN", &undefMemDumpBytesWritten); /* Inference. */ REQUIRE(arm::app::NoiseReductionHandler(caseContext, false)); /* The expected output after post-processing. */ std::vector golden(&ofms[infIndex][0], &ofms[infIndex][0] + g_FrameLength); size_t startOfLastInfOut = undefMemDumpBytesWritten - oneInferenceOutSizeBytes; /* The actual result from the usecase handler. */ std::vector runtime(g_FrameLength); std::memcpy(runtime.data(), &memDump[startOfLastInfOut], oneInferenceOutSizeBytes); /* Margin of 43 is 0.07% error. */ REQUIRE_THAT(golden, Catch::Matchers::Approx(runtime).margin(43)); } ++infIndex; } } TEST_CASE("Inference by index - one inference", "[RNNoise]") { auto totalAudioSize = get_audio_array_size(1); REQUIRE(64757 == totalAudioSize); /* Checking that the input file is as expected and has not changed. */ /* Run 1 inference */ std::vector numberOfInferences = {1}; testInfByIndex(numberOfInferences); } TEST_CASE("Inference by index - several inferences", "[RNNoise]") { auto totalAudioSize = get_audio_array_size(1); REQUIRE(64757 == totalAudioSize); /* Checking that the input file is as expected and has not changed. */ /* 3 different inference amounts: 1, 2 and all inferences required to cover total feature set */ uint32_t totalInferences = totalAudioSize / g_FrameLength; std::vector numberOfInferences = {1, 2, totalInferences}; testInfByIndex(numberOfInferences); }