/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "UseCaseHandler.hpp" #include "Classifier.hpp" #include "InputFiles.hpp" #include "MobileNetModel.hpp" #include "UseCaseCommonUtils.hpp" #include "hal.h" using ImgClassClassifier = arm::app::Classifier; namespace arm { namespace app { /** * @brief Helper function to load the current image into the input * tensor. * @param[in] imIdx Image index (from the pool of images available * to the application). * @param[out] inputTensor Pointer to the input tensor to be populated. * @return true if tensor is loaded, false otherwise. **/ static bool _LoadImageIntoTensor(uint32_t imIdx, TfLiteTensor* inputTensor); /** * @brief Helper function to increment current image index. * @param[in,out] ctx Pointer to the application context object. **/ static void _IncrementAppCtxImageIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx); /** * @brief Helper function to set the image index. * @param[in,out] ctx Pointer to the application context object. * @param[in] idx Value to be set. * @return true if index is set, false otherwise. **/ static bool _SetAppCtxImageIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx, uint32_t idx); /** * @brief Presents inference results using the data presentation * object. * @param[in] platform Reference to the hal platform object. * @param[in] results Vector of classification results to be displayed. * @param[in] infTimeMs Inference time in milliseconds, if available * otherwise, this can be passed in as 0. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. **/ static bool _PresentInferenceResult(hal_platform& platform, const std::vector& results); /** * @brief Helper function to convert a UINT8 image to INT8 format. * @param[in,out] data Pointer to the data start. * @param[in] kMaxImageSize Total number of pixels in the image. **/ static void ConvertImgToInt8(void* data, size_t kMaxImageSize); /* Image inference classification handler. */ bool ClassifyImageHandler(ApplicationContext& ctx, uint32_t imgIndex, bool runAll) { auto& platform = ctx.Get("platform"); constexpr uint32_t dataPsnImgDownscaleFactor = 2; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnImgStartX = 10; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnImgStartY = 35; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtInfStartX = 150; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtInfStartY = 40; platform.data_psn->clear(COLOR_BLACK); auto& model = ctx.Get("model"); /* If the request has a valid size, set the image index. */ if (imgIndex < NUMBER_OF_FILES) { if (!_SetAppCtxImageIdx(ctx, imgIndex)) { return false; } } if (!model.IsInited()) { printf_err("Model is not initialised! Terminating processing.\n"); return false; } auto curImIdx = ctx.Get("imgIndex"); TfLiteTensor* outputTensor = model.GetOutputTensor(0); TfLiteTensor* inputTensor = model.GetInputTensor(0); if (!inputTensor->dims) { printf_err("Invalid input tensor dims\n"); return false; } else if (inputTensor->dims->size < 3) { printf_err("Input tensor dimension should be >= 3\n"); return false; } TfLiteIntArray* inputShape = model.GetInputShape(0); const uint32_t nCols = inputShape->data[arm::app::MobileNetModel::ms_inputColsIdx]; const uint32_t nRows = inputShape->data[arm::app::MobileNetModel::ms_inputRowsIdx]; const uint32_t nChannels = inputShape->data[arm::app::MobileNetModel::ms_inputChannelsIdx]; std::vector results; do { /* Strings for presentation/logging. */ std::string str_inf{"Running inference... "}; /* Copy over the data. */ _LoadImageIntoTensor(ctx.Get("imgIndex"), inputTensor); /* Display this image on the LCD. */ platform.data_psn->present_data_image( (uint8_t*) inputTensor->data.data, nCols, nRows, nChannels, dataPsnImgStartX, dataPsnImgStartY, dataPsnImgDownscaleFactor); /* If the data is signed. */ if (model.IsDataSigned()) { ConvertImgToInt8(inputTensor->data.data, inputTensor->bytes); } /* Display message on the LCD - inference running. */ platform.data_psn->present_data_text(str_inf.c_str(), str_inf.size(), dataPsnTxtInfStartX, dataPsnTxtInfStartY, 0); /* Run inference over this image. */ info("Running inference on image %u => %s\n", ctx.Get("imgIndex"), get_filename(ctx.Get("imgIndex"))); RunInference(platform, model); /* Erase. */ str_inf = std::string(str_inf.size(), ' '); platform.data_psn->present_data_text(str_inf.c_str(), str_inf.size(), dataPsnTxtInfStartX, dataPsnTxtInfStartY, 0); auto& classifier = ctx.Get("classifier"); classifier.GetClassificationResults(outputTensor, results, ctx.Get&>("labels"), 5); /* Add results to context for access outside handler. */ ctx.Set>("results", results); #if VERIFY_TEST_OUTPUT arm::app::DumpTensor(outputTensor); #endif /* VERIFY_TEST_OUTPUT */ if (!_PresentInferenceResult(platform, results)) { return false; } _IncrementAppCtxImageIdx(ctx); } while (runAll && ctx.Get("imgIndex") != curImIdx); return true; } static bool _LoadImageIntoTensor(const uint32_t imIdx, TfLiteTensor* inputTensor) { const size_t copySz = inputTensor->bytes < IMAGE_DATA_SIZE ? inputTensor->bytes : IMAGE_DATA_SIZE; const uint8_t* imgSrc = get_img_array(imIdx); if (nullptr == imgSrc) { printf_err("Failed to get image index %u (max: %u)\n", imIdx, NUMBER_OF_FILES - 1); return false; } memcpy(inputTensor->data.data, imgSrc, copySz); debug("Image %u loaded\n", imIdx); return true; } static void _IncrementAppCtxImageIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx) { auto curImIdx = ctx.Get("imgIndex"); if (curImIdx + 1 >= NUMBER_OF_FILES) { ctx.Set("imgIndex", 0); return; } ++curImIdx; ctx.Set("imgIndex", curImIdx); } static bool _SetAppCtxImageIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx, const uint32_t idx) { if (idx >= NUMBER_OF_FILES) { printf_err("Invalid idx %u (expected less than %u)\n", idx, NUMBER_OF_FILES); return false; } ctx.Set("imgIndex", idx); return true; } static bool _PresentInferenceResult(hal_platform& platform, const std::vector& results) { constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartX1 = 150; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartY1 = 30; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartX2 = 10; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartY2 = 150; constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtYIncr = 16; /* Row index increment. */ platform.data_psn->set_text_color(COLOR_GREEN); /* Display each result. */ uint32_t rowIdx1 = dataPsnTxtStartY1 + 2 * dataPsnTxtYIncr; uint32_t rowIdx2 = dataPsnTxtStartY2; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) { std::string resultStr = std::to_string(i + 1) + ") " + std::to_string(results[i].m_labelIdx) + " (" + std::to_string(results[i].m_normalisedVal) + ")"; platform.data_psn->present_data_text( resultStr.c_str(), resultStr.size(), dataPsnTxtStartX1, rowIdx1, 0); rowIdx1 += dataPsnTxtYIncr; resultStr = std::to_string(i + 1) + ") " + results[i].m_label; platform.data_psn->present_data_text( resultStr.c_str(), resultStr.size(), dataPsnTxtStartX2, rowIdx2, 0); rowIdx2 += dataPsnTxtYIncr; info("%u) %u (%f) -> %s\n", i, results[i].m_labelIdx, results[i].m_normalisedVal, results[i].m_label.c_str()); } return true; } static void ConvertImgToInt8(void* data, const size_t kMaxImageSize) { auto* tmp_req_data = (uint8_t*) data; auto* tmp_signed_req_data = (int8_t*) data; for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxImageSize; i++) { tmp_signed_req_data[i] = (int8_t) ( (int32_t) (tmp_req_data[i]) - 128); } } } /* namespace app */ } /* namespace arm */