#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(SCRIPTS_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts) ############################################################################## # This function generates C++ files for images located in the directory it is # pointed at. NOTE: uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_images_code input_dir src_out hdr_out img_size) # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${input_dir} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${src_out} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "Generating image files from ${input_dir_abs}") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_rgb_cpp.py --image_path ${input_dir_abs} --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs} --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs} --image_size ${img_size} ${img_size} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate image files.") endif () endfunction() ############################################################################## # This function generates C++ files for audio files located in the directory it is # pointed at. NOTE: uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_audio_code input_dir src_out hdr_out s_rate_opt mono_opt off_opt duration_opt res_type_opt min_sample_opt) # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${input_dir} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${src_out} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE) to_py_bool(mono_opt mono_opt_py) message(STATUS "Generating audio files from ${input_dir_abs}") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_audio_cpp.py --audio_path ${input_dir_abs} --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs} --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs} --sampling_rate ${s_rate_opt} --mono ${mono_opt_py} --offset ${off_opt} --duration ${duration_opt} --res_type ${res_type_opt} --min_samples ${min_sample_opt} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate audio files.") endif () endfunction() ############################################################################## # This function generates default empty input C++ files for applications with no # external input. Main use is for the inference runner. NOTE: uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_default_input_code hdr_out) # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "Generating default input files") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_default_input_cpp.py --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate default input .") endif () endfunction() ############################################################################## # This function generates C++ files for tflite NN model files. # @param[in] MODEL_PATH path to a tflite file # @param[in] DESTINATION directory in which the output cc must be # placed # @param[in] EXPRESSIONS C++ code expressions to add to the generated file # @param[in] NAMESPACE model name space # NOTE: Uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_tflite_code) set(multiValueArgs EXPRESSIONS NAMESPACE) set(oneValueArgs MODEL_PATH DESTINATION) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(ABS_MODEL_PATH ${PARSED_MODEL_PATH} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(ABS_DESTINATION ${PARSED_DESTINATION} ABSOLUTE) if (EXISTS ${ABS_MODEL_PATH}) message(STATUS "Using ${ABS_MODEL_PATH}") else () message(FATAL_ERROR "${ABS_MODEL_PATH} not found!") endif () foreach(expression ${PARSED_EXPRESSIONS}) set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --expression=${expression}) endforeach() foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE}) set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name}) endforeach() execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_model_cpp.py --tflite_path ${ABS_MODEL_PATH} --output_dir ${ABS_DESTINATION} ${py_arg_exp} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate model files.") endif () endfunction() ############################################################################## # This function generates C++ file for a given labels' text file. # @param[in] INPUT Path to the label text file # @param[in] DESTINATION_SRC directory in which the output cc must be # placed # @param[in] DESTINATION_HDR directory in which the output h file must be # placed # @param[in] OUTPUT_FILENAME Path to required output file # @param[in] NAMESPACE data name space # NOTE: Uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_labels_code) set(multiValueArgs NAMESPACE) set(oneValueArgs INPUT DESTINATION_SRC DESTINATION_HDR OUTPUT_FILENAME) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(input_abs ${PARSED_INPUT} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_SRC} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_HDR} ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "Generating labels file from ${PARSED_INPUT}") file(REMOVE "${hdr_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.hpp") file(REMOVE "${src_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.cc") foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE}) set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name}) endforeach() message(STATUS "writing to ${hdr_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.hpp and ${src_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.cc") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_labels_cpp.py --labels_file ${input_abs} --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs} --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs} --output_file_name ${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME} ${py_arg_exp} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate label files.") endif () endfunction() ############################################################################## # This function generates C++ data files for test located in the directory it is # pointed at. # @param[in] INPUT_DIR directory in which are the npy files # @param[in] DESTINATION_SRC directory in which the output cc must be # placed # @param[in] DESTINATION_HDR directory in which the output h file must be # placed # @param[in] NAMESPACE data name space # NOTE: Uses python ############################################################################## function(generate_test_data_code) set(multiValueArgs NAMESPACE INPUT_DIR) set(oneValueArgs DESTINATION_SRC DESTINATION_HDR) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) list(LENGTH PARSED_INPUT_DIR input_dir_length) if (${input_dir_length} GREATER 1) set(add_extra_namespace TRUE) else() set(add_extra_namespace FALSE) endif() foreach(input_dir ${PARSED_INPUT_DIR}) unset(py_arg_exp) file(GLOB_RECURSE input_data_files "${input_dir}/*.npy" ) # no input NPY data found => skip code generation. if(NOT input_data_files) message(WARNING "No files were found to generated input data: ${input_dir}") break() endif() # Absolute paths for passing into python script get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${input_dir} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(input_dir_name ${input_dir} NAME) get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_SRC} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_HDR} ABSOLUTE) foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE}) set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name}) endforeach() if (${add_extra_namespace}) set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${input_dir_name}) endif() message(STATUS "Generating test ifm and ofm files from ${input_dir_abs}") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/gen_test_data_cpp.py --data_folder_path ${input_dir_abs} --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs} --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs} --usecase ${input_dir_name} ${py_arg_exp} RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate test data files.") endif () endforeach() endfunction() ############################################################################## # Function to prepare a python virtual environment for running the functions # outlined above. ############################################################################## function(setup_source_generator) if (${CMAKE_HOST_WIN32}) # windows python3 has python.exe set(PY_EXEC python) set(PYTHON ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv/Scripts/${PY_EXEC}) else() set(PY_EXEC python3) set(PYTHON ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv/bin/${PY_EXEC}) endif() set(PYTHON ${PYTHON} PARENT_SCOPE) if (EXISTS ${PYTHON}) message(STATUS "Using existing python at ${PYTHON}") return() endif () message(STATUS "Configuring python environment at ${PYTHON}") execute_process( COMMAND ${PY_EXEC} -m venv ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to setup python3 environment. Return code: ${return_code}") endif () execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} -m pip install --upgrade pip RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to upgrade pip") endif () execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} -m pip install wheel RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to install wheel") endif () execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON} -m pip install -r ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/requirements.txt RESULT_VARIABLE return_code ) if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to install requirements") endif () endfunction()