# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Compresses and pads the weigths. It also calculates the scales and packs with the biases. import os import sys import enum import math import numpy as np from collections import namedtuple from .numeric_util import round_up from .scaling import quantise_scale from .tensor import TensorPurpose, TensorSubPurpose, TensorFormat, TensorBlockTraversal from .operation import NpuBlockType from .architecture_features import Block from .nn_graph import SchedulingStrategy from .data_type import DataType from ethosu import mlw_codec def encode(weight_stream): assert np.amin(weight_stream) >= -255 assert np.amax(weight_stream) <= 255 # Encode flattened signed weight stream compressed = mlw_codec.encode(weight_stream) # pad with 0xFF as needed so the length of the weight stream # is a multiple of 16 while (len(compressed) % 16) != 0: compressed.append(0xFF) return compressed def generate_brick(arch, brick_weights, ofm_block, block_traversal, ifm_bitdepth): is_depthwise = block_traversal == TensorBlockTraversal.DepthWise is_partkernel = block_traversal == TensorBlockTraversal.PartKernelFirst subkernel_max = arch.subkernel_max ofm_ublock = arch.ofm_ublock ifm_ublock = arch.ifm_ublock # Expect weights formatted HWIO ofm_depth = brick_weights.shape[-1] ifm_depth = brick_weights.shape[-2] kernel_width = brick_weights.shape[-3] kernel_height = brick_weights.shape[-4] # IFM block depth if is_partkernel or (ifm_bitdepth == 16): # IFM block depth is always 16 for part-kernel-first ifm_block_depth = 16 elif ifm_bitdepth == 8: ifm_block_depth = 32 else: assert False stream = [] # Top level striping - OFM blocks in the entire brick's depth for ofm_block_z in range(0, ofm_depth, ofm_block.depth): clipped_ofm_block_depth = min(ofm_block.depth, ofm_depth - ofm_block_z) # IFM blocks required for the brick for ifm_block_z in range(0, (1 if is_depthwise else ifm_depth), ifm_block_depth): if is_depthwise: clipped_ifm_block_depth = ifm_ublock.depth else: clipped_ifm_block_depth = ( min(ifm_block_depth, ifm_depth - ifm_block_z) if is_partkernel else ifm_block_depth ) # Weight decomposition # Subkernel Splitting (H) for subkernel_y in range(0, kernel_height, subkernel_max.height): sub_height = min(kernel_height - subkernel_y, subkernel_max.height) # Subkernel splitting (W) for subkernel_x in range(0, kernel_width, subkernel_max.width): sub_width = min(kernel_width - subkernel_x, subkernel_max.width) subkernel_elements = sub_width * sub_height # Part kernel first works across the kernel H/W and needs padding if is_partkernel: if ifm_bitdepth == 16 and subkernel_elements % 2 != 0: subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 2) * 2) elif ifm_bitdepth == 8 and subkernel_elements % 4 != 0: subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 4) * 4) # Depthwise Conv requires multiple of 4 kernel elements in its weight block # this is different from normal conv which is considered "weights depth-first" elif is_depthwise: subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 4.0) * 4) ifm_block_depth_outer = clipped_ifm_block_depth if is_partkernel else 1 ifm_block_depth_inner = 1 if is_partkernel else clipped_ifm_block_depth # IFM Ublocks in IFM-block over depth for part-kernel-first mode # For depth-first IFM Ublocks are traversed after subkernel elements so this loop is ignored. for ifm_ublk_outer in range(0, ifm_block_depth_outer, ifm_ublock.depth): # OFM Ublocks in OFM-block over depth for ofm_ublk in range(0, clipped_ofm_block_depth, ofm_ublock.depth): # HW Kernel element traversal - cannot be a H/W loop due to element # padding requirement on depthwise/part-kernel configurations for element in range(subkernel_elements): kx = element % sub_width ky = element // sub_width # IFM Ublocks in IFM-block over depth (only 1 ublock if depthwise) # In case of part-kernel-first IFM Ublock traversal have already been handled # and this loop is ignored. for ifm_ublk_inner in range(0, ifm_block_depth_inner, ifm_ublock.depth): # Feed OFM ublock elements for ofm_ublock_z in range(ofm_ublock.depth): # Source IFM ublock elements (only 1 element deep if depthwise) for ifm_ublock_z in range(1 if is_depthwise else ifm_ublock.depth): # Source position within the current subkernel wx = subkernel_x + kx wy = subkernel_y + ky # Source IFM/OFM slices ifm_ublk = ifm_ublk_inner + ifm_ublk_outer ifm_z = ifm_block_z + ifm_ublk + ifm_ublock_z ofm_z = ofm_block_z + ofm_ublk + ofm_ublock_z if (ifm_z >= ifm_depth) or (ofm_z >= ofm_depth) or (ky >= sub_height): stream.append(0) else: stream.append(brick_weights[wy][wx][ifm_z][ofm_z]) return stream # Compress the weights def compress_weights(tens, arch, npu_block_type, ofm_block, ofm_depth_step, min_val=None, max_val=None): assert tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.Weights assert tens.format == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed WeightCompressionConfig = namedtuple("WeightCompressionConfig", ["npu_block_type", "ofm_block", "ofm_depth_step"]) # check if weights have already been compressed wcc = tens.weight_compression_config if wcc is not None: assert wcc.npu_block_type == npu_block_type, "Weights not used by the same operator type" if wcc.ofm_block == ofm_block and wcc.ofm_depth_step == ofm_depth_step: return assert tens.quantization is not None assert tens.quantization.scale_f32 is not None assert tens.quantization.zero_point is not None zero_point = tens.quantization.zero_point quant_buf = tens.quant_values.astype(np.int64) # Early zero-point correction weights = quant_buf - zero_point if len(weights.shape) == 2: weights = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(weights, axis=0), axis=0) weights_shape = (weights.shape[0], 1, 1, weights.shape[1]) else: weights_shape = weights.shape compression_scales = [] compressed_offsets = [] encoded_streams = [] offset = 0 max_single_buffer_len = 0 ifm_bitdepth = tens.consumer_list[0].inputs[0].dtype.size_in_bits() ifm_depth = weights.shape[-2] if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise: tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.DepthWise if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN: # Determine which block traversal strategy has better DPU utilization kernel_size = weights_shape[0] * weights_shape[1] depth_utilization = weights_shape[2] / round_up(weights_shape[2], 32 if ifm_bitdepth == 8 else 16) part_kernel_utilization = (weights_shape[2] / round_up(weights_shape[2], 8)) * ( kernel_size / round_up(kernel_size, 4 if ifm_bitdepth == 8 else 2) ) if part_kernel_utilization >= depth_utilization or ifm_depth <= 8: # Part-kernel first is always better for ifm depths <= 8 tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.PartKernelFirst else: tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.DepthFirst # Slice weight stream up depth-ways into bricks and compress full_ofm_depth = quant_buf.shape[-1] for idx in range(0, full_ofm_depth, ofm_depth_step): # Get the weights necessary for this brick count = min(full_ofm_depth - idx, ofm_depth_step) brick_weights = weights[:, :, :, idx : idx + count] # Encode all weights into one chunk raw_stream = generate_brick(arch, brick_weights, ofm_block, tens.block_traversal, ifm_bitdepth) encoded = encode(raw_stream) encoded_streams.append(encoded) # Remember maximum encoded length for DoubleBuffering if max_single_buffer_len < len(encoded): max_single_buffer_len = len(encoded) # Remember where we put it for linear addressing compressed_offsets.append(offset) offset += len(encoded) assert offset % 16 == 0 # Compression scale tracking compression_scales.append(len(encoded) / len(raw_stream)) # Also track complete length in the offsets array compressed_offsets.append(offset) if tens.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer and len(encoded_streams) > 2: offset = 2 * max_single_buffer_len assert offset % 16 == 0 tens.storage_shape = [1, 1, 1, offset] tens.weight_compression_scales = compression_scales tens.weight_compression_config = WeightCompressionConfig(npu_block_type, ofm_block, ofm_depth_step) tens.weight_compressed_offsets = compressed_offsets tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = np.amax(compression_scales) tens.storage_compression_scale = tens.bandwidth_compression_scale = np.average(compression_scales) tens.compressed_values = encoded_streams tens.brick_size = (weights_shape[0], weights_shape[1], weights_shape[2], min(tens.shape[-1], ofm_depth_step)) def calc_scales_and_pack_biases(tens, arch, oc_quantum, rescale_for_faf=False): assert tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap assert tens.format == TensorFormat.NHWC # the connected operator should expect a bias input unless it is a FullyConnected assert "Bias" in tens.consumer_list[0].type or tens.consumer_list[0].type.startswith("FullyConnected") # the input bias tensor is the same as that connected to the operator assert tens is tens.consumer_list[0].inputs[2] # the operator should only have a single output assert len(tens.consumer_list[0].outputs) == 1 def pack_bias_and_scale(bias, scale, shift): bias = np.int64(bias) assert -(1 << (40 - 1)) <= bias < (1 << (40 - 1)) # signed 40-bit range assert 0 <= scale < (1 << 32) # unsigned 32-bit range assert 0 <= shift < (1 << 6) # unsigned 6-bit range # pack the 80 bit value = [0(2-bits),shift(6-bits),scale(32-bits),bias(40-bits)] data = bytearray(10) data[0] = (bias >> (0 * 8)) & 0xFF data[1] = (bias >> (1 * 8)) & 0xFF data[2] = (bias >> (2 * 8)) & 0xFF data[3] = (bias >> (3 * 8)) & 0xFF data[4] = (bias >> (4 * 8)) & 0xFF data[5] = (scale >> (0 * 8)) & 0xFF data[6] = (scale >> (1 * 8)) & 0xFF data[7] = (scale >> (2 * 8)) & 0xFF data[8] = (scale >> (3 * 8)) & 0xFF data[9] = shift & 0x3F return data biases = tens.quant_values first_consumer_op = tens.consumer_list[0] ifm_dtype = first_consumer_op.inputs[0].dtype ifm_scale = first_consumer_op.inputs[0].quantization.scale_f32 ofm_scale = first_consumer_op.outputs[0].quantization.scale_f32 weight_scales = first_consumer_op.inputs[1].quantization.scale_f32 # biases can have multiple consumers for rnn cells. if so, then check that they are all the same for op in tens.consumer_list[1:]: assert ifm_scale == op.inputs[0].quantization.scale_f32 assert ofm_scale == op.outputs[0].quantization.scale_f32 assert weight_scales == op.inputs[1].quantization.scale_f32 if not hasattr(weight_scales, "__iter__"): # If weight_scales is not already an iterable make it into a list weight_scales = [weight_scales] # Convert scales to np.double (from np.float32) to conform to TensorFlow Lite which # uses double during scaling calculations # TensorFlow Lite casts the scales slightly differently for uint8 and int8 if not rescale_for_faf: if ifm_dtype == DataType.uint8: scales = [np.double(ifm_scale * weight_scale) / np.double(ofm_scale) for weight_scale in weight_scales] elif ifm_dtype == DataType.int8: scales = [ (np.double(ifm_scale) * np.double(weight_scale)) / np.double(ofm_scale) for weight_scale in weight_scales ] else: assert False, str(ifm_dtype) + " not implemented" else: if ifm_dtype == DataType.uint8: scales = [np.double(ifm_scale * weight_scale * 0x3000) for weight_scale in weight_scales] elif ifm_dtype == DataType.int8: scales = [(np.double(ifm_scale * 0x3000) * np.double(weight_scale)) for weight_scale in weight_scales] else: assert False, str(ifm_dtype) + " not implemented" # quantise all of the weight scales into (scale_factor, shift) quantised_scales = [quantise_scale(scale) for scale in scales] for _, shift in quantised_scales: assert shift >= 16 # pack the biases and scales tens.compressed_values = [] if len(quantised_scales) == 1: # If only 1 quantised scale is used, repeat that value for the length of the biases quantised_scales = [quantised_scales[0]] * len(biases) assert len(quantised_scales) == len(biases) for i, bias in enumerate(biases): tens.compressed_values.append(pack_bias_and_scale(bias, *quantised_scales[i])) tens.element_size_bytes = 10 # Figure out if we need padded storage (extra whole elements) padding = (len(tens.compressed_values) * tens.element_size_bytes) % 16 if padding != 0: padding = 16 - padding # This adds enough padding to allow over-reads while padding > 0: tens.compressed_values.append(pack_bias_and_scale(0, 0, 0)) padding = padding - tens.element_size_bytes tens.storage_shape = [len(tens.compressed_values)] def update_pass_weight_and_scale_tensors(nng, arch): def find_npu_usage_of_tensor(tens): # TODO: This function is identical to the one in mark_tensors.py. A common version should be used. for op in tens.consumers(): if op.type == "DMA": return find_npu_usage_of_tensor(op.outputs[0]) if "npu_block_type" in op.attrs: return op.attrs["npu_block_type"] return NpuBlockType.Default for sg in nng.subgraphs: for ps in sg.passes: if ps.weight_tensor != None: npu_usage_of_tensor = find_npu_usage_of_tensor(ps.weight_tensor) if npu_usage_of_tensor == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise: ps.weight_tensor.quant_values = np.transpose(ps.weight_tensor.quant_values, (0, 1, 3, 2)) ps.weight_tensor.shape = ps.weight_tensor.storage_shape = ps.weight_tensor.bandwidth_shape = list( ps.weight_tensor.quant_values.shape ) ps.weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise = True needs_dma = len(ps.weight_tensor.ops) == 1 and ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].type == "DMA" if ps.cascade.strategy == SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream and needs_dma: ofm_depth_step = ps.block_config[-1] else: ofm_depth_step = ps.weight_tensor.shape[-1] compress_weights( ps.weight_tensor, arch, npu_usage_of_tensor, Block(ps.block_config[-3], ps.block_config[-4], ps.block_config[-1]), ofm_depth_step, ) # Update source tensor if len(ps.weight_tensor.ops) == 1 and ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].type == "DMA": src_tens = ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].inputs[0] src_tens.shape = ps.weight_tensor.shape src_tens.weight_transpose_depthwise = ps.weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise src_tens.quant_values = ps.weight_tensor.quant_values src_tens.compressed_values = ps.weight_tensor.compressed_values src_tens.storage_shape = [1, 1, 1, ps.weight_tensor.weight_compressed_offsets[-1]] src_tens.brick_size = ps.weight_tensor.brick_size src_tens.weight_compression_scales = ps.weight_tensor.weight_compression_scales src_tens.weight_compressed_offsets = ps.weight_tensor.weight_compressed_offsets if ps.scale_tensor != None: rescale_for_faf = False activation_ops = set(("Sigmoid", "Tanh")) if (ps.ops[-1].type in activation_ops) and (ps.npu_block_type != NpuBlockType.ElementWise): rescale_for_faf = True calc_scales_and_pack_biases(ps.scale_tensor, arch, ps.block_config[3], rescale_for_faf)