# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020-2021, 2023 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Description: # Contains unit tests for npu_generate_register_command_stream API for an external consumer import pytest from ethosu.vela.api import npu_find_block_configs from ethosu.vela.api import npu_generate_register_command_stream from ethosu.vela.api import NpuAccelerator from ethosu.vela.api import NpuActivation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuActivationOp from ethosu.vela.api import NpuAddressRange from ethosu.vela.api import NpuBlockTraversal from ethosu.vela.api import NpuConv2DOperation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuConvDepthWiseOperation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuDataType from ethosu.vela.api import NpuDmaOperation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuElementWiseOp from ethosu.vela.api import NpuElementWiseOperation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuFeatureMap from ethosu.vela.api import NpuKernel from ethosu.vela.api import NpuLayout from ethosu.vela.api import NpuPadding from ethosu.vela.api import NpuPoolingOp from ethosu.vela.api import NpuPoolingOperation from ethosu.vela.api import NpuQuantization from ethosu.vela.api import NpuShape3D from ethosu.vela.api import NpuTileBox from ethosu.vela.architecture_features import Accelerator from ethosu.vela.architecture_features import create_default_arch from ethosu.vela.errors import ByteAlignmentError from ethosu.vela.errors import ByteSizeError from ethosu.vela.errors import VelaError from ethosu.vela.ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd0 from ethosu.vela.ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd1 from ethosu.vela.high_level_command_to_npu_op import BasePointerIndex from ethosu.vela.high_level_command_to_npu_op import get_mem_limits_for_regions from ethosu.vela.register_command_stream_generator import CmdMode from ethosu.vela.register_command_stream_generator import generate_command_stream from ethosu.vela.register_command_stream_util import BASE_PTR_INDEX_MEM2MEM from ethosu.vela.register_command_stream_util import get_address_ranges def find_cmd0(cmd_stream, cmd, param, idx=0): """ Searches the command stream from position idx Returns the position of cmd + param (if found) otherwise -1. """ param = int(param) & 0xFFFF command = cmd.value | (param << 16) for i in range(idx, len(cmd_stream)): if cmd_stream[i] == command: return i return -1 def check_cmd0(cmd_stream, cmd, param, idx=0): """ Checks that command + parameter exists in the command stream after position idx. Returns the position (if found) otherwise asserts. """ pos = find_cmd0(cmd_stream, cmd, param, idx) assert pos >= 0, f"{cmd} {param} not found in the command stream (after position {idx})" return pos def find_param_cmd0(cmd_stream, cmd) -> int: """Returns parameter of the first command in the stream that matches the given command""" for command in cmd_stream: if (command & 0xFFFF) == cmd.value: return (command >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert False, f"Not in command stream: {cmd}" def find_cmd1(cmd_stream, cmd, offset, param=0x0, idx=0): """ Searches the command stream from position idx Returns the position of the command (if found) otherwise -1. """ offset = int(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFF command = cmd.value | CmdMode.Payload32.value | (param << 16) for i in range(idx, len(cmd_stream) - 1): if cmd_stream[i] == command and cmd_stream[i + 1] == offset: return i return -1 def check_cmd1(cmd_stream, cmd, offset, param=0x0, idx=0): """ Checks that command + parameter exists in the command stream after position idx. Returns the position of the command (if found) otherwise asserts. """ pos = find_cmd1(cmd_stream, cmd, offset, param, idx) assert pos >= 0, f"{cmd} {offset} {param} not found in the command stream (after position {idx})" return pos def create_feature_map( shape: NpuShape3D, region: int, address: int, dtype: NpuDataType = NpuDataType.UINT8, layout: NpuLayout = NpuLayout.NHWC, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=1, zero_point=0), ) -> NpuFeatureMap: """Creates feature map using 1 tile""" fm = NpuFeatureMap() fm.data_type = dtype fm.shape = shape fm.tiles = NpuTileBox( width_0=shape.width, height_0=shape.height, height_1=shape.height, addresses=[address, 0, 0, 0] ) fm.region = region fm.layout = layout fm.quantization = quant return fm def create_conv2d( ifm: NpuFeatureMap, ofm: NpuFeatureMap, kernel: NpuKernel, weights: NpuAddressRange, bias: NpuAddressRange, padding: NpuPadding, block_config: NpuShape3D, ): """Creates a Conv2D operation""" op = NpuConv2DOperation() op.ifm = ifm op.ofm = ofm op.kernel = kernel op.weights = [weights] if bias: op.biases = [bias] op.padding = padding op.block_traversal = NpuBlockTraversal.PART_KERNEL_FIRST op.block_config = block_config return op def test_conv2d(): """Tests command stream generation for a conv2d operation""" op = create_conv2d( ifm=create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=30, width=62, depth=46), 1, 512, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128), ), ofm=create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=30, width=31, depth=46), 1, 0x14E40, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.20392157, zero_point=128), ), kernel=NpuKernel(3, 2, 2, 1), weights=NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0, length=7696), bias=NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=32000, length=464), padding=NpuPadding(top=0, left=0, right=1, bottom=1), block_config=NpuShape3D(height=16, width=4, depth=16), ) cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_128) set_cmds = list() set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE0, 512)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE2, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE3, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT0_M1, 29)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT1_M1, 29)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_WIDTH0_M1, 61)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_DEPTH_M1, 45)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_C, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_Y, 2852)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_X, 46)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_ZERO_POINT, 128)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PRECISION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_TOP, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_LEFT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_BOTTOM, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_RIGHT, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE0, 85568)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE2, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE3, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT0_M1, 29)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT1_M1, 29)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH0_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT_M1, 29)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_DEPTH_M1, 45)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_C, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_Y, 1426)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_X, 46)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_ZERO_POINT, 128)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_PRECISION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_HEIGHT_M1, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_WIDTH_M1, 2)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_STRIDE, 5)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_WEIGHT_REGION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_WEIGHT_BASE, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_WEIGHT_LENGTH, 7696)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_SCALE_REGION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_SCALE_BASE, 32000)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_SCALE_LENGTH, 464)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MIN, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MAX, 255)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_HEIGHT_M1, 15)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_WIDTH_M1, 3)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_DEPTH_M1, 15)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACC_FORMAT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, 0)) conv_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0) assert all([conv_idx > x for x in set_cmds]), "NPU_OP_CONV occured before the last SET operation." ib_end = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_IB_END) ab_start = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START) assert ib_end > 0 assert ib_end <= ab_start def create_fully_connected_op() -> NpuConv2DOperation: op = NpuConv2DOperation() op.ifm = create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=1, width=1, depth=114), 1, 0, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128), layout=NpuLayout.NHCWB16, ) op.ofm = create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=1, width=1, depth=96), 1, 0x6A0, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.20392157, zero_point=128), layout=NpuLayout.NHCWB16, ) op.kernel = NpuKernel(1, 1) op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0x16880, length=13120)] op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0x19BC0, length=960)] op.padding = NpuPadding(top=0, left=0, right=0, bottom=0) op.block_traversal = NpuBlockTraversal.DEPTH_FIRST op.block_config = NpuShape3D(height=2, width=4, depth=96) return op def test_fully_connected(): """Tests command stream generation for a fully connected operation""" op = create_fully_connected_op() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_128) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0) assert len(cmds) > 20 def test_depthwise(): """Test depthwise operation, preceeded by DMA operation""" weights_src = NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0x40, length=96) weights_dest = NpuAddressRange(region=1, address=0x10000, length=96) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(weights_src, weights_dest) op = NpuConvDepthWiseOperation() ifm_quant = NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128) op.ifm = create_feature_map(NpuShape3D(height=64, width=64, depth=8), 1, 0x0, quant=ifm_quant) ofm_quant = NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.062745101749897, zero_point=128) op.ofm = create_feature_map(NpuShape3D(height=64, width=64, depth=8), 1, 0x8000, quant=ofm_quant) op.kernel = NpuKernel(3, 3) op.padding = NpuPadding(top=1, left=1, right=1, bottom=1) op.weights = [weights_dest] op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0, length=80)] op.block_config = NpuShape3D(height=8, width=12, depth=8) cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op, op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_128) set_cmds = list() set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC_REGION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC, 0x40)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST, 0x10000)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_LEN, 96)) dma_start_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0) assert all([dma_start_idx > x for x in set_cmds]), "DMA_START occured before the last SET_DMA operation" # A DMA WAIT should have been inserted dma_wait_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, dma_start_idx) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DEPTHWISE, 0, dma_wait_idx) def test_mul_with_broadcast_and_relu(): """Test multiplication with broadcasted IFM2""" op = NpuElementWiseOperation(NpuElementWiseOp.MUL) op.ifm = create_feature_map(NpuShape3D(height=31, width=22, depth=31), 1, 0x20) op.ifm2 = create_feature_map(NpuShape3D(height=1, width=22, depth=1), 1, 0) op.ofm = create_feature_map(NpuShape3D(height=31, width=22, depth=31), 1, 0x52C0) op.activation = NpuActivation(NpuActivationOp.NONE_OR_RELU) op.activation.min = 0 # RELU accelerator = NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_32 # Select a block config using npu_find_block_configs op.block_config = npu_find_block_configs(op, accelerator)[0] cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], accelerator) set_cmds = list() set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, 1073741824, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE0, 32)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE2, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_BASE3, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT0_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT1_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_WIDTH0_M1, 21)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_DEPTH_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_C, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_Y, 682)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_X, 31)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_ZERO_POINT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PRECISION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE0, 21184)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE2, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_BASE3, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT0_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT1_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH0_M1, 21)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH_M1, 21)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_DEPTH_M1, 30)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_C, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_Y, 682)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_X, 31)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_ZERO_POINT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_PRECISION, 256)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MIN, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MAX, 255)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_REGION, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_BASE0, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_BASE1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_BASE2, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_BASE3, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT0_M1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT1_M1, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_WIDTH0_M1, 21)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_C, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_Y, 22)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_X, 1)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_ZERO_POINT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_PRECISION, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_BROADCAST, 5)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_IB_END, 16)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_ACC_FORMAT, 0)) set_cmds.append(check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, 0)) elementwise_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_ELEMENTWISE, 0) assert all([elementwise_idx > x for x in set_cmds]), "NPU_OP_ELEMENTWISE occured before the last SET cmd" ab_start = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START) assert ab_start > 0 ifm2_ib_start = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_IB_START) assert 0 < ifm2_ib_start < ab_start # Check that block width/height were generated that fit blk_height = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_HEIGHT_M1) blk_width = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_WIDTH_M1) blk_depth = find_param_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_DEPTH_M1) assert blk_height >= 0 assert blk_width >= 0 assert blk_depth >= 0 assert (blk_height + 1) * (blk_width + 1) + (blk_depth + 1) <= 3072 def create_avg_pool_op() -> NpuPoolingOperation: op = NpuPoolingOperation(NpuPoolingOp.AVERAGE) op.ifm = create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=32, width=30, depth=28), 2, 0, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128) ) op.ofm = create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=10, width=10, depth=28), 2, 0x5BD0, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.20392157, zero_point=128), ) op.kernel = NpuKernel(8, 2, 3, 3) op.padding = NpuPadding(top=0, left=2, right=3, bottom=0) # Select a block config op.block_config = NpuShape3D(height=4, width=4, depth=16) return op def test_avg_pool(): """Tests average pool operation""" op = create_avg_pool_op() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_128) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, 1) assert len(cmds) > 10 def test_two_operations(): """Tests code generation with 2 operations""" op1 = create_fully_connected_op() op2 = create_avg_pool_op() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([op1, op2], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, 1) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, 0) # The operations are not dependent, so expect a blockdep 3 check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, 3) assert len(cmds) > 10 def test_dma_op(): """Tests DMA operation followed by average pool. The DMA provides the contents of the average pool's IFM.""" pool_op = create_avg_pool_op() assert pool_op.ifm is not None dest = get_address_ranges(pool_op.ifm)[0] assert dest is not None src = NpuAddressRange(0, 0x24000, dest.length) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(src, dest) cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op, pool_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) dma_start_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0) # A DMA WAIT should have been inserted after the dma start dma_wait_idx = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, dma_start_idx) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, 1, dma_wait_idx) def setup_memory_barrier_tests(): """ Sets up 4 CONV operations and 4 DMA operations. Where dma_ops[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ ifm_addresses = [0x27100, 0x0, 0x27100, 0x0] ofm_addresses = [0x0, 0x27100, 0x0, 0x27100] weight_addr_r0 = [0x80, 0x150, 0x220, 0x2F0] weight_addr_r1 = [0x2E650, 0x4E220, 0x4E2F0, 0x4E3C0] weight_len = 208 conv_ops = list() dma_ops = list() for i in range(4): weights_flash = NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=weight_addr_r0[i], length=weight_len) weights_sram = NpuAddressRange(region=1, address=weight_addr_r1[i], length=weight_len) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(weights_flash, weights_sram) conv = create_conv2d( ifm=create_feature_map( shape=NpuShape3D(height=100, width=100, depth=3), region=1, address=ifm_addresses[i], quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=1.0, zero_point=0), ), ofm=create_feature_map( shape=NpuShape3D(height=100, width=100, depth=3), region=1, address=ofm_addresses[i], quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=1.0, zero_point=0), ), kernel=NpuKernel(3, 3, 1, 1), weights=weights_sram, bias=None, padding=NpuPadding(top=1, left=1, right=1, bottom=1), block_config=NpuShape3D(height=20, width=20, depth=8), ) conv_ops.append(conv) dma_ops.append(dma_op) return conv_ops, dma_ops def test_dma_wait_1(): """ Tests that DMA_WAIT barriers are properly inserted by the register command stream generator. high-level command stream: dma[0] conv[0] dma[1] conv[1] dma[2] conv[2] Where dma[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() hlvl_cmds = [dma_ops[0], conv_ops[0], dma_ops[1], conv_ops[1], dma_ops[2], conv_ops[2]] # Ethos-U55 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) # Ethos-U65 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) def test_dma_wait_2(): """ Tests that DMA_WAIT barriers are properly inserted by the register command stream generator. high-level command stream: dma[0] dma[1] conv[0] dma[2] conv[1] conv[2] Where dma[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() hlvl_cmds = [dma_ops[0], dma_ops[1], conv_ops[0], dma_ops[2], conv_ops[1], conv_ops[2]] # Ethos-U55 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) # Ethos-U65 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) def test_dma_wait_3(): """ Tests that DMA_WAIT barriers are properly inserted by the register command stream generator. high-level command stream: dma[0] dma[1] dma[2] conv[0] dma[3] conv[1] conv[2] conv[3] Where dma[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() hlvl_cmds = [dma_ops[0], dma_ops[1], dma_ops[2], conv_ops[0], dma_ops[3], conv_ops[1], conv_ops[2], conv_ops[3]] # Ethos-U55 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) # Ethos-U65 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) def test_dma_wait_4(): """ Tests that DMA_WAIT barriers are properly inserted by the register command stream generator. high-level command stream: dma[0] dma[1] dma[2] conv[0] conv[1] dma[3] conv[2] conv[3] Where dma[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() hlvl_cmds = [dma_ops[0], dma_ops[1], dma_ops[2], conv_ops[0], conv_ops[1], dma_ops[3], conv_ops[2], conv_ops[3]] # Ethos-U55 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) # Ethos-U65 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) def test_dma_wait_5(): """ Tests that DMA_WAIT barriers are properly inserted by the register command stream generator. high-level command stream: dma[0] dma[1] dma[2] conv[0] conv[1] conv[2] dma[3] conv[3] Where dma[i] provides the weights for conv[i] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() hlvl_cmds = [dma_ops[0], dma_ops[1], dma_ops[2], conv_ops[0], conv_ops[1], conv_ops[2], dma_ops[3], conv_ops[3]] # Ethos-U55 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) # Ethos-U65 cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream(hlvl_cmds, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = 0 pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos) def test_dma_wait_6(): """ Verify that DMA waits are not unnecessarily inserted between unrelated DMA and KERNEL commands """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_ops[0], conv_ops[1]], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) start_pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0) check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, start_pos) wait_pos = find_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0) assert ( wait_pos == -1 ), f"A DMA_WAIT command was unnecessarily inserted (pos {wait_pos}) between unrelated DMA and KERNEL commands" def test_kernel_wait_0(): """ Verify that KERNEL_WAIT 0 is generated. dma_op[0] writes to the weight-address for conv[0] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_ops[0], dma_ops[0]], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_KERNEL_WAIT, 0, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) def test_kernel_wait_1(): """ Verify that KERNEL_WAIT 1 is generated. dma_op[0] writes to the weight-address for conv[0] """ conv_ops, dma_ops = setup_memory_barrier_tests() cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_ops[0], conv_ops[1], dma_ops[0]], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_CONV, 0, pos + 1) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_KERNEL_WAIT, 1, pos) pos = check_cmd0(cmds, cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, 0, pos) def test_check_mem_limits(): # Tests that no code is generated with addresses out of bounds conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() # bias with end address out of range conv_op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=(1 << 32) - 16, length=1024)] with pytest.raises(VelaError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # same test should pass with Ethos_U65_512 npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_512) # weights with end address out of range conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=(1 << 40) - 960, length=1024)] with pytest.raises(VelaError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # bias with high end address, but still within range addr = (1 << 40) - 1024 conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() conv_op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=addr, length=1024)] cmds = npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_512) check_cmd1(cmds, cmd1.NPU_SET_SCALE_BASE, addr & ((1 << 32) - 1), (addr >> 32) & ((1 << 16) - 1)) conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() # weights with negative address conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=-16, length=1024)] with pytest.raises(VelaError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_32) op = create_avg_pool_op() # Tile 4's end address out of range op.ifm.tiles = NpuTileBox(width_0=1, height_0=1, height_1=1, addresses=[0, 800, 4000, (1 << 32) - 16]) with pytest.raises(VelaError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256) op = create_avg_pool_op() # IFM region out of range op.ifm.region = 8 with pytest.raises(VelaError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) def test_cmd1_payload_legality(): # Tests payload legality # Test Bias and weight payload legality # Illegal bias length fails conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() conv_op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=111, length=24)] with pytest.raises(ByteSizeError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Legal bias length passes conv_op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=111, length=32)] npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Illegal weight length fails conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=128, length=24)] with pytest.raises(ByteSizeError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Legal weight length passes conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=128, length=32)] npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Unaligned weight adress fails conv_op = create_fully_connected_op() conv_op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=120, length=32)] with pytest.raises(ByteAlignmentError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([conv_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Aligned weight length already tested # Test DMA payload legality # Illegal dma length Ethos-U55 fails dest = NpuAddressRange(BASE_PTR_INDEX_MEM2MEM, 256, 120) src = NpuAddressRange(0, 512, 120) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(src, dest) with pytest.raises(ByteSizeError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Legal dma length U55 passes dest = NpuAddressRange(BASE_PTR_INDEX_MEM2MEM, 256, 128) src = NpuAddressRange(0, 512, 128) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(src, dest) npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64) # Length not a multiple of 16, Ethos-U65, internal dma destination, fails dest = NpuAddressRange(BASE_PTR_INDEX_MEM2MEM, 256, 120) src = NpuAddressRange(0, 512, 120) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(src, dest) with pytest.raises(ByteSizeError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # Length not a multiple of 16, Ethos-U65, external dma destination passes dest = NpuAddressRange(2, 256, 120) src = NpuAddressRange(0, 512, 120) dma_op = NpuDmaOperation(src, dest) npu_generate_register_command_stream([dma_op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # Test fm stride payload legality ifm_shape = NpuShape3D(height=30, width=62, depth=46) address = 512 op = NpuConv2DOperation() op.ifm = create_feature_map( ifm_shape, 1, address, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128), dtype=NpuDataType.INT16, ) op.ofm = create_feature_map( NpuShape3D(height=30, width=31, depth=46), 1, 0x14E40, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.20392157, zero_point=128), dtype=NpuDataType.INT16, ) op.kernel = NpuKernel(3, 2, 2, 1) op.weights = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=0, length=7696)] op.biases = [NpuAddressRange(region=0, address=32000, length=464)] op.padding = NpuPadding(top=0, left=0, right=1, bottom=1) op.block_traversal = NpuBlockTraversal.PART_KERNEL_FIRST op.block_config = NpuShape3D(height=16, width=4, depth=16) # NHWC height stride not a multiple of 16 passes op.ifm.strides = NpuShape3D(depth=16, height=2, width=16) npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # Same height stride fails for NHCWB16 op.ifm = create_feature_map( ifm_shape, 1, address, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128), layout=NpuLayout.NHCWB16, dtype=NpuDataType.INT16, ) op.ifm.strides = NpuShape3D(depth=16, height=2, width=16) with pytest.raises(ByteSizeError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # Test fm adress payload alignment # Unaligned adress fails op.ifm = create_feature_map( ifm_shape, 1, address, quant=NpuQuantization(scale_f32=0.007843138, zero_point=128), layout=NpuLayout.NHCWB16, dtype=NpuDataType.INT16, ) op.ifm.tiles = NpuTileBox( width_0=ifm_shape.width, height_0=ifm_shape.height, height_1=ifm_shape.height, addresses=[address, 16, 16, 24] ) with pytest.raises(ByteAlignmentError): npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) # Aligned address passes op.ifm.tiles = NpuTileBox( width_0=ifm_shape.width, height_0=ifm_shape.height, height_1=ifm_shape.height, addresses=[address, 16, 16, 16] ) npu_generate_register_command_stream([op], NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256) def test_check_sram_limit_spilling(): # Tests that no code is generated with addresses outside available sram spilling range arch = create_default_arch(Accelerator.Ethos_U65_512) assert arch.is_spilling_enabled() op = create_avg_pool_op() op.ifm.region = 0 # OFM in scratch fast memory op.ofm.region = int(BasePointerIndex.ScratchFastTensor) w, h = op.ofm.shape.width, op.ofm.shape.height op.ofm.tiles = NpuTileBox(width_0=w, height_0=h, height_1=h, addresses=[32 * 1024, 0, 0, 0]) # 384K for spilling should fit arch.arena_cache_size = 384 * 1024 mem_limits = get_mem_limits_for_regions(arch) generate_command_stream([op], arch, verbose=False, mem_limits=mem_limits) # 32K for spilling does not fit, due to the OFM address arch.arena_cache_size = 32 * 1024 mem_limits = get_mem_limits_for_regions(arch) with pytest.raises(VelaError): generate_command_stream([op], arch, verbose=False, mem_limits=mem_limits)