# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Internal representation of a Neural Network Operation. import enum class NpuBlockType(enum.Enum): Default = 0 ConvolutionMxN = 1 VectorProduct = 2 Pooling = 3 ConvolutionDepthWise = 4 ElementWise = 5 class Operation: """Class representing a Neural Network operation. Has a name, a type, input and output tensors, as well as an attribute dictionary.""" __slots__ = "type", "name", "attrs", "inputs", "outputs", "flops", "scheduled_pass", "run_on_npu" def __init__(self, op_type, name): self.type = op_type self.name = name self.attrs = {} self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.flops = 0 self.run_on_npu = True self.scheduled_pass = None def clone(self, suffix="_clone"): res = Operation(self.type, self.name + suffix) res.attrs = dict(self.attrs) res.inputs = list(self.inputs) res.outputs = list(self.outputs) res.flops = self.flops res.scheduled_pass = self.scheduled_pass return res def __str__(self): return "" % (self.name, self.type) __repr__ = __str__ def get_ifm_ifm2_weight_bias_ofm_indices(self): ifm_idx = -1 ifm2_idx = -1 weight_idx = -1 bias_idx = -1 ofm_idx = -1 npu_block_type = self.attrs.get("npu_block_type", NpuBlockType.Default) if npu_block_type in set((NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN, NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise)): ifm_idx = 0 weight_idx = 1 ofm_idx = 0 if self.type in set(("Conv2DBiasAct", "DepthwiseConv2dBiasAct", "TransposeConvAct")): if len(self.inputs) >= 3: bias_idx = 2 elif self.type == "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias": bias_idx = 3 elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.Pooling: ifm_idx = 0 ofm_idx = 0 elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.VectorProduct: ifm_idx = 0 weight_idx = 1 ofm_idx = 0 if self.type in set(("FullyConnectedAct",)): if len(self.inputs) >= 3: bias_idx = 2 if self.type == "BlockLSTM": ifm_idx = 3 weight_idx = 4 ofm_idx = 6 elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ElementWise: ifm_idx = 0 ifm2_idx = 1 ofm_idx = 0 # LeakyRelu and Abs have a single IFM if self.type in set(("LeakyRelu", "Abs")): ifm2_idx = -1 elif self.type == "Conv2DBackpropInput": ifm_idx = 2 weight_idx = 1 ofm_idx = 0 elif self.type in set(("Squeeze", "Reshape", "QuantizedReshape", "ExpandDims")): ifm_idx = 0 ofm_idx = 0 elif self.is_split_op(): ifm_idx = 0 ofm_idx = 0 if self.type == "Split": ifm_idx = 1 elif self.is_concat_op(): ifms, _ = self.get_concat_inputs_axis() ifm_idx = self.inputs.index(ifms[0]) if len(ifms) > 1: ifm2_idx = self.inputs.index(ifms[1]) ofm_idx = 0 return ifm_idx, ifm2_idx, weight_idx, bias_idx, ofm_idx def get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm(self): ifm_tensor = None ifm2_tensor = None weight_tensor = None ofm_tensor = None ifm_idx, ifm2_idx, weight_idx, bias_idx, ofm_idx = self.get_ifm_ifm2_weight_bias_ofm_indices() if ifm_idx != -1: ifm_tensor = self.inputs[ifm_idx] if ifm2_idx != -1: ifm2_tensor = self.inputs[ifm2_idx] if weight_idx != -1: weight_tensor = self.inputs[weight_idx] if ofm_idx != -1: ofm_tensor = self.outputs[ofm_idx] return ifm_tensor, ifm2_tensor, weight_tensor, ofm_tensor def get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm(self): ifm_tensor = None weight_tensor = None bias_tensor = None ofm_tensor = None ifm_idx, _, weight_idx, bias_idx, ofm_idx = self.get_ifm_ifm2_weight_bias_ofm_indices() if ifm_idx != -1: ifm_tensor = self.inputs[ifm_idx] if weight_idx != -1: weight_tensor = self.inputs[weight_idx] if bias_idx != -1: bias_tensor = self.inputs[bias_idx] if ofm_idx != -1: ofm_tensor = self.outputs[ofm_idx] return ifm_tensor, weight_tensor, bias_tensor, ofm_tensor concat_ops = set(("Concat", "ConcatV2", "QuantizedConcat", "ConcatTFLite", "PackReshaped")) def is_concat_op(self): return self.type in Operation.concat_ops def get_concat_inputs_axis(self): assert self.is_concat_op() if self.type == "ConcatV2": axis_tensor = self.inputs[-1] inputs = self.inputs[:-1] elif self.type == "Concat": axis_tensor = self.inputs[0] inputs = self.inputs[1:] elif self.type == "QuantizedConcat": axis_tensor = self.inputs[0] inputs = self.inputs[1:] inputs = inputs[: len(inputs) // 3] # Skip min/max if self.type == "ConcatTFLite": inputs = self.inputs axis = self.attrs["axis"] elif self.type == "PackReshaped": # Requires fixup_pack_input to be called before this point inputs = self.inputs axis = self.attrs["axis"] assert len(self.inputs) == self.attrs["values_count"] else: assert len(axis_tensor.ops) == 1 and axis_tensor.ops[0].type == "Const" axis = int(axis_tensor.values) return inputs, axis def get_dilation_h_w(self): _, dilation_h, dilation_w, _ = self.attrs.get("dilation", (1, 1, 1, 1)) return dilation_h, dilation_w split_ops = set(("Split", "SplitV", "StridedSlice", "Slice", "UnpackReshaped")) def is_split_op(self): return self.type in Operation.split_ops def get_split_inputs_axis(self): assert self.is_split_op() offset_start = None offset_end = None axis = None if self.type == "Split": num_splits = self.attrs.get("num_splits") axis_tens = self.inputs[0] assert len(axis_tens.ops) == 1 and axis_tens.ops[0].type == "Const" axis = int(axis_tens.values) input_tens = self.inputs[1] outputs = self.outputs assert num_splits == len(outputs) elif self.type == "SplitV": num_splits = self.attrs.get("num_splits") input_tens = self.inputs[0] size_tens = self.inputs[1] assert len(size_tens.ops) == 1 and size_tens.ops[0].type == "Const" sizes = size_tens.values axis_tens = self.inputs[2] assert len(axis_tens.ops) == 1 and axis_tens.ops[0].type == "Const" axis = int(axis_tens.values) outputs = self.outputs assert num_splits == len(outputs) assert sum(sizes) == input_tens.shape[axis] elif self.type == "Slice": input_tens, begin_tens, size_tens = self.inputs outputs = self.outputs offset_start = [0] * len(input_tens.shape) offset_end = [0] * len(input_tens.shape) for idx in range(len(begin_tens.values)): # Check if the op should slice in dimension idx if size_tens.values[idx] != input_tens.shape[idx]: offset_start[idx] = begin_tens.values[idx] offset_end[idx] = size_tens.values[idx] + offset_start[idx] elif self.type == "StridedSlice": input_tens, begin_tens, end_tens, strides_tens = self.inputs outputs = self.outputs out_tens = outputs[0] offset_start = [0] * len(outputs[0].shape) offset_end = [0] * len(outputs[0].shape) # Extract masks begin_mask = self.attrs["begin_mask"] ellipsis_mask = self.attrs["ellipsis_mask"] end_mask = self.attrs["end_mask"] new_axis_mask = self.attrs["new_axis_mask"] shrink_axis_mask = self.attrs["shrink_axis_mask"] # shrink_axis_mask/new_axis_mask/ellipsis_mask is not supported by the Operation class but the operation # may have the attribute modified and handled in the graph optimization phase. assert shrink_axis_mask == new_axis_mask == ellipsis_mask == 0 assert len(input_tens.shape) == len(out_tens.shape) for idx in range(len(input_tens.shape)): # Check if slicing is needed in this axis if end_tens.values[idx] != input_tens.shape[idx] or ( end_tens.values[idx] == input_tens.shape[idx] and begin_tens.values[idx] != 0 ): # If the i:th bit in begin_mask is set then the value on begin[i] should be ignored if (begin_mask & (1 << idx)) == 0: offset_start[idx] = begin_tens.values[idx] # If the i:th bit in end_mask is set then the value on end[i] should be ignored if (end_mask & (1 << idx)) == 0: offset_end[idx] = end_tens.values[idx] elif self.type == "UnpackReshaped": # Requires fixup_unpack_output to be called before this point input_tens = self.inputs[0] outputs = self.outputs axis = self.attrs["axis"] num_splits = self.attrs["num"] # Number of outputs have to equal the value of the dimension to unpack assert num_splits == len(outputs) == input_tens.shape[axis] else: assert False return input_tens, outputs, axis, offset_start, offset_end