# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Serialises and packs an NPU subgraph into tensors. import numpy as np from . import driver_actions from .data_type import DataType from .nn_graph import PassPlacement from .operation import Op from .operation import Operation from .tensor import MemArea from .tensor import MemType from .tensor import Tensor from .tensor import TensorFormat from .tensor import TensorPurpose def make_memory_tensor(name, mem_area, mem_type, sz, want_values, arch): tens = Tensor([sz], DataType.uint8, name) tens.mem_area = mem_area tens.mem_type = mem_type tens.purpose = TensorPurpose.FeatureMap tens.set_format(TensorFormat.NHWC, arch) if want_values: tens.values = np.zeros(tens.shape, np.uint8) return tens def copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(memory_tensor, src_tensor): start_addr = src_tensor.address end_addr = src_tensor.address + src_tensor.storage_size() memory_tensor.values[start_addr:end_addr] = src_tensor.buffer.copy() def copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(memory_tensor, src_tensor): start_addr = src_tensor.address values = src_tensor.quant_values.flatten() if src_tensor.quant_values is not None else src_tensor.values.flatten() if src_tensor.dtype.size_in_bytes() > 1: values = np.frombuffer(values.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) end_addr = start_addr + values.size memory_tensor.values[start_addr:end_addr] = values def serialise_npu_subgraph_into_tensors(sg, arch, scratch_tens, scratch_fast_tens, flash_tens): if sg.placement != PassPlacement.Npu: return scratch_tens, scratch_fast_tens, flash_tens flash_area = arch.permanent_storage_mem_area scratch_area = arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area scratch_fast_area = arch.fast_storage_mem_area flash_size = sg.memory_used.get(flash_area, 0) scratch_size = sg.memory_used.get(scratch_area, 0) payload_bytes = driver_actions.create_driver_payload(sg.register_command_stream, arch) command_stream_size_bytes = len(payload_bytes) if flash_tens == scratch_tens is None: # First Npu subgraph, create scratch and flash tensors sg.scratch_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_scratch", scratch_area, MemType.Scratch, scratch_size, False, arch ) sg.scratch_tensor.purpose = TensorPurpose.Scratch sg.flash_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_flash", flash_area, MemType.Permanent_CPU, flash_size, True, arch ) sg.scratch_fast_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_scratch_fast", scratch_fast_area, MemType.Scratch_fast, 0, False, arch ) sg.scratch_fast_tensor.purpose = TensorPurpose.ScratchFast else: sg.scratch_tensor = scratch_tens sg.scratch_tensor.shape[0] += scratch_size sg.flash_tensor = flash_tens sg.flash_tensor.shape[0] += flash_size sg.scratch_fast_tensor = scratch_fast_tens sg.scratch_fast_tensor.shape[0] = 0 for sched_op in sg.sched_ops: ifm_tensor, ifm2_tensor, _, _, _ = sched_op.parent_op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_biases_ofm() op_info = sg.schedule.cost_map[sched_op] if op_info.npu_weights_tensor: copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, op_info.npu_weights_tensor) if op_info.npu_scales_tensor: copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, op_info.npu_scales_tensor) if ifm_tensor and ifm_tensor.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast): copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ifm_tensor) if ifm2_tensor and (ifm2_tensor.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)): copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ifm2_tensor) if sched_op.parent_op.activation_lut: copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, sched_op.parent_ps.lut_tensor) sg.command_stream_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_command_stream", flash_area, MemType.Permanent_CPU, command_stream_size_bytes, True, arch ) sg.command_stream_tensor.values = np.frombuffer(payload_bytes, dtype=np.uint8) return sg.scratch_tensor, sg.scratch_fast_tensor, sg.flash_tensor def add_const_tens_to_startup_cascaded_pass(startup_cps, tens): op = Operation(Op.Const, tens.name + "_const") op.set_output_tensor(tens) startup_cps.passes[0].ops.insert(0, op) startup_cps.passes[0].outputs.insert(0, tens) startup_cps.outputs.insert(0, tens) def rewrite_npu_call_ops(sg, arch): if sg.placement != PassPlacement.Cpu: return startup_cps = sg.cascaded_passes[0] for idx, cps in enumerate(sg.cascaded_passes): for ps in cps.passes: for op in ps.ops: if op.type == Op.CustomNpuOp: callee = op.attrs["subgraph"] sz = 0 for tens in [ callee.scratch_fast_tensor, callee.scratch_tensor, callee.flash_tensor, callee.command_stream_tensor, ]: op.inputs.insert(0, tens) ps.inputs.insert(0, tens) cps.inputs.insert(0, tens) if tens != callee.scratch_tensor and tens != callee.scratch_fast_tensor: add_const_tens_to_startup_cascaded_pass(startup_cps, tens) sz += tens.storage_size() for prev_cps in sg.cascaded_passes[: idx + 1]: prev_cps.sram_used += sz if callee.scratch_tensor is not None: if callee.scratch_tensor.mem_area == MemArea.Sram: cps.sram_used += callee.scratch_tensor.storage_size() if callee.scratch_fast_tensor is not None: if callee.scratch_fast_tensor.mem_area == MemArea.Sram: cps.sram_used += callee.scratch_fast_tensor.storage_size()