# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Serialises and packs an NPU subgraph into tensors. import struct import numpy as np from . import driver_actions from .data_type import DataType from .nn_graph import PassPlacement from .operation import Operation from .tensor import MemArea from .tensor import MemType from .tensor import Tensor from .tensor import TensorFormat from .tensor import TensorPurpose def make_memory_tensor(name, mem_area, mem_type, sz, want_values, arch): tens = Tensor([sz], DataType.uint8, name) tens.mem_area = mem_area tens.mem_type = mem_type tens.purpose = TensorPurpose.FeatureMap tens.set_format(TensorFormat.NHWC, arch) if want_values: tens.values = np.zeros(tens.shape, np.uint8) return tens def copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(memory_tensor, src_tensor): start_addr = src_tensor.address for compressed_values in src_tensor.compressed_values: end_addr = start_addr + len(compressed_values) memory_tensor.values[start_addr:end_addr] = compressed_values start_addr = end_addr def copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(memory_tensor, src_tensor): start_addr = src_tensor.address values = src_tensor.quant_values.flatten() if src_tensor.quant_values is not None else src_tensor.values.flatten() if src_tensor.dtype.size_in_bytes() > 1: values = np.frombuffer(values.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) end_addr = start_addr + values.size memory_tensor.values[start_addr:end_addr] = values def serialise_npu_subgraph_into_tensors(nng, sg, arch, scratch_tens, scratch_fast_tens, flash_tens): if sg.placement != PassPlacement.Npu: return scratch_tens, scratch_fast_tens, flash_tens flash_area = arch.permanent_storage_mem_area scratch_area = arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area scratch_fast_area = arch.fast_storage_mem_area flash_size = sg.memory_used.get(flash_area, 0) scratch_size = sg.memory_used.get(scratch_area, 0) # Prepare driver actions for this command tensor da_list = [] driver_actions.emit_fourcc(da_list, "COP1") driver_actions.emit_config(da_list, 0, 1, arch) driver_actions.emit_cmd_stream_header(da_list, len(sg.register_command_stream)) # Append command stream words da_list.extend(sg.register_command_stream) # Convert to bytes payload_bytes = struct.pack("<{0}I".format(len(da_list)), *da_list) command_stream_size_bytes = len(payload_bytes) # Adjust the bits per element calculation to exclude metadata generated by Vela nng.total_size[flash_area] = nng.total_size.get(flash_area, 0) - flash_size - command_stream_size_bytes nng.total_elements[flash_area] = nng.total_elements.get(flash_area, 0) - flash_size - command_stream_size_bytes nng.total_size[scratch_area] = nng.total_size.get(scratch_area, 0) - scratch_size nng.total_elements[scratch_area] = nng.total_elements.get(scratch_area, 0) - scratch_size if scratch_area != scratch_fast_area: nng.total_size[scratch_fast_area] = nng.total_size.get(scratch_fast_area, 0) nng.total_elements[scratch_fast_area] = nng.total_elements.get(scratch_fast_area, 0) if flash_tens == scratch_tens is None: # First Npu subgraph, create scratch and flash tensors sg.scratch_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_scratch", scratch_area, MemType.Scratch, scratch_size, False, arch ) sg.scratch_tensor.purpose = TensorPurpose.Scratch sg.flash_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_flash", flash_area, MemType.Permanent_CPU, flash_size, True, arch ) # Scratch fast tensor size set to 0. This forces a minimal allocation in the tensor arena # which causes a slot in the basep registers to be reserved, so that the scratch fast tensor # address can be overridden. sg.scratch_fast_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_scratch_fast", scratch_fast_area, MemType.Scratch, 0, False, arch ) sg.scratch_fast_tensor.purpose = TensorPurpose.Scratch else: sg.scratch_tensor = scratch_tens sg.scratch_tensor.shape[0] += scratch_size sg.flash_tensor = flash_tens sg.flash_tensor.shape[0] += flash_size sg.scratch_fast_tensor = scratch_fast_tens sg.scratch_fast_tensor.shape[0] = 0 for cps in sg.cascaded_passes: for ps in cps.passes: if ps.placement == PassPlacement.Npu: if ps.weight_tensor is not None: # For DMA ops, ps.weight_tensor is referring to the SRAM weight tensor and therefore the address # is pointing at the destination address of where the weights should be placed in SRAM. # This ensures that the Flash weight tensor is used instead and thus gets the correct address. if ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].type == "DMA": copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].inputs[0]) else: copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.weight_tensor) copy_compressed_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.scale_tensor) if ps.lut_tensor is not None: copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.lut_tensor) if ps.ifm_tensor is not None and ps.ifm_tensor.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast): copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.ifm_tensor) if ps.ifm2_tensor is not None and ( ps.ifm2_tensor.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast) ): copy_ifm_values_to_memory_tensor(sg.flash_tensor, ps.ifm2_tensor) sg.command_stream_tensor = make_memory_tensor( sg.name + "_command_stream", flash_area, MemType.Permanent_CPU, command_stream_size_bytes, True, arch ) sg.command_stream_tensor.values = np.frombuffer(payload_bytes, dtype=np.uint8) return sg.scratch_tensor, sg.scratch_fast_tensor, sg.flash_tensor def add_const_tens_to_startup_cascaded_pass(startup_cps, tens): op = Operation("Const", tens.name + "_const") op.set_output_tensor(tens) startup_cps.passes[0].ops.insert(0, op) startup_cps.passes[0].outputs.insert(0, tens) startup_cps.outputs.insert(0, tens) def rewrite_npu_call_ops(nng, sg, arch): if sg.placement != PassPlacement.Cpu: return startup_cps = sg.cascaded_passes[0] for idx, cps in enumerate(sg.cascaded_passes): for ps in cps.passes: for op in ps.ops: if op.type == "NpuOp": callee = op.attrs["subgraph"] op.attrs["custom_type"] = op.type sz = 0 for tens in [ callee.scratch_fast_tensor, callee.scratch_tensor, callee.flash_tensor, callee.command_stream_tensor, ]: op.inputs.insert(0, tens) ps.inputs.insert(0, tens) cps.inputs.insert(0, tens) if tens != callee.scratch_tensor and tens != callee.scratch_fast_tensor: add_const_tens_to_startup_cascaded_pass(startup_cps, tens) sz += tens.storage_size() for prev_cps in sg.cascaded_passes[: idx + 1]: prev_cps.sram_used += sz if callee.scratch_tensor is not None: if callee.scratch_tensor.mem_area == MemArea.Sram: cps.sram_used += callee.scratch_tensor.storage_size() if callee.scratch_fast_tensor is not None: if callee.scratch_fast_tensor.mem_area == MemArea.Sram: cps.sram_used += callee.scratch_fast_tensor.storage_size()