# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Contains classes that hold commands for the high-level command stream (one command per DMA or NPU stripe). from enum import IntEnum import numpy as np from .numeric_util import round_up_divide from .operation import NpuBlockType from .range_set import AccessDirection from .range_set import MemoryAccessSet from .range_set import MemoryRangeSet from .tensor import MemArea from .tensor import TensorPurpose class Box: def __init__(self, start_coord, end_coord): self.start_coord = list(start_coord) self.end_coord = list(end_coord) assert len(self.start_coord) == len(end_coord) for i in range(len(self.start_coord)): assert self.start_coord[i] <= self.end_coord[i] def transform_with_strides_and_skirt( self, strides, skirt, ifm_shape, npu_block_type, concat_axis=0, concat_offset=0, split_offset=None, k_height=1, upscaling_factor=1, ): new_start_coord = list(self.start_coord) new_end_coord = list(self.end_coord) new_start_coord[concat_axis] -= concat_offset new_end_coord[concat_axis] -= concat_offset if split_offset is not None: for idx in range(len(split_offset)): new_start_coord[idx] += split_offset[idx] new_end_coord[idx] += split_offset[idx] if split_offset is None and npu_block_type in set( (NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN, NpuBlockType.VectorProduct, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum) ): # these types of operations do a "dot product" or sum over the entire IFM new_start_coord[-1] = 0 new_end_coord[-1] = ifm_shape[-1] if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ElementWise and min(len(new_end_coord), len(ifm_shape)) >= 1: new_end_coord[-1] = min(new_end_coord[-1], ifm_shape[-1]) if min(len(new_end_coord), len(ifm_shape)) >= 2: new_end_coord[-2] = min(new_end_coord[-2], ifm_shape[-2] * upscaling_factor) if min(len(new_end_coord), len(ifm_shape)) >= 3: original_end_coord = list(new_end_coord) new_end_coord[-3] = min(new_end_coord[-3], ifm_shape[-3] * upscaling_factor) pad_top = 0 pad_bottom = 0 if strides is not None and skirt is not None: if len(new_start_coord) >= 2: stride = strides[2] new_start_coord[-2] = max(new_start_coord[-2] * stride - skirt[1], 0) new_end_coord[-2] = min(new_end_coord[-2] * stride + skirt[3], ifm_shape[-2]) if len(new_start_coord) >= 3: stride = strides[1] skirt_top_remainder = skirt[0] % upscaling_factor total_stride = stride * (new_end_coord[-3] - new_start_coord[-3] - 1) new_start_coord[-3] = new_start_coord[-3] * stride - skirt[0] + skirt_top_remainder pad_top = max(0, 0 - new_start_coord[-3]) + skirt_top_remainder new_start_coord[-3] = max(new_start_coord[-3], 0) while len(ifm_shape) < 3: ifm_shape = [1] + ifm_shape if (new_end_coord[-3] * stride + skirt[2]) > (ifm_shape[-3] * upscaling_factor): # pad_bottom is calculated based the diff between the end position of the weight kernel, # after last stride and the ifm height. if upscaling_factor != 1 and original_end_coord[-3] > ifm_shape[-3] * upscaling_factor: # Special case for Transpose Convolution with VALID padding. pad_bottom = original_end_coord[-3] - (ifm_shape[-3] * upscaling_factor) else: k_start = new_start_coord[-3] - pad_top pad_bottom = max(0, k_start + total_stride + k_height - (ifm_shape[-3] * upscaling_factor)) # Adjust for upscaling new_start_coord[-3] = max(new_start_coord[-3] // upscaling_factor, 0) new_end_coord[-3] = new_end_coord[-3] * stride + skirt[2] + (skirt[2] % upscaling_factor) new_end_coord[-3] = min(new_end_coord[-3] // upscaling_factor, ifm_shape[-3]) return Box(new_start_coord, new_end_coord), pad_top, pad_bottom def make_weight_box(weight_shape, npu_block_type, oc_range_start=None, oc_range_end=None, weights_transposed=False): start = [0] * len(weight_shape) end = list(weight_shape) if oc_range_start is not None and oc_range_end is not None: if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise: # input range is output range divided by channel multiplier if weights_transposed: start[-1] = oc_range_start // weight_shape[-2] end[-1] = oc_range_end // weight_shape[-2] else: start[-2] = oc_range_start // weight_shape[-1] end[-2] = oc_range_end // weight_shape[-1] else: start[-1] = oc_range_start end[-1] = oc_range_end for i in range(len(end)): assert 0 <= start[i] < weight_shape[i] assert 0 < end[i] <= weight_shape[i] return Box(start, end) def get_size_shape(self): return [int(self.end_coord[i] - self.start_coord[i]) for i in range(len(self.end_coord))] def get_size(self): return int(np.prod(self.get_size_shape())) def __str__(self): return "" % (self.start_coord, self.end_coord) __repr__ = __str__ class CommandType(IntEnum): NpuStripe = 0 DMA = 1 Size = 2 class Command: def get_ofm_y_range_for_pass(self, ps_requested): return None def is_npu_pass_command(self): return False def get_memory_accesses(self): return None def get_operation_count(self): # returns numpy array of (DPU blocks, dma_ops). Should line up with the CommandType enum return np.array((0, 0)) class NpuStripe(Command): def __init__( self, ps, block_config, is_first, is_last, is_first_h_stripe, is_last_h_stripe, ifm_tensor, ifm_box, ofm_tensor, ofm_box, weight_tensor=None, weight_box=None, scale_tensor=None, concat_axis=0, concat_offset=0, ifm2_tensor=None, ifm2_box=None, pad_top=0, pad_bottom=0, ): self.cmdtype = CommandType.NpuStripe self.ps = ps self.block_config = block_config self.is_first = is_first self.is_last = is_last self.is_first_h_stripe = is_first_h_stripe self.is_last_h_stripe = is_last_h_stripe self.ifm_tensor = ifm_tensor self.ifm_box = ifm_box self.ifm2_tensor = ifm2_tensor self.ifm2_box = ifm2_box self.ofm_tensor = ofm_tensor self.ofm_box = ofm_box self.weight_tensor = weight_tensor self.scale_tensor = scale_tensor self.weight_box = weight_box self.concat_axis = concat_axis self.concat_offset = concat_offset self.pad_top = pad_top self.pad_bottom = pad_bottom for i in range(len(self.ofm_box.end_coord)): assert self.ofm_box.end_coord[i] <= self.ofm_tensor.shape[i] def get_memory_accesses(self): res = MemoryAccessSet() if self.ifm_tensor is not None and self.ifm_tensor.shape != []: res.add( self.ifm_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates(self.ifm_box.start_coord, self.ifm_box.end_coord), AccessDirection.Read, ) if self.ifm2_tensor is not None and self.ifm2_tensor.shape != []: res.add( self.ifm2_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates(self.ifm2_box.start_coord, self.ifm2_box.end_coord), AccessDirection.Read, ) if self.ofm_tensor is not None: res.add( self.ofm_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates(self.ofm_box.start_coord, self.ofm_box.end_coord), AccessDirection.Write, ) if self.weight_tensor is not None: res.add( self.weight_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates( self.weight_box.start_coord, self.weight_box.end_coord ), AccessDirection.Read, ) # Add read access to SHRAM by any LUT-s for tens in self.ps.intermediates: if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT and tens.mem_area == MemArea.Shram: res.add( MemoryRangeSet(tens.mem_area, tens.address, tens.address + tens.storage_size()), AccessDirection.Read, ) return res def is_npu_pass_command(self): return True def __str__(self): return "" % ( self.ps.name, self.ifm_box, self.ifm2_box, self.ofm_box, self.weight_box, self.block_config, ) __repr__ = __str__ def get_ofm_y_range_for_pass(self, ps_requested): if ps_requested != self.ps: return None if len(self.ofm_box.start_coord) >= 3: return (self.ofm_box.start_coord[-3], self.ofm_box.end_coord[-3]) return None def get_block_dimensions(self): ofm_box = self.ofm_box block_config = self.block_config out_height = 1 out_width = 1 out_depth = ofm_box.end_coord[-1] - ofm_box.start_coord[-1] if len(ofm_box.end_coord) >= 4: out_width = ofm_box.end_coord[-2] - ofm_box.start_coord[-2] out_height = ofm_box.end_coord[-3] - ofm_box.start_coord[-3] assert out_height >= 0 assert out_width >= 0 assert out_depth >= 0 return ( round_up_divide(out_height, block_config[0]), round_up_divide(out_width, block_config[1]), round_up_divide(out_depth, block_config[3]), ) def get_operation_count(self): # returns numpy array of (DPU blocks, dma_ops) return np.array((self.get_n_blocks(), 0)) def get_n_blocks(self): h, w, d = self.get_block_dimensions() res = h * w * d assert res >= 0 return res def get_single_block_command(self, block_idx): block_cfg = (self.block_config[0], self.block_config[1], self.block_config[3]) dims = self.get_block_dimensions() strides = dims[1] * dims[2], dims[2], 1 coord = [] idx_left = block_idx for s in strides: c = idx_left // s idx_left -= c * s coord.append(c) assert idx_left == 0 # put in dummy height/widths in case we're dealing with FC layers ofm_start = list(self.ofm_box.start_coord) ofm_end = list(self.ofm_box.end_coord) # cut out a nice block shape for idx in (-1, -2, -3): if len(ofm_start) >= -idx: ofm_start[idx] += block_cfg[idx] * coord[idx] ofm_end[idx] = min(ofm_end[idx], ofm_start[idx] + block_cfg[idx]) ps = self.ps strides = None skirt = None if ps.primary_op is not None: strides = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("strides", None) skirt = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("skirt", None) npu_block_type = ps.npu_block_type ofm_box = Box(ofm_start, ofm_end) ifm_box, _, _ = ofm_box.transform_with_strides_and_skirt( strides, skirt, self.ifm_tensor.shape, npu_block_type, self.concat_axis, self.concat_offset ) weight_box = None if self.weight_tensor is not None: weight_oc_start = ofm_start[-1] weight_oc_end = ofm_end[-1] if self.concat_axis - len(self.weight_tensor.shape) == -1: weight_oc_start -= self.concat_offset weight_oc_end -= self.concat_offset weight_box = Box.make_weight_box( self.weight_tensor.shape, npu_block_type, weight_oc_start, weight_oc_end, self.weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise, ) return NpuStripe( self.ps, self.block_config, self.is_first, self.is_last, self.is_first_h_stripe, self.is_last_h_stripe, self.ifm_tensor, ifm_box, self.ofm_tensor, ofm_box, self.weight_tensor, weight_box, self.scale_tensor, self.concat_axis, self.concat_offset, ) class DMA(Command): def __init__(self, ps, in_tensor, out_tensor, box): self.cmdtype = CommandType.DMA self.ps = ps self.in_tensor = in_tensor self.out_tensor = out_tensor self.box = box def __str__(self): return "" % (self.in_tensor.name, self.out_tensor.name, self.box) __repr__ = __str__ def get_memory_accesses(self): res = MemoryAccessSet() res.add( self.in_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates(self.box.start_coord, self.box.end_coord), AccessDirection.Read, ) res.add( self.out_tensor.get_address_ranges_for_coordinates(self.box.start_coord, self.box.end_coord), AccessDirection.Write, ) return res def get_operation_count(self): # returns numpy array of (DPU blocks, dma_ops) return np.array((0, 1))