# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Defines custom exceptions. from .operation import Operation from .tensor import Tensor class VelaError(Exception): """Base class for vela exceptions""" def __init__(self, data): self.data = "Error: " + data def __str__(self): return repr(self.data) class InputFileError(VelaError): """Raised when reading an input file results in errors""" def __init__(self, file_name, msg): self.data = "Reading input file {}: {}".format(file_name, msg) class UnsupportedFeatureError(VelaError): """Raised when the input network uses non-supported features that cannot be handled""" def __init__(self, data): self.data = "Input network uses a feature that is currently not supported: {}".format(data) class CliOptionError(VelaError): """Raised for errors encountered with a command line option :param option: str object that contains the name of the command line option :param option_value: the command line option that resulted in the error :param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered """ def __init__(self, option, option_value, msg): self.data = "Incorrect argument to CLI option: {} = {}: {}".format(option, option_value, msg) class ConfigOptionError(VelaError): """Raised for errors encountered with a configuration option :param option: str object that contains the name of the configuration option :param option_value: the configuration option that resulted in the error :param option_valid_values (optional): str object that contains the valid configuration option values """ def __init__(self, option, option_value, option_valid_values=None): self.data = "Invalid configuration of {} = {}".format(option, option_value) if option_valid_values is not None: self.data += " (must be {}).".format(option_valid_values) else: self.data += "." class AllocationError(VelaError): """Raised when allocation fails""" def __init__(self, msg): self.data = msg def OperatorError(op, msg): """ Raises a VelaError exception for errors encountered when parsing an Operation :param op: Operation object that resulted in the error :param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered """ assert isinstance(op, Operation) if op.op_index is None: data = "Invalid {} (name = {}) operator in the internal representation.".format(op.type, op.name) else: data = "Invalid {} (op_index = {}) operator in the input network.".format(op.type, op.op_index) data += " {}\n".format(msg) data += " Input tensors:\n" for idx, tens in enumerate(op.inputs): if isinstance(tens, Tensor): tens_name = tens.name else: tens_name = "Not a Tensor" data += " {} = {}\n".format(idx, tens_name) data += " Output tensors:\n" for idx, tens in enumerate(op.outputs): if isinstance(tens, Tensor): tens_name = tens.name else: tens_name = "Not a Tensor" data += " {} = {}\n".format(idx, tens_name) data = data[:-1] # remove last newline raise VelaError(data) def TensorError(tens, msg): """ Raises a VelaError exception for errors encountered when parsing a Tensor :param tens: Tensor object that resulted in the error :param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered """ assert isinstance(tens, Tensor) data = "Invalid {} tensor. {}\n".format(tens.name, msg) data += " Driving operators:\n" for idx, op in enumerate(tens.ops): if isinstance(op, Operation): op_type = op.type op_id = op.op_index else: op_type = "Not an Operation" op_id = "" data += " {} = {} ({})\n".format(idx, op_type, op_id) data += " Consuming operators:\n" for idx, op in enumerate(tens.consumer_list): if isinstance(op, Operation): op_type = op.type op_id = op.op_index else: op_type = "Not an Operation" op_id = "" data += " {} = {} ({})\n".format(idx, op_type, op_id) data = data[:-1] # remove last newline raise VelaError(data)