# Vela Contributions Contributions to Vela are very much welcomed! ## Coding Standard Vela is written using Python 3.7 language constructs in order to aid compatibility with other tools. All code must also be run through the formatting and linting tools described in [Vela Testing](TESTING.md) ## Submitting In order to submit a contribution push your patch to the [Vela Gerrit Server](https://review.mlplatform.org/q/project:ml%252Fethos-u%252Fethos-u-vela) using the address `ssh://@review.mlplatform.org:29418/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-vela`. To do this you will need to sign-in to the platform using a GitHub account and add your SSH key under your settings. In the commit message please include a Change-Id and a Signed-off-by (described below). ## Contribution Guidelines Contributions are only accepted under the following conditions: * You certify that the origin of the submission conforms to the [Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) V1.1](https://developercertificate.org/) * You give permission according to the [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE.txt). To indicate that you agree to these contribution guidelines you must add an appropriate 'Signed-off-by: Real Name username@example.org' line with your real name and e-mail address to every commit message. This can be done automatically by adding the `-s` option to your `git commit` command. No contributions will be accepted from pseudonyms or anonymous sources. ## Code Reviews All contributions go through a code review process. Only submissions that are approved and verified by this process will be accepted. Code reviews are performed using the [Vela Gerrit Server](https://review.mlplatform.org/q/project:ml%252Fethos-u%252Fethos-u-vela). ## Testing Prior to Submission Prior to submitting a patch for review please make sure that all the pre-commit checks and tests have been run and are passing (see [Vela Testing](TESTING.md) for more details). ## Bug Resolution In the case that your submission aims to resolve a bug, please follow the [Vela Community Bug Reporting Process](BUGS.md). The document guides you through the process of adding a bug ticket to the bug tracker on the [Maniphest website](https://developer.mlplatform.org/maniphest/). The ticket will be visible to the public and will thus help the Vela community track and find solutions to any bugs that are found during the use of Vela. Please include a link to your patch in the bug ticket description.