/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if defined(ETHOSU) #include #endif #include #include "cmsis_compiler.h" #include "ethosu_log.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace InferenceProcess; using namespace EthosU; namespace MessageProcess { QueueImpl::QueueImpl(ethosu_core_queue &_queue) : queue(_queue) { cleanHeaderData(); } bool QueueImpl::empty() const { invalidateHeaderData(); return queue.header.read == queue.header.write; } size_t QueueImpl::available() const { invalidateHeaderData(); size_t avail = queue.header.write - queue.header.read; if (queue.header.read > queue.header.write) { avail += queue.header.size; } return avail; } size_t QueueImpl::capacity() const { return queue.header.size - available(); } bool QueueImpl::read(uint8_t *dst, uint32_t length) { const uint8_t *end = dst + length; // Available will invalidate the cache if (length > available()) { return false; } uint32_t rpos = queue.header.read; while (dst < end) { *dst++ = queue.data[rpos]; rpos = (rpos + 1) % queue.header.size; } queue.header.read = rpos; cleanHeader(); return true; } bool QueueImpl::write(const Vec *vec, size_t length) { size_t total = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { total += vec[i].length; } invalidateHeader(); if (total > capacity()) { return false; } uint32_t wpos = queue.header.write; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { const uint8_t *src = reinterpret_cast(vec[i].base); const uint8_t *end = src + vec[i].length; while (src < end) { queue.data[wpos] = *src++; wpos = (wpos + 1) % queue.header.size; } } // Update the write position last queue.header.write = wpos; cleanHeaderData(); return true; } bool QueueImpl::write(const uint32_t type, const void *src, uint32_t length) { ethosu_core_msg msg = {ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_MAGIC, type, length}; Vec vec[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {src, length}}; return write(vec, 2); } // Skip to magic or end of queue void QueueImpl::reset() { invalidateHeader(); queue.header.read = queue.header.write; cleanHeader(); } void QueueImpl::cleanHeader() const { #if defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT) && (__DCACHE_PRESENT == 1U) SCB_CleanDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(&queue.header), sizeof(queue.header)); #endif } void QueueImpl::cleanHeaderData() const { #if defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT) && (__DCACHE_PRESENT == 1U) SCB_CleanDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(&queue.header), sizeof(queue.header)); uintptr_t queueDataPtr = reinterpret_cast(&queue.data[0]); SCB_CleanDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(queueDataPtr & ~3), queue.header.size + (queueDataPtr & 3)); #endif } void QueueImpl::invalidateHeader() const { #if defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT) && (__DCACHE_PRESENT == 1U) SCB_InvalidateDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(&queue.header), sizeof(queue.header)); #endif } void QueueImpl::invalidateHeaderData() const { #if defined(__DCACHE_PRESENT) && (__DCACHE_PRESENT == 1U) SCB_InvalidateDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(&queue.header), sizeof(queue.header)); uintptr_t queueDataPtr = reinterpret_cast(&queue.data[0]); SCB_InvalidateDCache_by_Addr(reinterpret_cast(queueDataPtr & ~3), queue.header.size + (queueDataPtr & 3)); #endif } MessageProcess::MessageProcess(ethosu_core_queue &in, ethosu_core_queue &out, Mailbox::Mailbox &mbox, ::InferenceProcess::InferenceProcess &_inferenceProcess) : queueIn(in), queueOut(out), mailbox(mbox), inferenceProcess(_inferenceProcess) { mailbox.registerCallback(mailboxCallback, reinterpret_cast(this)); } void MessageProcess::run() { while (true) { // Handle all messages in queue while (handleMessage()) ; // Wait for event __WFE(); } } void MessageProcess::handleIrq() { __SEV(); } bool MessageProcess::handleMessage() { ethosu_core_msg msg; if (queueIn.available() == 0) { return false; } // Read msg header // Only process a complete message header, else send error message // and reset queue if (!queueIn.read(msg)) { sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, "Failed to read a complete header"); return false; } LOG_INFO("Msg: header magic=%" PRIX32 ", type=%" PRIu32 ", length=%" PRIu32 "\n", msg.magic, msg.type, msg.length); if (msg.magic != ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_MAGIC) { sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR_INVALID_MAGIC, "Invalid magic"); return false; } switch (msg.type) { case ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_PING: LOG_INFO("Msg: Ping\n"); sendPong(); break; case ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR: { struct ethosu_core_msg_err error = {0}; if (!queueIn.read(error)) { LOG_ERR("Msg: Failed to receive error message\n"); } else { LOG_INFO("Msg: Received an error response, type=%" PRIu32 ", msg=\"%s\"\n", error.type, error.msg); } queueIn.reset(); return false; } case ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_VERSION_REQ: LOG_INFO("Msg: Version request\n"); sendVersionRsp(); break; case ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_CAPABILITIES_REQ: { ethosu_core_capabilities_req req; if (!queueIn.read(req)) { sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR_INVALID_PAYLOAD, "CapabilitiesReq. Failed to read payload"); return false; } LOG_INFO("Msg: Capability request.user_arg=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", req.user_arg); sendCapabilityRsp(req.user_arg); break; } case ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_INFERENCE_REQ: { ethosu_core_inference_req req; if (!queueIn.read(req)) { sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR_INVALID_PAYLOAD, "InferenceReq. Failed to read payload"); return false; } LOG_INFO("Msg: InferenceReq. user_arg=0x%" PRIx64 ", network={0x%" PRIx32 ", %" PRIu32 "}", req.user_arg, req.network.ptr, req.network.size); LOG_DEBUG_N(", ifm_count=%" PRIu32 ", ifm=[", req.ifm_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < req.ifm_count; ++i) { if (i > 0) { LOG_DEBUG_N(", "); } LOG_DEBUG_N("{0x%" PRIx32 ", %" PRIu32 "}", req.ifm[i].ptr, req.ifm[i].size); } LOG_DEBUG_N("]"); LOG_DEBUG_N(", ofm_count=%" PRIu32 ", ofm=[", req.ofm_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < req.ofm_count; ++i) { if (i > 0) { LOG_DEBUG_N(", "); } LOG_DEBUG_N("{0x%" PRIx32 ", %" PRIu32 "}", req.ofm[i].ptr, req.ofm[i].size); } LOG_DEBUG_N("]\n"); DataPtr networkModel(reinterpret_cast(req.network.ptr), req.network.size); vector ifm; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < req.ifm_count; ++i) { ifm.push_back(DataPtr(reinterpret_cast(req.ifm[i].ptr), req.ifm[i].size)); } vector ofm; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < req.ofm_count; ++i) { ofm.push_back(DataPtr(reinterpret_cast(req.ofm[i].ptr), req.ofm[i].size)); } vector expectedOutput; vector pmuEventConfig(ETHOSU_CORE_PMU_MAX); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ETHOSU_CORE_PMU_MAX; i++) { pmuEventConfig[i] = req.pmu_event_config[i]; } InferenceJob job( "job", networkModel, ifm, ofm, expectedOutput, -1, pmuEventConfig, req.pmu_cycle_counter_enable); job.invalidate(); bool failed = inferenceProcess.runJob(job); job.clean(); sendInferenceRsp(req.user_arg, job.output, failed, job.pmuEventConfig, job.pmuCycleCounterEnable, job.pmuEventCount, job.pmuCycleCounterCount); break; } default: { char errMsg[128] = {0}; snprintf(&errMsg[0], sizeof(errMsg), "Msg: Unknown type: %" PRIu32 " with payload length %" PRIu32 " bytes\n", msg.type, msg.length); sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, errMsg); return false; } } return true; } void MessageProcess::sendPong() { if (!queueOut.write(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_PONG)) { LOG_ERR("Msg: Failed to write pong response. No mailbox message sent\n"); } else { mailbox.sendMessage(); } } void MessageProcess::sendVersionRsp() { struct ethosu_core_msg_version ver = { ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_VERSION_MAJOR, ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_VERSION_MINOR, ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_VERSION_PATCH, 0, }; if (!queueOut.write(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_VERSION_RSP, ver)) { LOG_ERR("Msg: Failed to write version response. No mailbox message sent\n"); } else { mailbox.sendMessage(); } } void MessageProcess::sendCapabilityRsp(uint64_t userArg) { struct ethosu_core_msg_capabilities_rsp capabilities; #if defined(ETHOSU) struct ethosu_driver_version driver_version; struct ethosu_hw_info hw_info; ethosu_get_driver_version(&driver_version); struct ethosu_driver *drv = ethosu_reserve_driver(); ethosu_get_hw_info(drv, &hw_info); ethosu_release_driver(drv); capabilities = { userArg, hw_info.version.version_status, hw_info.version.version_minor, hw_info.version.version_major, hw_info.version.product_major, hw_info.version.arch_patch_rev, hw_info.version.arch_minor_rev, hw_info.version.arch_major_rev, driver_version.patch, driver_version.minor, driver_version.major, hw_info.cfg.macs_per_cc, hw_info.cfg.cmd_stream_version, hw_info.cfg.custom_dma, }; #else capabilities = { userArg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; #endif if (!queueOut.write(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_CAPABILITIES_RSP, capabilities)) { LOG_ERR("Failed to write capability response. No mailbox message sent\n"); } else { mailbox.sendMessage(); } } void MessageProcess::sndErrorRspAndResetQueue(ethosu_core_msg_err_type type, const char *message) { ethosu_core_msg_err error = {0}; error.type = type; unsigned int i = 0; if (message) { for (; i < (sizeof(error.msg) - 1) && message[i]; i++) { error.msg[i] = message[i]; } } LOG_ERR("Msg: \"%s\"\n", message); if (!queueOut.write(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_ERR, &error)) { LOG_ERR("Msg: Failed to write error response. No mailbox message sent\n"); return; } queueIn.reset(); mailbox.sendMessage(); } void MessageProcess::sendInferenceRsp(uint64_t userArg, vector &ofm, bool failed, vector &pmuEventConfig, uint32_t pmuCycleCounterEnable, vector &pmuEventCount, uint64_t pmuCycleCounterCount) { ethosu_core_inference_rsp rsp = { .pmu_event_count = { 0, }, }; rsp.user_arg = userArg; rsp.ofm_count = ofm.size(); rsp.status = failed ? ETHOSU_CORE_STATUS_ERROR : ETHOSU_CORE_STATUS_OK; for (size_t i = 0; i < ofm.size(); ++i) { rsp.ofm_size[i] = ofm[i].size; } for (size_t i = 0; i < pmuEventConfig.size(); i++) { rsp.pmu_event_config[i] = pmuEventConfig[i]; } rsp.pmu_cycle_counter_enable = pmuCycleCounterEnable; for (size_t i = 0; i < pmuEventCount.size(); i++) { rsp.pmu_event_count[i] = pmuEventCount[i]; } rsp.pmu_cycle_counter_count = pmuCycleCounterCount; LOG_INFO("Sending inference response. userArg=0x%" PRIx64 ", ofm_count=%" PRIu32 ", status=%" PRIu32 "\n", rsp.user_arg, rsp.ofm_count, rsp.status); if (!queueOut.write(ETHOSU_CORE_MSG_INFERENCE_RSP, rsp)) { LOG_ERR("Msg: Failed to write inference response. No mailbox message sent\n"); } else { mailbox.sendMessage(); } } void MessageProcess::mailboxCallback(void *userArg) { MessageProcess *_this = reinterpret_cast(userArg); _this->handleIrq(); } } // namespace MessageProcess