# Arm(R) Ethos(TM)-U core platform Arm(R) Ethos(TM)-U core platform is provided as an example of how to produce a firmware binary for a given target platform. This software is primarily intended for guidance, to demonstrate how to boot up a firmware binary and how to run an inference on an Arm Ethos-U compatible platform. This repository contains target specific files, like linker scripts. Target agnostic software components are provided in the [core_software](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-software.git) repository. # Arm(R) Corstone(TM)-300 The [Arm(R) Corstone(TM)-300](https://developer.arm.com/ip-products/subsystem/corstone/corstone-300) is a reference design of how to to build a secure System on Chip (SoC). A fixed virtual platform (FVP) of the Arm Corstone-300 including the Arm Ethos-U can be downloaded from the Ecosystem page at [developer.arm.com](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/arm-platforms-software/arm-ecosystem-fvps). Once installed, make sure to add the path of the FVP executables to your PATH environment variable. ## Building Building core platform requires a recent version of CMake, a C/C++ cross compiler for Arm Cortex-M and Python 3.7+. There are sample toolchain files provided for Arm Clang and Arm GCC. To run the helper scripts Python 3.7+ is required, together with the packages listed in `requirements.txt`. ``` $ pip install -U pip $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` The following commands will compile the platform and produce application elf files that can be run on the FVP. If no NPU configuration is specified, the default configuration `ethos-u55-128` will be used. ``` $ cmake -B build targets/corstone-300 $ cmake --build build ``` To specify NPU and configuration, set the `ETHOSU_TARGET_NPU_CONFIG` variable. Please note that applications compiled for Ethos-U55 will not run on Ethos-U65 FVP and vice versa. ``` $ cmake -B build targets/corstone-300 -DETHOSU_TARGET_NPU_CONFIG=ethos-u65-256 $ cmake --build build ``` It is also possible to build with a different toolchain. ``` $ cmake -B build targets/corstone-300 --toolchain $PWD/cmake/toolchain/arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake $ cmake --build build ``` ## Building on Windows Building on a Windows host requires no special tools or shells, and can for example be done from a CMD prompt, Git Bash or from the CMake GUI. Only requirement is the build tools have been added to the path variable. CMake supports a long list of generators, for example Ninja, NMake or Makefiles. For Windows Ninja has been verified to work well, but any of the supported generators should be possible to use. ``` CMD> cmake -G Ninja -B build targets/corstone-300 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%CD%\cmake\toolchain\arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake CMD> cmake --build build ``` ## run_platform.py The purpose of the `scripts/run_platform.py` script is to deploy a network model on an FVP target (Corstone-300 by default). It takes a TensorFlow Lite model (.tflite file) as input, compiles it through Vela, optimizes the model, builds the baremetal application for the target and finally runs an inference on the FVP. The output is compared with reference data generated by Python TFLite. Note that if not provided, the input data to the network is randomly generated. To provide the script with a custom set of input and output data, use the `--custom-input` and `--custom-output` arguments respectively (See command below): ``` $ scripts/run_platform.py --custom-input --custom-output --network-path <.tflite network> ``` ### Memory placement of data Both model and arena can be placed in SRAM or DRAM. Note that the choice of a memory placement will affect the performance, and that large network models might not fit in SRAM. Use `--memory_model` and `--memory_arena` arguments respecitvely for configuring the model and arena memory placement, as in the example below: ``` $ scripts/run_platform.py --memory_model {sram,dram} --memory_arena {sram,dram} --network-path <.tflite network> ``` If not specified, by default the model is placed in DRAM and the arena in SRAM. ### PMU event counters The maximum number of performance counters depends on the hardware. For Ethos-U55 and Ethos-U65 this is 4 PMU counters. A full list of the PMU events can be found in [ethosu55_interface.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu55_interface.h) or [ethosu65_interface.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu65_interface.h) header files. To enable PMU counters the `--pmu` argument can be used as exemplified below: ``` $ scripts/run_platform.py --pmu --pmu --pmu --pmu --network-path <.tflite network> ``` ### Timing adapters The timing adapters are used to introduce latency to AXI transactions. This is useful to emulate memory characteristics of different memory technologies, for example when conducting performance measurements. For Corstone-300 there are two timing adapters. They are placed at the NPU's AXI interfaces. The script also offers configuration of the timing adapters by setting parameters such as number of pending transactions, read and write latencies, number of cycles of let through or blocked addresses, etc. Please refer to the help message for a more extensive list of arguments that can be passed to the script. ## Corstone-300 FVP Assuming that the Corstone-300 FVP has been downloaded, installed and placed in the PATH variable. Then the software binaries can be tested like this. ``` $ ctest ``` Individual applications can also be run directly with the FVP, for example like this ``` $ FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 applications/freertos/freertos.elf ``` or like this for Ethos-U65 FVP. ``` $ FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U65 applications/freertos/freertos.elf ``` The Corstone-300 FVP(s) allows some parameters to be modified, for example the number of Ethos-U MAC units can be configured with `-C ethosu.num_macs=<64|128|256|...>`. Please note that the network must be recompiled with Vela if the MAC configuration changes. Please also note that the set of valid MAC configuration is different for Ethos-U55 and Ethos-U65. Ethos-U55 FVP. ``` $ FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -C ethosu.num_macs=256 applications/freertos/freertos.elf ``` Same as above but for Ethos-U65 FVP. ``` $ FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U65 -C ethosu.num_macs=512 applications/freertos/freertos.elf ``` ## Corstone-310 FVP Applications for the Corstone-310 FVP are built and tested similarly to the Corstone-300. ``` $ cmake -B build targets/corstone-310 $ cmake --build build ``` Assuming the `FVP_Corstone_SSE-310` executable can be found via the PATH variable, the unit tests can be executed with `ctest`. ``` $ ctest --test-dir build ``` ## Corstone-300 MPS3 FPGA The files needed to get started for Corstone-300 can be found on [developer.arm.com](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/development-boards/fpga-prototyping-boards/download-fpga-images). Follow the documentation in the downloaded archive to setup the board with the Corstone-300 FPGA bit files. The built files can then be ran by adapting the steps in chapter *Software*, using the extracted binary files from the build process. This is needed for the boot loader on the FPGA to be able to load the memories. 1. Copy the binary files for the application in the `fw` folder to the board `/SOFTWARE` folder, making sure the filename is max 8 characters long. 2. Navigate to MB/HBI0309C/ and open the images.txt file in a text editor. 3. Remove the lines under the '[IMAGES]' section and replace it with: ``` TOTALIMAGES: 2 IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x01000000 IMAGE0UPDATE: AUTO IMAGE0FILE: \SOFTWARE\10000000 ; ITCM secure IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x0c000000 IMAGE1UPDATE: AUTO IMAGE1FILE: \SOFTWARE\70000000 ; DDR secure ``` The mapping between the Cortex-M55 address space and the addresses the FPGA MMC boot loader need can be found in section *MCC Memory mapping* of the documentation in the Corstone-300 FPGA archive. A part of the table is shown below. | Cortex-M55 | MMC Bootloader | Name | |-------------|----------------|-----------------| | 0x0000_0000 | 0x0000_0000 | ITCM non secure | | 0x1000_0000 | 0x0100_0000 | ITCM secure | | 0x0100_0000 | 0x0200_0000 | SRAM non secure | | 0x1100_0000 | 0x0300_0000 | SRAM secure | | 0x6000_0000 | 0x0800_0000 | DDR non secure | | 0x7000_0000 | 0x0c00_0000 | DDR secure | For example, the binary that the Cortex-M55 CPU expects at address 0x1000_0000 must therefor be written by the MCC to 0x0100_0000. Power up the board with the PBON and the application output will be seen on the serial console. # Memory configurations Embedded systems come in very different configurations, but typically they have a limited amount of high bandwidth low latency memory like SRAM, and some more low bandwidth high latency memory like flash or DRAM. The Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers (TFLM) framework needs two buffers to run an inference, the *model* and the *arena*. The model contains static data like weights and biases. The arena contains read write data like activations, IFM, OFM, temporary data etc. Please note that the IFM and OFM are located *inside* of the arena. The placement of the model and arena has a big impact on the performance. There are three configurations that make sense for most systems. | Model | Arena | Spilling | Note | |------------|------------|----------|----------------| | SRAM | SRAM | No | | | Flash/DRAM | SRAM | No | | | Flash/DRAM | Flash/DRAM | Yes | Ethos-U65 only | Spilling is only available for Ethos-U65 and means that the TFLM model and arena are placed in slower memory like flash or DRAM, with a smaller *fast memory* buffer placed in faster memory like SRAM. ## Model and arena in SRAM For optimal performance both model and arena should be placed in SRAM. ## Model in flash/DRAM, arena in SRAM If both model and arena do not fit in SRAM, then it makes most sense to move the model to flash/DRAM. The performance penalty depends on the network and will need to be measured. For example weight bound networks will experience a larger performance drop than MAC bound networks. ## Model and arena in flash/DRAM (Ethos-U65 only) Moving both model and arena to flash/DRAM comes with quite a hefty performance penalty. To mitigate some of this *spilling* can be used. Spilling means that a small buffer is reserved in SRAM that acts like a cache for frequently accessed data. When spilling is enabled [Vela](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-vela.git/about/) will add extra instructions to the command stream to DMA copy data between the arena and the spilling buffer. Some of the data stored in the spilling buffer must be copied back to the arena, which is done as DMA transfer over AXI interface 1. This is only supported by Ethos-U65, because Ethos-U55 is equipped with a readonly AXI 1 interface. ## NPU region configuration To achieve good performance it is important not to mix slow and fast memory transactions on the same AXI interface. The default setup is to map the arena to AXI interface 0 and the model to AXI interface 1. However, if spilling is used the arena should be moved to AXI interface 1 and the spilling buffer routed over interface 0. This will ensure that slow memory transactions are routed over AXI interface 1 and fast memory transactions over AXI interface 0. The routing of the arena is controlled by define `NPU_REGIONCFG_1`. This define is declared in [ethosu_config_u55.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu_config_u55.h) or [ethosu_config_u65.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu_config_u65.h) depending on which NPU architecture the driver is built for. The default configuration is protected by `#ifdef` that can be overridden by the build system. Values `0` and `1` map to AXI interface 0 and `2` and `3` map to AXI interface 1. The routing of the model is controlled by `NPU_REGIONCFG_0` and the spilling buffer by `NPU_REGIONCFG_2`. For most use cases these configurations should not need to be changed. ## NPU burst length The NPU issues DMA bursts over the AXI interfaces. The burst length is defined by the `AXI_LIMIT_MAX_BEATS_BYTES` in [ethosu_config_u55.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu_config_u55.h) or [ethosu_config_u65.h](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu_config_u65.h) and is by default set to its minimum value. Longer burst lengths will in general yield higher performance. However, burst lengths that exceed the maximum supported burst length risk hanging the AXI bus, so it is important to configure this value correctly. # Porting target Please see [PORTING.md](PORTING.md). # Multi NPU The Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers (TFLM) framework supports running multiple parallel inferences. Each parallel inference requires a TFLM arena (costs memory) and a stack (requires an RTOS). The examples provided in this repo are implemented in the application layer, which means that any RTOS could be used. The Ethos-U NPU driver is implemented in plain C. To enable thread safety in a multi-threading environment the driver defines a set of weak functions that the application is expected to override, providing implementations for mutex and semaphore primitives. The weak function can be found in [ethosu_driver.c](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-driver.git/tree/src/ethosu_driver.c?id=35b5d0eebf9709a3439d362a0b53d6270cbc4a94#n173). An example based on FreeRTOS how to override and implement these functions can be found in [applications/freertos/main.cpp](https://git.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-platform.git/tree/applications/freertos/main.cpp?id=991af2bd8fb6c79dfb317837353857f34a727b17#n108). The sequence diagram below illustrates the call stack for a multi NPU system. Please note how the `ethosu_mutex_*` and `ethosu_semaphore_*` functions are implemented in the application layer. Mutexes are used for thread safety and semaphores for sleeping. ![Multi NPU](docs/multinpu.png "Multi NPU sequence diagram") ## Multi NPU tradeoffs A single Cortex-M is capable of driving multiple Ethos-U. What the optimal number of Ethos-U is, that is impossible to tell without knowing which network to run or without detailed knowledge about the limitations of the embedded system. Each parallel inference requires an arena. The arena should for optimal performance be placed in a high bandwidth low latency memory like SRAM, which is a cost that has to be considered. The size of the arena varies greatly depending on the network. For networks that map fully to Ethos-U, the memory bandwidth might become a limiting factor. For networks that run partly in software, the Cortex-M might become the limiting factor. The placement of the TFLM model and arena (flash, DRAM, SRAM, etc) will also have a big impact on the performance. # Startup The applications in this repo use [CMSIS Device](https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5/tree/develop/Device/) to startup the Cortex-M. The standard procedure is to copy and modify the CMSIS templates, but in this repo we have chosen to include the unmodified templates directly from CMSIS. The sequence diagram below describes what happens after the Cortex-M reset is lifted, up until the execution enters the application `main()`. ![Startup](docs/startup.png "Startup sequence diagram") ## CMSIS Device First thing that happens is that the CPU loads index 0 from the interrupt vector into the SP register and index 1 into the PC register, and then starts executing from the PC location. Index 1 in the VTOR is referred to as the reset handler and is resposible for initializing the CPU. If the CPU for example has a FPU or MVE extension, then these are enabled. ## Compiler runtime The entry function for the compiler runtime setup varies depending on which compiler that is used. For Arm Clang this function is called `__main()`, not to be confused with the application `main()`! The runtime is responsible for initializing the memory segments and setting up the runtime environment. Please refer to the compiler documentation for detailed information about the runtime setup. ## Target The [`init()`](targets/common/src/init.cpp) is defined as a constructor, which will be called before the application `main()`. We use this constructor to run `targetSetup()` to initialize the platform. For each target there is a `targets/` directory, which contains linker scripts and code needed to setup the target. `targetSetup()` is implemented in this folder and is responsible for initializing drivers, configuring the MPU, enabling caches etc. Adding a new target would involve creating a new `targets/` directory, providing linker scripts and implementing `targetSetup()`. ## Application Finally the runtime calls application `main()`. Ideally the application code should be generic and have no knowledge about which target it is executing on. # License The Arm Ethos-U core platform is provided under an Apache-2.0 license. Please see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for more information. # Contributions The Arm Ethos-U project welcomes contributions under the Apache-2.0 license. Before we can accept your contribution, you need to certify its origin and give us your permission. For this process we use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) V1.1 (https://developercertificate.org). To indicate that you agree to the terms of the DCO, you "sign off" your contribution by adding a line with your name and e-mail address to every git commit message. You must use your real name, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are accepted. If there are more than one contributor, everyone adds their name and e-mail to the commit message. ``` Author: John Doe \ Date: Mon Feb 29 12:12:12 2016 +0000 Title of the commit Short description of the change. Signed-off-by: John Doe john.doe@example.org Signed-off-by: Foo Bar foo.bar@example.org ``` The contributions will be code reviewed by Arm before they can be accepted into the repository. In order to submit a contribution push your patch to `ssh://@review.mlplatform.org:29418/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-core-platform`. To do this you will need to sign-in to [review.mlplatform.org](https://review.mlplatform.org) using a GitHub account and add your SSH key under your settings. If there is a problem adding the SSH key make sure there is a valid email address in the Email Addresses field. # Security Please see [Security](SECURITY.md). # Trademark notice Arm, Cortex, Corstone and Ethos are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.