// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include "YoloDatabase.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "InferenceTestImage.hpp" namespace { enum class YoloVocClass : unsigned int { Aeroplane, Bicycle, Bird, Boat, Bottle, Bus, Car, Cat, Chair, Cow, DiningTable, Dog, Horse, Motorbike, Person, PottedPlant, Sheep, Sofa, Train, TvMonitor }; template constexpr auto to_underlying(E e) noexcept { return static_cast>(e); } class ImageNotFoundException : public armnn::Exception { using Exception::Exception; }; using YoloInputOutput = std::pair; const std::array g_PerTestCaseInputOutput = { YoloInputOutput{ "yolo_dog_448x448.png", { to_underlying(YoloVocClass::Dog), YoloBoundingBox{ 233.0f, 256.0f, 299.0f, 462.0f }, 0.5088733434677124f } }, }; } // namespace YoloDatabase::YoloDatabase(const std::string& imageDir) : m_ImageDir(imageDir) { } std::unique_ptr YoloDatabase::GetTestCaseData(unsigned int testCaseId) { testCaseId = testCaseId % boost::numeric_cast(g_PerTestCaseInputOutput.size()); const auto& testCaseInputOutput = g_PerTestCaseInputOutput[testCaseId]; const std::string imagePath = m_ImageDir + testCaseInputOutput.first; // Load test case input image std::vector imageData; try { InferenceTestImage image(imagePath.c_str()); image.Resize(YoloImageWidth, YoloImageHeight); imageData = GetImageDataInArmNnLayoutAsNormalizedFloats(ImageChannelLayout::Rgb, image); } catch (const InferenceTestImageException& e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Failed to load test case " << testCaseId << " with error: " << e.what(); return nullptr; } // Prepare test case output std::vector topObjectDetections; topObjectDetections.reserve(1); topObjectDetections.push_back(testCaseInputOutput.second); return std::make_unique(std::move(imageData), std::move(topObjectDetections)); }