// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #if defined(ARMNN_CAFFE_PARSER) #include "armnnCaffeParser/ICaffeParser.hpp" #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) #include "armnnTfParser/ITfParser.hpp" #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) #include "armnnTfLiteParser/ITfLiteParser.hpp" #endif #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) #include "armnnOnnxParser/IOnnxParser.hpp" #endif #include "CsvReader.hpp" #include "../InferenceTest.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { // Configure boost::program_options for command-line parsing and validation. namespace po = boost::program_options; template std::vector ParseArrayImpl(std::istream& stream, TParseElementFunc parseElementFunc) { std::vector result; // Processes line-by-line. std::string line; while (std::getline(stream, line)) { std::vector tokens; try { // Coverity fix: boost::split() may throw an exception of type boost::bad_function_call. boost::split(tokens, line, boost::algorithm::is_any_of("\t ,;:"), boost::token_compress_on); } catch (const std::exception& e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "An error occurred when splitting tokens: " << e.what(); continue; } for (const std::string& token : tokens) { if (!token.empty()) // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10437406/ { try { result.push_back(parseElementFunc(token)); } catch (const std::exception&) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "'" << token << "' is not a valid number. It has been ignored."; } } } } return result; } bool CheckOption(const po::variables_map& vm, const char* option) { // Check that the given option is valid. if (option == nullptr) { return false; } // Check whether 'option' is provided. return vm.find(option) != vm.end(); } void CheckOptionDependency(const po::variables_map& vm, const char* option, const char* required) { // Check that the given options are valid. if (option == nullptr || required == nullptr) { throw po::error("Invalid option to check dependency for"); } // Check that if 'option' is provided, 'required' is also provided. if (CheckOption(vm, option) && !vm[option].defaulted()) { if (CheckOption(vm, required) == 0 || vm[required].defaulted()) { throw po::error(std::string("Option '") + option + "' requires option '" + required + "'."); } } } void CheckOptionDependencies(const po::variables_map& vm) { CheckOptionDependency(vm, "model-path", "model-format"); CheckOptionDependency(vm, "model-path", "input-name"); CheckOptionDependency(vm, "model-path", "input-tensor-data"); CheckOptionDependency(vm, "model-path", "output-name"); CheckOptionDependency(vm, "input-tensor-shape", "model-path"); } template std::vector ParseArray(std::istream& stream); template<> std::vector ParseArray(std::istream& stream) { return ParseArrayImpl(stream, [](const std::string& s) { return std::stof(s); }); } template<> std::vector ParseArray(std::istream& stream) { return ParseArrayImpl(stream, [](const std::string& s) { return boost::numeric_cast(std::stoi(s)); }); } void PrintArray(const std::vector& v) { for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { printf("%f ", v[i]); } printf("\n"); } void RemoveDuplicateDevices(std::vector& computeDevices) { // Mark the duplicate devices as 'Undefined'. for (auto i = computeDevices.begin(); i != computeDevices.end(); ++i) { for (auto j = std::next(i); j != computeDevices.end(); ++j) { if (*j == *i) { *j = armnn::Compute::Undefined; } } } // Remove 'Undefined' devices. computeDevices.erase(std::remove(computeDevices.begin(), computeDevices.end(), armnn::Compute::Undefined), computeDevices.end()); } } // namespace template int MainImpl(const char* modelPath, bool isModelBinary, const std::vector& computeDevice, const char* inputName, const armnn::TensorShape* inputTensorShape, const char* inputTensorDataFilePath, const char* outputName, bool enableProfiling, const size_t subgraphId, const std::shared_ptr& runtime = nullptr) { // Loads input tensor. std::vector input; { std::ifstream inputTensorFile(inputTensorDataFilePath); if (!inputTensorFile.good()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Failed to load input tensor data file from " << inputTensorDataFilePath; return EXIT_FAILURE; } input = ParseArray(inputTensorFile); } try { // Creates an InferenceModel, which will parse the model and load it into an IRuntime. typename InferenceModel::Params params; params.m_ModelPath = modelPath; params.m_IsModelBinary = isModelBinary; params.m_ComputeDevice = computeDevice; params.m_InputBinding = inputName; params.m_InputTensorShape = inputTensorShape; params.m_OutputBinding = outputName; params.m_EnableProfiling = enableProfiling; params.m_SubgraphId = subgraphId; InferenceModel model(params, runtime); // Executes the model. std::vector output(model.GetOutputSize()); model.Run(input, output); // Prints the output tensor. PrintArray(output); } catch (armnn::Exception const& e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Armnn Error: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // This will run a test int RunTest(const std::string& modelFormat, const std::string& inputTensorShapeStr, const vector& computeDevice, const std::string& modelPath, const std::string& inputName, const std::string& inputTensorDataFilePath, const std::string& outputName, bool enableProfiling, const size_t subgraphId, const std::shared_ptr& runtime = nullptr) { // Parse model binary flag from the model-format string we got from the command-line bool isModelBinary; if (modelFormat.find("bin") != std::string::npos) { isModelBinary = true; } else if (modelFormat.find("txt") != std::string::npos || modelFormat.find("text") != std::string::npos) { isModelBinary = false; } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Please include 'binary' or 'text'"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Parse input tensor shape from the string we got from the command-line. std::unique_ptr inputTensorShape; if (!inputTensorShapeStr.empty()) { std::stringstream ss(inputTensorShapeStr); std::vector dims = ParseArray(ss); try { // Coverity fix: An exception of type armnn::InvalidArgumentException is thrown and never caught. inputTensorShape = std::make_unique(dims.size(), dims.data()); } catch (const armnn::InvalidArgumentException& e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Cannot create tensor shape: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Forward to implementation based on the parser type if (modelFormat.find("caffe") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_CAFFE_PARSER) return MainImpl(modelPath.c_str(), isModelBinary, computeDevice, inputName.c_str(), inputTensorShape.get(), inputTensorDataFilePath.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), enableProfiling, subgraphId, runtime); #else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Not built with Caffe parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else if (modelFormat.find("onnx") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) return MainImpl(modelPath.c_str(), isModelBinary, computeDevice, inputName.c_str(), inputTensorShape.get(), inputTensorDataFilePath.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), enableProfiling, subgraphId, runtime); #else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Not built with Onnx parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else if (modelFormat.find("tensorflow") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) return MainImpl(modelPath.c_str(), isModelBinary, computeDevice, inputName.c_str(), inputTensorShape.get(), inputTensorDataFilePath.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), enableProfiling, subgraphId, runtime); #else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Not built with Tensorflow parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else if(modelFormat.find("tflite") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) if (! isModelBinary) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Only 'binary' format supported \ for tflite files"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return MainImpl(modelPath.c_str(), isModelBinary, computeDevice, inputName.c_str(), inputTensorShape.get(), inputTensorDataFilePath.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), enableProfiling, subgraphId, runtime); #else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Please include 'caffe', 'tensorflow', 'tflite' or 'onnx'"; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Please include 'caffe', 'tensorflow', 'tflite' or 'onnx'"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } int RunCsvTest(const armnnUtils::CsvRow &csvRow, const std::shared_ptr& runtime, const bool enableProfiling) { std::string modelFormat; std::string modelPath; std::string inputName; std::string inputTensorShapeStr; std::string inputTensorDataFilePath; std::string outputName; size_t subgraphId = 0; const std::string backendsMessage = std::string("The preferred order of devices to run layers on by default. ") + std::string("Possible choices: ") + armnn::BackendRegistryInstance().GetBackendIdsAsString(); po::options_description desc("Options"); try { desc.add_options() ("model-format,f", po::value(&modelFormat), "caffe-binary, caffe-text, tflite-binary, onnx-binary, onnx-text, tensorflow-binary or tensorflow-text.") ("model-path,m", po::value(&modelPath), "Path to model file, e.g. .caffemodel, .prototxt, .tflite," " .onnx") ("compute,c", po::value>()->multitoken(), backendsMessage.c_str()) ("input-name,i", po::value(&inputName), "Identifier of the input tensor in the network.") ("subgraph-number,n", po::value(&subgraphId)->default_value(0), "Id of the subgraph to be " "executed. Defaults to 0") ("input-tensor-shape,s", po::value(&inputTensorShapeStr), "The shape of the input tensor in the network as a flat array of integers separated by whitespace. " "This parameter is optional, depending on the network.") ("input-tensor-data,d", po::value(&inputTensorDataFilePath), "Path to a file containing the input data as a flat array separated by whitespace.") ("output-name,o", po::value(&outputName), "Identifier of the output tensor in the network."); } catch (const std::exception& e) { // Coverity points out that default_value(...) can throw a bad_lexical_cast, // and that desc.add_options() can throw boost::io::too_few_args. // They really won't in any of these cases. BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Caught unexpected exception"); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Fatal internal error: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::vector clOptions; clOptions.reserve(csvRow.values.size()); for (const std::string& value : csvRow.values) { clOptions.push_back(value.c_str()); } po::variables_map vm; try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(static_cast(clOptions.size()), clOptions.data(), desc), vm); po::notify(vm); CheckOptionDependencies(vm); } catch (const po::error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << desc << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from the parsed arguments. boost::trim(modelFormat); boost::trim(modelPath); boost::trim(inputName); boost::trim(inputTensorShapeStr); boost::trim(inputTensorDataFilePath); boost::trim(outputName); // Get the preferred order of compute devices. std::vector computeDevices = vm["compute"].as>(); // Remove duplicates from the list of compute devices. RemoveDuplicateDevices(computeDevices); // Check that the specified compute devices are valid. std::string invalidBackends; if (!CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(computeDevices, armnn::Optional(invalidBackends))) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "The list of preferred devices contains invalid backend IDs: " << invalidBackends; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return RunTest(modelFormat, inputTensorShapeStr, computeDevices, modelPath, inputName, inputTensorDataFilePath, outputName, enableProfiling, subgraphId, runtime); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // Configures logging for both the ARMNN library and this test program. #ifdef NDEBUG armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Info; #else armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Debug; #endif armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, level); armnnUtils::ConfigureLogging(boost::log::core::get().get(), true, true, level); std::string testCasesFile; std::string modelFormat; std::string modelPath; std::string inputName; std::string inputTensorShapeStr; std::string inputTensorDataFilePath; std::string outputName; size_t subgraphId = 0; const std::string backendsMessage = "Which device to run layers on by default. Possible choices: " + armnn::BackendRegistryInstance().GetBackendIdsAsString(); po::options_description desc("Options"); try { desc.add_options() ("help", "Display usage information") ("test-cases,t", po::value(&testCasesFile), "Path to a CSV file containing test cases to run. " "If set, further parameters -- with the exception of compute device and concurrency -- will be ignored, " "as they are expected to be defined in the file for each test in particular.") ("concurrent,n", po::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "Whether or not the test cases should be executed in parallel") ("model-format,f", po::value(&modelFormat)->required(), "caffe-binary, caffe-text, onnx-binary, onnx-text, tflite-binary, tensorflow-binary or tensorflow-text.") ("model-path,m", po::value(&modelPath)->required(), "Path to model file, e.g. .caffemodel, .prototxt," " .tflite, .onnx") ("compute,c", po::value>()->multitoken(), backendsMessage.c_str()) ("input-name,i", po::value(&inputName), "Identifier of the input tensor in the network.") ("subgraph-number,x", po::value(&subgraphId)->default_value(0), "Id of the subgraph to be executed." "Defaults to 0") ("input-tensor-shape,s", po::value(&inputTensorShapeStr), "The shape of the input tensor in the network as a flat array of integers separated by whitespace. " "This parameter is optional, depending on the network.") ("input-tensor-data,d", po::value(&inputTensorDataFilePath), "Path to a file containing the input data as a flat array separated by whitespace.") ("output-name,o", po::value(&outputName), "Identifier of the output tensor in the network.") ("event-based-profiling,e", po::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "Enables built in profiler. If unset, defaults to off."); } catch (const std::exception& e) { // Coverity points out that default_value(...) can throw a bad_lexical_cast, // and that desc.add_options() can throw boost::io::too_few_args. // They really won't in any of these cases. BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Caught unexpected exception"); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Fatal internal error: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Parses the command-line. po::variables_map vm; try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); if (CheckOption(vm, "help") || argc <= 1) { std::cout << "Executes a neural network model using the provided input tensor. " << std::endl; std::cout << "Prints the resulting output tensor." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << desc << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } po::notify(vm); } catch (const po::error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << desc << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Get the value of the switch arguments. bool concurrent = vm["concurrent"].as(); bool enableProfiling = vm["event-based-profiling"].as(); // Check whether we have to load test cases from a file. if (CheckOption(vm, "test-cases")) { // Check that the file exists. if (!boost::filesystem::exists(testCasesFile)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Given file \"" << testCasesFile << "\" does not exist"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Parse CSV file and extract test cases armnnUtils::CsvReader reader; std::vector testCases = reader.ParseFile(testCasesFile); // Check that there is at least one test case to run if (testCases.empty()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Given file \"" << testCasesFile << "\" has no test cases"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Create runtime armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions options; options.m_EnableGpuProfiling = enableProfiling; std::shared_ptr runtime(armnn::IRuntime::Create(options)); const std::string executableName("ExecuteNetwork"); // Check whether we need to run the test cases concurrently if (concurrent) { std::vector> results; results.reserve(testCases.size()); // Run each test case in its own thread for (auto& testCase : testCases) { testCase.values.insert(testCase.values.begin(), executableName); results.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, RunCsvTest, std::cref(testCase), std::cref(runtime), enableProfiling)); } // Check results for (auto& result : results) { if (result.get() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } else { // Run tests sequentially for (auto& testCase : testCases) { testCase.values.insert(testCase.values.begin(), executableName); if (RunCsvTest(testCase, runtime, enableProfiling) != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else // Run single test { // Get the preferred order of compute devices. If none are specified, default to using CpuRef const std::string computeOption("compute"); std::vector computeDevicesAsStrings = CheckOption(vm, computeOption.c_str()) ? vm[computeOption].as>() : std::vector({ "CpuRef" }); std::vector computeDevices(computeDevicesAsStrings.begin(), computeDevicesAsStrings.end()); // Remove duplicates from the list of compute devices. RemoveDuplicateDevices(computeDevices); // Check that the specified compute devices are valid. std::string invalidBackends; if (!CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(computeDevices, armnn::Optional(invalidBackends))) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "The list of preferred devices contains invalid backend IDs: " << invalidBackends; return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { CheckOptionDependencies(vm); } catch (const po::error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << desc << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return RunTest(modelFormat, inputTensorShapeStr, computeDevices, modelPath, inputName, inputTensorDataFilePath, outputName, enableProfiling, subgraphId); } }