// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "../YoloInferenceTest.hpp" #include "armnnCaffeParser/ICaffeParser.hpp" #include "armnn/TypesUtils.hpp" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { armnn::TensorShape inputTensorShape{ { 1, 3, YoloImageHeight, YoloImageWidth } }; using YoloInferenceModel = InferenceModel; int retVal = EXIT_FAILURE; try { // Coverity fix: InferenceTestMain() may throw uncaught exceptions. retVal = InferenceTestMain(argc, argv, { 0 }, [&inputTensorShape]() { return make_unique>( [&] (typename YoloInferenceModel::CommandLineOptions modelOptions) { if (!ValidateDirectory(modelOptions.m_ModelDir)) { return std::unique_ptr(); } typename YoloInferenceModel::Params modelParams; modelParams.m_ModelPath = modelOptions.m_ModelDir + "yolov1_tiny_voc2007_model.caffemodel"; modelParams.m_InputBindings = { "data" }; modelParams.m_OutputBindings = { "fc12" }; modelParams.m_InputShapes = { inputTensorShape }; modelParams.m_IsModelBinary = true; modelParams.m_ComputeDevice = modelOptions.m_ComputeDevice; modelParams.m_VisualizePostOptimizationModel = modelOptions.m_VisualizePostOptimizationModel; modelParams.m_EnableFp16TurboMode = modelOptions.m_EnableFp16TurboMode; return std::make_unique(modelParams); }); }); } catch (const std::exception& e) { // Coverity fix: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL (typically used to report errors) may throw an // exception of type std::length_error. // Using stderr instead in this context as there is no point in nesting try-catch blocks here. std::cerr << "WARNING: CaffeYolo-Armnn: An error has occurred when running " "the classifier inference tests: " << e.what() << std::endl; } return retVal; }