// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "DetectionPostProcess.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { std::vector GenerateRangeK(unsigned int k) { std::vector range(k); std::iota(range.begin(), range.end(), 0); return range; } void TopKSort(unsigned int k, unsigned int* indices, const float* values, unsigned int numElement) { std::partial_sort(indices, indices + k, indices + numElement, [&values](unsigned int i, unsigned int j) { return values[i] > values[j]; }); } float IntersectionOverUnion(const float* boxI, const float* boxJ) { // Box-corner format: ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax. const int yMin = 0; const int xMin = 1; const int yMax = 2; const int xMax = 3; float areaI = (boxI[yMax] - boxI[yMin]) * (boxI[xMax] - boxI[xMin]); float areaJ = (boxJ[yMax] - boxJ[yMin]) * (boxJ[xMax] - boxJ[xMin]); float yMinIntersection = std::max(boxI[yMin], boxJ[yMin]); float xMinIntersection = std::max(boxI[xMin], boxJ[xMin]); float yMaxIntersection = std::min(boxI[yMax], boxJ[yMax]); float xMaxIntersection = std::min(boxI[xMax], boxJ[xMax]); float areaIntersection = std::max(yMaxIntersection - yMinIntersection, 0.0f) * std::max(xMaxIntersection - xMinIntersection, 0.0f); float areaUnion = areaI + areaJ - areaIntersection; return areaIntersection / areaUnion; } std::vector NonMaxSuppression(unsigned int numBoxes, const std::vector& boxCorners, const std::vector& scores, float nmsScoreThreshold, unsigned int maxDetection, float nmsIouThreshold) { // Select boxes that have scores above a given threshold. std::vector scoresAboveThreshold; std::vector indicesAboveThreshold; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBoxes; ++i) { if (scores[i] >= nmsScoreThreshold) { scoresAboveThreshold.push_back(scores[i]); indicesAboveThreshold.push_back(i); } } // Sort the indices based on scores. unsigned int numAboveThreshold = boost::numeric_cast(scoresAboveThreshold.size()); std::vector sortedIndices = GenerateRangeK(numAboveThreshold); TopKSort(numAboveThreshold, sortedIndices.data(), scoresAboveThreshold.data(), numAboveThreshold); // Number of output cannot be more than max detections specified in the option. unsigned int numOutput = std::min(maxDetection, numAboveThreshold); std::vector outputIndices; std::vector visited(numAboveThreshold, false); // Prune out the boxes with high intersection over union by keeping the box with higher score. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAboveThreshold; ++i) { if (outputIndices.size() >= numOutput) { break; } if (!visited[sortedIndices[i]]) { outputIndices.push_back(indicesAboveThreshold[sortedIndices[i]]); } for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < numAboveThreshold; ++j) { unsigned int iIndex = indicesAboveThreshold[sortedIndices[i]] * 4; unsigned int jIndex = indicesAboveThreshold[sortedIndices[j]] * 4; if (IntersectionOverUnion(&boxCorners[iIndex], &boxCorners[jIndex]) > nmsIouThreshold) { visited[sortedIndices[j]] = true; } } } return outputIndices; } void AllocateOutputData(unsigned int numOutput, unsigned int numSelected, const std::vector& boxCorners, const std::vector& outputIndices, const std::vector& selectedBoxes, const std::vector& selectedClasses, const std::vector& selectedScores, float* detectionBoxes, float* detectionScores, float* detectionClasses, float* numDetections) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i) { unsigned int boxIndex = i * 4; if (i < numSelected) { unsigned int boxCornorIndex = selectedBoxes[outputIndices[i]] * 4; detectionScores[i] = selectedScores[outputIndices[i]]; detectionClasses[i] = boost::numeric_cast(selectedClasses[outputIndices[i]]); detectionBoxes[boxIndex] = boxCorners[boxCornorIndex]; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 1] = boxCorners[boxCornorIndex + 1]; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 2] = boxCorners[boxCornorIndex + 2]; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 3] = boxCorners[boxCornorIndex + 3]; } else { detectionScores[i] = 0.0f; detectionClasses[i] = 0.0f; detectionBoxes[boxIndex] = 0.0f; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 1] = 0.0f; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 2] = 0.0f; detectionBoxes[boxIndex + 3] = 0.0f; } } numDetections[0] = boost::numeric_cast(numSelected); } void DetectionPostProcess(const TensorInfo& boxEncodingsInfo, const TensorInfo& scoresInfo, const TensorInfo& anchorsInfo, const TensorInfo& detectionBoxesInfo, const TensorInfo& detectionClassesInfo, const TensorInfo& detectionScoresInfo, const TensorInfo& numDetectionsInfo, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor& desc, Decoder& boxEncodings, Decoder& scores, Decoder& anchors, float* detectionBoxes, float* detectionClasses, float* detectionScores, float* numDetections) { IgnoreUnused(anchorsInfo, detectionClassesInfo, detectionScoresInfo, numDetectionsInfo); // Transform center-size format which is (ycenter, xcenter, height, width) to box-corner format, // which represents the lower left corner and the upper right corner (ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax) std::vector boxCorners(boxEncodingsInfo.GetNumElements()); const unsigned int numBoxes = boxEncodingsInfo.GetShape()[1]; const unsigned int numScores = scoresInfo.GetNumElements(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBoxes; ++i) { // Y float boxEncodingY = boxEncodings.Get(); float anchorY = anchors.Get(); ++boxEncodings; ++anchors; // X float boxEncodingX = boxEncodings.Get(); float anchorX = anchors.Get(); ++boxEncodings; ++anchors; // H float boxEncodingH = boxEncodings.Get(); float anchorH = anchors.Get(); ++boxEncodings; ++anchors; // W float boxEncodingW = boxEncodings.Get(); float anchorW = anchors.Get(); ++boxEncodings; ++anchors; float yCentre = boxEncodingY / desc.m_ScaleY * anchorH + anchorY; float xCentre = boxEncodingX / desc.m_ScaleX * anchorW + anchorX; float halfH = 0.5f * expf(boxEncodingH / desc.m_ScaleH) * anchorH; float halfW = 0.5f * expf(boxEncodingW / desc.m_ScaleW) * anchorW; unsigned int indexY = i * 4; unsigned int indexX = indexY + 1; unsigned int indexH = indexX + 1; unsigned int indexW = indexH + 1; // ymin boxCorners[indexY] = yCentre - halfH; // xmin boxCorners[indexX] = xCentre - halfW; // ymax boxCorners[indexH] = yCentre + halfH; // xmax boxCorners[indexW] = xCentre + halfW; BOOST_ASSERT(boxCorners[indexY] < boxCorners[indexH]); BOOST_ASSERT(boxCorners[indexX] < boxCorners[indexW]); } unsigned int numClassesWithBg = desc.m_NumClasses + 1; // Decode scores std::vector decodedScores; decodedScores.reserve(numScores); for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < numScores; ++i) { decodedScores.emplace_back(scores.Get()); ++scores; } // Perform Non Max Suppression. if (desc.m_UseRegularNms) { // Perform Regular NMS. // For each class, perform NMS and select max detection numbers of the highest score across all classes. std::vector classScores(numBoxes); std::vector selectedBoxesAfterNms; selectedBoxesAfterNms.reserve(numBoxes); std::vector selectedScoresAfterNms; selectedBoxesAfterNms.reserve(numScores); std::vector selectedClasses; for (unsigned int c = 0; c < desc.m_NumClasses; ++c) { // For each boxes, get scores of the boxes for the class c. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBoxes; ++i) { classScores[i] = decodedScores[i * numClassesWithBg + c + 1]; } std::vector selectedIndices = NonMaxSuppression(numBoxes, boxCorners, classScores, desc.m_NmsScoreThreshold, desc.m_DetectionsPerClass, desc.m_NmsIouThreshold); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < selectedIndices.size(); ++i) { selectedBoxesAfterNms.push_back(selectedIndices[i]); selectedScoresAfterNms.push_back(classScores[selectedIndices[i]]); selectedClasses.push_back(c); } } // Select max detection numbers of the highest score across all classes unsigned int numSelected = boost::numeric_cast(selectedBoxesAfterNms.size()); unsigned int numOutput = std::min(desc.m_MaxDetections, numSelected); // Sort the max scores among the selected indices. std::vector outputIndices = GenerateRangeK(numSelected); TopKSort(numOutput, outputIndices.data(), selectedScoresAfterNms.data(), numSelected); AllocateOutputData(detectionBoxesInfo.GetShape()[1], numOutput, boxCorners, outputIndices, selectedBoxesAfterNms, selectedClasses, selectedScoresAfterNms, detectionBoxes, detectionScores, detectionClasses, numDetections); } else { // Perform Fast NMS. // Select max scores of boxes and perform NMS on max scores, // select max detection numbers of the highest score unsigned int numClassesPerBox = std::min(desc.m_MaxClassesPerDetection, desc.m_NumClasses); std::vector maxScores; std::vectorboxIndices; std::vectormaxScoreClasses; for (unsigned int box = 0; box < numBoxes; ++box) { unsigned int scoreIndex = box * numClassesWithBg + 1; // Get the max scores of the box. std::vector maxScoreIndices = GenerateRangeK(desc.m_NumClasses); TopKSort(numClassesPerBox, maxScoreIndices.data(), decodedScores.data() + scoreIndex, desc.m_NumClasses); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numClassesPerBox; ++i) { maxScores.push_back(decodedScores[scoreIndex + maxScoreIndices[i]]); maxScoreClasses.push_back(maxScoreIndices[i]); boxIndices.push_back(box); } } // Perform NMS on max scores std::vector selectedIndices = NonMaxSuppression(numBoxes, boxCorners, maxScores, desc.m_NmsScoreThreshold, desc.m_MaxDetections, desc.m_NmsIouThreshold); unsigned int numSelected = boost::numeric_cast(selectedIndices.size()); unsigned int numOutput = std::min(desc.m_MaxDetections, numSelected); AllocateOutputData(detectionBoxesInfo.GetShape()[1], numOutput, boxCorners, selectedIndices, boxIndices, maxScoreClasses, maxScores, detectionBoxes, detectionScores, detectionClasses, numDetections); } } } // namespace armnn