// // Copyright © 2022-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "GpuFsaMemoryManager.hpp" #include "Exceptions.hpp" #include namespace armnn { GpuFsaMemoryManager::GpuFsaMemoryManager() {} GpuFsaMemoryManager::~GpuFsaMemoryManager() {} GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool* GpuFsaMemoryManager::Manage(unsigned int numBytes) { if (!m_FreePools.empty()) { Pool* res = m_FreePools.back(); m_FreePools.pop_back(); res->Reserve(numBytes); return res; } else { m_Pools.push_front(Pool(numBytes)); return &m_Pools.front(); } } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Allocate(GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool* pool) { if (pool == nullptr) { throw armnn::MemoryValidationException( "GpuFsaMemoryManager: Allocate: Attempting to allocate a null memory pool ptr"); } m_FreePools.push_back(pool); } void* GpuFsaMemoryManager::GetPointer(GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool* pool) { return pool->GetPointer(); } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Acquire() { for (Pool &pool: m_Pools) { pool.Acquire(); } } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Release() { for (Pool &pool: m_Pools) { pool.Release(); } } GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Pool(unsigned int numBytes) : m_Size(numBytes), m_Pointer(nullptr) {} GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::~Pool() { if (m_Pointer) { Release(); } } void* GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::GetPointer() { if (m_Pointer == nullptr) { throw armnn::MemoryValidationException( "GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::GetPointer() called when memory not acquired"); } return m_Pointer; } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Reserve(unsigned int numBytes) { if (m_Pointer != nullptr) { throw armnn::MemoryValidationException( "GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Reserve() cannot be called after memory acquired"); } m_Size = std::max(m_Size, numBytes); } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Acquire() { if (m_Pointer != nullptr) { throw armnn::MemoryValidationException( "GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Acquire() called when memory already acquired"); } m_Pointer = ::operator new(size_t(m_Size)); } void GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Release() { if (m_Pointer == nullptr) { throw armnn::MemoryValidationException( "GpuFsaMemoryManager::Pool::Release() called when memory not acquired"); } ::operator delete(m_Pointer); m_Pointer = nullptr; } }