// // Copyright © 2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #include #include TEST_SUITE("WorkloadUtilsTest") { using namespace armnn; TEST_CASE("CopyTensorContents") { // Two tensors of 1 float. Set source to a value and destination to 0. // Copy source to destination and make sure destination is copied. std::shared_ptr memoryManager = std::make_shared(); TensorInfo info({ 1, 1, 1, 1 }, DataType::Float32); MockTensorHandle srcTensorHandle(info, memoryManager); MockTensorHandle destTensorHandle(info, memoryManager); srcTensorHandle.Allocate(); float* buffer = reinterpret_cast(srcTensorHandle.Map()); buffer[0] = 2.5f; destTensorHandle.Allocate(); buffer = reinterpret_cast(destTensorHandle.Map()); buffer[0] = 0.0f; auto copyFunc = [](void* dst, const void* src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); }; CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&srcTensorHandle, &destTensorHandle, copyFunc); // After copy the destination should be 2.5. buffer = reinterpret_cast(destTensorHandle.Map()); CHECK(buffer[0] == 2.5f); // Also make sure the first buffer hasn't changed. buffer = reinterpret_cast(srcTensorHandle.Map()); CHECK(buffer[0] == 2.5f); } TEST_CASE("CopyTensorContents_UnallocatedTensors") { // Standard copy lambda auto copyFunc = [](void* dst, const void* src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); }; // Two tensors of 1 float. The source will be managed but unallocated. This should throw an exception. std::shared_ptr memoryManager = std::make_shared(); TensorInfo info({ 1, 1, 1, 1 }, DataType::Float32); MockTensorHandle unallocatedSource(info, memoryManager); unallocatedSource.Manage(); MockTensorHandle destTensorHandle(info, memoryManager); destTensorHandle.Allocate(); CHECK_THROWS_AS(CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&unallocatedSource, &destTensorHandle, copyFunc), const armnn::MemoryValidationException&); // Same test for destination tensor. MockTensorHandle unallocatedDest(info, memoryManager); unallocatedDest.Manage(); MockTensorHandle srcTensorHandle(info, memoryManager); srcTensorHandle.Allocate(); CHECK_THROWS_AS(CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&srcTensorHandle, &unallocatedDest, copyFunc), const armnn::MemoryValidationException&); } TEST_CASE("CopyTensorContents_DifferentTensorSizes") { std::shared_ptr memoryManager = std::make_shared(); // Standard copy lambda auto copyFunc = [](void* dst, const void* src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); }; // This is an odd test case. We'll make the destination tensor 1 element smaller than the source. // In this case the tensor will be truncated. TensorInfo largerInfo({ 1, 1, 1, 6 }, DataType::Float32); TensorInfo smallerInfo({ 1, 1, 1, 5 }, DataType::Float32); MockTensorHandle srcLargerTensorHandle(largerInfo, memoryManager); srcLargerTensorHandle.Allocate(); float* buffer = reinterpret_cast(srcLargerTensorHandle.Map()); // We'll set a value in the 5th elements, this should be copied over. buffer[4] = 5.1f; MockTensorHandle destSmallerTensorHandle(smallerInfo, memoryManager); destSmallerTensorHandle.Allocate(); buffer = reinterpret_cast(destSmallerTensorHandle.Map()); buffer[4] = 5.2f; // This should be overwritten. CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&srcLargerTensorHandle, &destSmallerTensorHandle, copyFunc); CHECK(buffer[4] == 5.1f); // Same test case but with destination being larger than source. MockTensorHandle srcSmallerTensorHandle(smallerInfo, memoryManager); srcSmallerTensorHandle.Allocate(); buffer = reinterpret_cast(srcSmallerTensorHandle.Map()); // We'll set a value in the 5th elements, this should be copied over. buffer[4] = 5.1f; MockTensorHandle destLargerTensorHandle(largerInfo, memoryManager); destLargerTensorHandle.Allocate(); buffer = reinterpret_cast(destLargerTensorHandle.Map()); buffer[4] = 5.2f; // This should be overwritten. buffer[5] = 6.2f; // This should NOT be overwritten. CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&srcSmallerTensorHandle, &destLargerTensorHandle, copyFunc); CHECK(buffer[4] == 5.1f); // Has been copied. CHECK(buffer[5] == 6.2f); // Should be untouched. } TEST_CASE("CopyTensorContents_MixedDataTypes") { // This is almost a pointless test, but it may detect problems with future changes. // We'll copy a float tensor into a uint8 tensor of the same size. It should // work without error. std::shared_ptr memoryManager = std::make_shared(); // Standard copy lambda auto copyFunc = [](void* dst, const void* src, size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); }; TensorInfo floatInfo({ 1, 1, 1, 2 }, DataType::Float32); TensorInfo intInfo({ 1, 1, 1, 8 }, DataType::QAsymmU8); MockTensorHandle floatTensorHandle(floatInfo, memoryManager); floatTensorHandle.Allocate(); float* floatBuffer = reinterpret_cast(floatTensorHandle.Map()); floatBuffer[0] = 1.1f; // This should be 0x3f8ccccd or something very close. MockTensorHandle uintTensorHandle(intInfo, memoryManager); uintTensorHandle.Allocate(); uint8_t* intBuffer = reinterpret_cast(uintTensorHandle.Map()); intBuffer[0] = 0; CopyTensorContentsGeneric(&floatTensorHandle, &uintTensorHandle, copyFunc); CHECK(intBuffer[0] == 0xcd); // Make sure the data has been copied over. } }