// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Checks that two collections have the exact same contents (in any order) // The given collections do not have to contain duplicates // Cannot use std::sort here because std lists have their own std::list::sort method template bool AreEqual(const CollectionType& lhs, const CollectionType& rhs) { if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) { return false; } auto lhs_it = std::find_if(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), [&rhs](auto& item) { return std::find(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), item) == rhs.end(); }); return lhs_it == lhs.end(); } // Checks that the given collection contains the specified item template bool Contains(const CollectionType& collection, const typename CollectionType::value_type& item) { return std::find(collection.begin(), collection.end(), item) != collection.end(); } // Checks that the given map contains the specified key template bool Contains(const MapType& map, const typename MapType::key_type& key) { return map.find(key) != map.end(); } template void SetWeightAndBias(ConvolutionLayer* layer, const armnn::TensorInfo& weightInfo, const armnn::TensorInfo& biasInfo) { layer->m_Weight = std::make_unique(weightInfo); layer->m_Bias = std::make_unique(biasInfo); layer->m_Weight->Allocate(); layer->m_Bias->Allocate(); } armnn::SubgraphView::InputSlots CreateInputsFrom(const std::vector& layers); armnn::SubgraphView::OutputSlots CreateOutputsFrom(const std::vector& layers); armnn::SubgraphView::SubgraphViewPtr CreateSubgraphViewFrom(armnn::SubgraphView::InputSlots&& inputs, armnn::SubgraphView::OutputSlots&& outputs, armnn::SubgraphView::Layers&& layers); armnn::IBackendInternalUniquePtr CreateBackendObject(const armnn::BackendId& backendId);