// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class SwapRegistryStorage : public armnn::BackendRegistry { public: SwapRegistryStorage() : armnn::BackendRegistry() { Swap(armnn::BackendRegistryInstance(), m_TempStorage); } ~SwapRegistryStorage() { Swap(armnn::BackendRegistryInstance(),m_TempStorage); } private: FactoryStorage m_TempStorage; }; } TEST_SUITE("BackendRegistryTests") { TEST_CASE("SwapRegistry") { using namespace armnn; auto nFactories = BackendRegistryInstance().Size(); { SwapRegistryStorage helper; CHECK(BackendRegistryInstance().Size() == 0); } CHECK(BackendRegistryInstance().Size() == nFactories); } TEST_CASE("TestRegistryHelper") { using namespace armnn; SwapRegistryStorage helper; bool called = false; BackendRegistry::StaticRegistryInitializer factoryHelper( BackendRegistryInstance(), "HelloWorld", [&called]() { called = true; return armnn::IBackendInternalUniquePtr(nullptr); } ); // sanity check: the factory has not been called yet CHECK(called == false); auto factoryFunction = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory("HelloWorld"); // sanity check: the factory still not called CHECK(called == false); factoryFunction(); CHECK(called == true); BackendRegistryInstance().Deregister("HelloWorld"); } TEST_CASE("TestDirectCallToRegistry") { using namespace armnn; SwapRegistryStorage helper; bool called = false; BackendRegistryInstance().Register( "HelloWorld", [&called]() { called = true; return armnn::IBackendInternalUniquePtr(nullptr); } ); // sanity check: the factory has not been called yet CHECK(called == false); auto factoryFunction = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory("HelloWorld"); // sanity check: the factory still not called CHECK(called == false); factoryFunction(); CHECK(called == true); BackendRegistryInstance().Deregister("HelloWorld"); } // Test that backends can throw exceptions during their factory function to prevent loading in an unsuitable // environment. For example Neon Backend loading on armhf device without neon support. // In reality the dynamic backend is loaded in during the LoadDynamicBackends(options.m_DynamicBackendsPath) // step of runtime constructor, then the factory function is called to check if supported, in case // of Neon not being detected the exception is raised and so the backend is not added to the supportedBackends // list TEST_CASE("ThrowBackendUnavailableException") { using namespace armnn; const BackendId mockBackendId("MockDynamicBackend"); const std::string exceptionMessage("Mock error message to test unavailable backend"); // Register the mock backend with a factory function lambda that always throws BackendRegistryInstance().Register(mockBackendId, [exceptionMessage]() { throw armnn::BackendUnavailableException(exceptionMessage); return IBackendInternalUniquePtr(); // Satisfy return type }); // Get the factory function of the mock backend auto factoryFunc = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory(mockBackendId); try { // Call the factory function as done during runtime backend registering auto backend = factoryFunc(); FAIL("Expected exception to have been thrown"); } catch (const BackendUnavailableException& e) { // Caught CHECK_EQ(e.what(), exceptionMessage); } } }