// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include namespace armnn { inline armnn::Optional GetBiasTypeFromWeightsType(armnn::Optional weightsType) { if (!weightsType) { return weightsType; } switch(weightsType.value()) { case armnn::DataType::Float16: case armnn::DataType::Float32: return weightsType; case armnn::DataType::QAsymmS8: case armnn::DataType::QAsymmU8: case armnn::DataType::QSymmS8: case armnn::DataType::QSymmS16: return armnn::DataType::Signed32; default: ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(false, "GetBiasTypeFromWeightsType(): Unsupported data type."); } return armnn::EmptyOptional(); } template bool CheckSupportRule(F rule, Optional reasonIfUnsupported, const char* reason) { bool supported = rule(); if (!supported && reason) { reasonIfUnsupported.value() += std::string(reason) + "\n"; // Append the reason on a new line } return supported; } struct Rule { bool operator()() const { return m_Res; } bool m_Res = true; }; template bool AllTypesAreEqualImpl(T) { return true; } template bool AllTypesAreEqualImpl(T t1, T t2, Rest... rest) { static_assert(std::is_same::value, "Type T must be a TensorInfo"); return (t1.GetDataType() == t2.GetDataType()) && AllTypesAreEqualImpl(t2, rest...); } struct TypesAreEqual : public Rule { template TypesAreEqual(const Ts&... ts) { m_Res = AllTypesAreEqualImpl(ts...); } }; struct QuantizationParametersAreEqual : public Rule { QuantizationParametersAreEqual(const TensorInfo& info0, const TensorInfo& info1) { m_Res = info0.GetQuantizationScale() == info1.GetQuantizationScale() && info0.GetQuantizationOffset() == info1.GetQuantizationOffset(); } }; struct TypeAnyOf : public Rule { template TypeAnyOf(const TensorInfo& info, const Container& c) { m_Res = std::any_of(c.begin(), c.end(), [&info](DataType dt) { return dt == info.GetDataType(); }); } }; struct TypeIs : public Rule { TypeIs(const TensorInfo& info, DataType dt) { m_Res = dt == info.GetDataType(); } }; struct TypeNotPerAxisQuantized : public Rule { TypeNotPerAxisQuantized(const TensorInfo& info) { m_Res = !info.IsQuantized() || !info.HasPerAxisQuantization(); } }; struct BiasAndWeightsTypesMatch : public Rule { BiasAndWeightsTypesMatch(const TensorInfo& biases, const TensorInfo& weights) { m_Res = biases.GetDataType() == GetBiasTypeFromWeightsType(weights.GetDataType()).value(); } }; struct BiasAndWeightsTypesCompatible : public Rule { template BiasAndWeightsTypesCompatible(const TensorInfo& info, const Container& c) { m_Res = std::any_of(c.begin(), c.end(), [&info](DataType dt) { return dt == GetBiasTypeFromWeightsType(info.GetDataType()).value(); }); } }; struct ShapesAreSameRank : public Rule { ShapesAreSameRank(const TensorInfo& info0, const TensorInfo& info1) { m_Res = info0.GetShape().GetNumDimensions() == info1.GetShape().GetNumDimensions(); } }; struct ShapesAreSameTotalSize : public Rule { ShapesAreSameTotalSize(const TensorInfo& info0, const TensorInfo& info1) { m_Res = info0.GetNumElements() == info1.GetNumElements(); } }; struct ShapesAreBroadcastCompatible : public Rule { unsigned int CalcInputSize(const TensorShape& in, const TensorShape& out, unsigned int idx) { unsigned int offset = out.GetNumDimensions() - in.GetNumDimensions(); unsigned int sizeIn = (idx < offset) ? 1 : in[idx-offset]; return sizeIn; } ShapesAreBroadcastCompatible(const TensorInfo& in0, const TensorInfo& in1, const TensorInfo& out) { const TensorShape& shape0 = in0.GetShape(); const TensorShape& shape1 = in1.GetShape(); const TensorShape& outShape = out.GetShape(); for (unsigned int i=0; i < outShape.GetNumDimensions() && m_Res; i++) { unsigned int sizeOut = outShape[i]; unsigned int sizeIn0 = CalcInputSize(shape0, outShape, i); unsigned int sizeIn1 = CalcInputSize(shape1, outShape, i); m_Res &= ((sizeIn0 == sizeOut) || (sizeIn0 == 1)) && ((sizeIn1 == sizeOut) || (sizeIn1 == 1)); } } }; struct TensorNumDimensionsAreCorrect : public Rule { TensorNumDimensionsAreCorrect(const TensorInfo& info, unsigned int expectedNumDimensions) { m_Res = info.GetNumDimensions() == expectedNumDimensions; } }; struct TensorNumDimensionsAreGreaterOrEqualTo : public Rule { TensorNumDimensionsAreGreaterOrEqualTo(const TensorInfo& info, unsigned int numDimensionsToCompare) { m_Res = info.GetNumDimensions() >= numDimensionsToCompare; } }; } //namespace armnn