// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { inline arm_compute::NormalizationLayerInfo CreateAclNormalizationLayerInfoForL2Normalization(const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo, armnn::DataLayout dataLayout) { unsigned int depthDimension = dataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW ? 1 : 3; const unsigned int depth = tensorInfo.GetShape()[depthDimension]; // At the time of writing, {CL|Neon}L2Normalization performs the reduction only along dimension 0. This version of // L2 Normalization always performs the reduction along the depth axis, though. Thus, we repurpose // {CL|Neon}NormalizationLayers to act as depthwise L2 normalizations by carefully chosing the normalization // parameters. // // Please refer to both the reference implementation of the normalization layer and the implementation of // {CL|Neon}NormalizationLayer when checking the derivations for the parameter values below. // Make sure normalization covers the entire depth range. ACL requires the normalization size to be odd. // CL: This does not result in extra kernel threads not doing any work: See usage of the RADIUS parameter in // ACL's normalization_layer_cross_map() CL function. const uint32_t normSize = depth * 2u + 1u; // See ACL's NormalizationLayerInfo::scale_coeff() definition. // For the reference implementation, to make alpha_ become 1, we'd have to use alpha = normSize instead. const float alpha = 1.0f; // Don't offset the reduction. const float kappa = 0.0f; // pow(reduction, -0.5) = 1 / sqrt(reduction) const float beta = 0.5f; return arm_compute::NormalizationLayerInfo(arm_compute::NormType::CROSS_MAP, normSize, alpha, beta, kappa, false); } inline arm_compute::ActivationLayerInfo::ActivationFunction ConvertActivationFunctionToAclActivationFunction(ActivationFunction armnnFunction) { using AclActivationFunction = arm_compute::ActivationLayerInfo::ActivationFunction; switch (armnnFunction) { case ActivationFunction::Linear: return AclActivationFunction::LINEAR; // Arm compute's 'logistic' function is non-parameterized, so it is exactly a sigmoid function. case ActivationFunction::Sigmoid: return AclActivationFunction::LOGISTIC; case ActivationFunction::ReLu: return AclActivationFunction::RELU; case ActivationFunction::BoundedReLu: return AclActivationFunction::LU_BOUNDED_RELU; case ActivationFunction::SoftReLu: return AclActivationFunction::SOFT_RELU; case ActivationFunction::LeakyReLu: return AclActivationFunction::LEAKY_RELU; case ActivationFunction::Abs: return AclActivationFunction::ABS; case ActivationFunction::Sqrt: return AclActivationFunction::SQRT; case ActivationFunction::Square: return AclActivationFunction::SQUARE; case ActivationFunction::TanH: return AclActivationFunction::TANH; case ActivationFunction::Elu: return AclActivationFunction::ELU; case ActivationFunction::HardSwish: return AclActivationFunction::HARD_SWISH; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported activation function"); } } inline arm_compute::ActivationLayerInfo ConvertActivationDescriptorToAclActivationLayerInfo(const ActivationDescriptor& actDesc) { return arm_compute::ActivationLayerInfo(ConvertActivationFunctionToAclActivationFunction(actDesc.m_Function), actDesc.m_A, actDesc.m_B); } inline arm_compute::PoolingType ConvertPoolingAlgorithmToAclPoolingType(PoolingAlgorithm poolingAlgorithm) { using arm_compute::PoolingType; switch (poolingAlgorithm) { case PoolingAlgorithm::Max: return PoolingType::MAX; case PoolingAlgorithm::Average: return PoolingType::AVG; case PoolingAlgorithm::L2: return PoolingType::L2; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported pooling algorithm"); } } inline arm_compute::DimensionRoundingType ConvertOutputShapeRoundingToAclDimensionRoundingType(OutputShapeRounding rounding) { using arm_compute::DimensionRoundingType; switch (rounding) { case OutputShapeRounding::Ceiling: return DimensionRoundingType::CEIL; case OutputShapeRounding::Floor: return DimensionRoundingType::FLOOR; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported Output Shape Rounding type"); } } inline arm_compute::NormType ConvertNormalizationAlgorithmChannelToAclNormType(NormalizationAlgorithmChannel channelType) { using arm_compute::NormType; switch (channelType) { case NormalizationAlgorithmChannel::Across: return NormType::CROSS_MAP; case NormalizationAlgorithmChannel::Within: return NormType::IN_MAP_2D; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported normalization algorithm channel type"); } } inline arm_compute::FullyConnectedLayerInfo ConvertFullyConnectedDescriptorToAclFullyConnectedLayerInfo(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDesc) { arm_compute::FullyConnectedLayerInfo fc_info; fc_info.transpose_weights = fullyConnectedDesc.m_TransposeWeightMatrix; return fc_info; } inline arm_compute::InterpolationPolicy ConvertResizeMethodToAclInterpolationPolicy(ResizeMethod resizeMethod) { switch (resizeMethod) { case ResizeMethod::Bilinear: return arm_compute::InterpolationPolicy::BILINEAR; case ResizeMethod::NearestNeighbor: return arm_compute::InterpolationPolicy::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported resize method"); } } inline unsigned int ComputeSoftmaxAclAxis(const SoftmaxDescriptor& softmaxDesc, const armnn::TensorInfo& tensor) { // Detect the Android default value of -1 and return the ACL default value of 1. if (softmaxDesc.m_Axis == -1) { return 1; } unsigned int dim = tensor.GetNumDimensions(); BOOST_ASSERT(dim != 0); // Currently ArmNN support axis 1. return dim - 1; } inline std::set ComputeSplitAxis(const armnn::SplitterDescriptor& desc, const TensorShape& input) { unsigned int numSplit = desc.GetNumViews(); unsigned int numDimensions = desc.GetNumDimensions(); std::set splitAxis; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSplit; ++i) { for (unsigned int dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < numDimensions; ++dimIdx) { if (desc.GetViewSizes(i)[dimIdx] != input[dimIdx]) { splitAxis.insert(dimIdx); } } } return splitAxis; } } // namespace armnn