// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #include "armnn/Exceptions.hpp" #include namespace armnn { namespace armcomputetensorutils { arm_compute::DataType GetArmComputeDataType(armnn::DataType dataType) { switch(dataType) { case armnn::DataType::Float16: return arm_compute::DataType::F16; case armnn::DataType::Float32: return arm_compute::DataType::F32; case armnn::DataType::QuantisedAsymm8: return arm_compute::DataType::QASYMM8; case armnn::DataType::Signed32: return arm_compute::DataType::S32; default: BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unknown data type"); return arm_compute::DataType::UNKNOWN; } } arm_compute::Coordinates BuildArmComputeReductionCoordinates(size_t inputDimensions, unsigned int originalInputRank, const std::vector& armnnAxes) { arm_compute::Coordinates outAclCoords; if (armnnAxes.empty()) { // If no reduction axes were provided, then the input must be reduced along all dimensions. // Since Compute Library does not accept an empty vector as the reduction dimensions, we then // manually create a vector including all the input dimensions (in reversed order) as: // // { inputDimensions - 1, inputDimensions - 2, ..., 1, 0 } // outAclCoords.set_num_dimensions(inputDimensions); std::generate(outAclCoords.begin(), outAclCoords.end(), [d = inputDimensions - 1] () mutable { return d--; }); } else { // Create a vector of reduction dimensions (in reversed order) with the given reduction axes. // // Adjust the given reduction axes according to the original rank of the input tensor (before ACL applied any // dimension correction). // For example, if the input tensor originally had 4 dimensions, and one of the reduction axes was 2, then the // new value for that reduction axis should be 1. // // Example: // ArmNN input shape = { 1, 1, 3, 2 } -> ACL input shape = { 2, 3 } // ArmNN reduction axis = { 2 } -> ACL reduction axis = { 1 } // ArmNN reduction axis = { 3 } -> ACL reduction axis = { 0 } // // The transformation: ACL reduction axis index = original rank - ArmNN reduction axis index - 1 // outAclCoords.set_num_dimensions(armnnAxes.size()); std::transform(armnnAxes.begin(), armnnAxes.end(), outAclCoords.begin(), [originalInputRank](unsigned int i){ return originalInputRank - i - 1; }); } return outAclCoords; } arm_compute::TensorShape BuildArmComputeTensorShape(const armnn::TensorShape& tensorShape) { arm_compute::TensorShape shape; // armnn tensors are (batch, channels, height, width). // arm_compute tensors are (width, height, channels, batch). for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorShape.GetNumDimensions(); i++) { // Note that our dimensions are stored in the opposite order to ACL's. shape.set(tensorShape.GetNumDimensions() - i - 1, tensorShape[i], false); // TensorShape::set() flattens leading ones, so that batch size 1 cannot happen. // arm_compute tensors expect this. } // prevent arm_compute issue where tensor is flattened to nothing if (shape.num_dimensions() == 0) { shape.set_num_dimensions(1); } return shape; } // Utility function used to build a TensorInfo object, that can be used to initialise // ARM Compute Tensor and CLTensor allocators. arm_compute::TensorInfo BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo) { const arm_compute::TensorShape aclTensorShape = BuildArmComputeTensorShape(tensorInfo.GetShape()); const arm_compute::DataType aclDataType = GetArmComputeDataType(tensorInfo.GetDataType()); const arm_compute::QuantizationInfo aclQuantizationInfo(tensorInfo.GetQuantizationScale(), tensorInfo.GetQuantizationOffset()); return arm_compute::TensorInfo(aclTensorShape, 1, aclDataType, aclQuantizationInfo); } arm_compute::TensorInfo BuildArmComputeTensorInfo(const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo, armnn::DataLayout dataLayout) { const arm_compute::TensorShape aclTensorShape = BuildArmComputeTensorShape(tensorInfo.GetShape()); const arm_compute::DataType aclDataType = GetArmComputeDataType(tensorInfo.GetDataType()); const arm_compute::QuantizationInfo aclQuantizationInfo(tensorInfo.GetQuantizationScale(), tensorInfo.GetQuantizationOffset()); arm_compute::TensorInfo clTensorInfo(aclTensorShape, 1, aclDataType, aclQuantizationInfo); clTensorInfo.set_data_layout(ConvertDataLayout(dataLayout)); return clTensorInfo; } arm_compute::DataLayout ConvertDataLayout(armnn::DataLayout dataLayout) { switch(dataLayout) { case armnn::DataLayout::NHWC : return arm_compute::DataLayout::NHWC; case armnn::DataLayout::NCHW : return arm_compute::DataLayout::NCHW; default: throw InvalidArgumentException("Unknown armnn::DataLayout: [" + std::to_string(static_cast(dataLayout)) + "]"); } } arm_compute::PoolingLayerInfo BuildArmComputePoolingLayerInfo(const Pooling2dDescriptor& descriptor) { using arm_compute::PoolingType; using arm_compute::DimensionRoundingType; using arm_compute::PadStrideInfo; using arm_compute::PoolingLayerInfo; using arm_compute::Size2D; // Resolve ARM Compute layer parameters. const PoolingType poolingType = ConvertPoolingAlgorithmToAclPoolingType(descriptor.m_PoolType); bool isGlobalPooling = (descriptor.m_StrideX==0 && descriptor.m_StrideY==0); //use specific constructor if global pooling if(isGlobalPooling) { return arm_compute::PoolingLayerInfo(poolingType); } const DimensionRoundingType rounding = ConvertOutputShapeRoundingToAclDimensionRoundingType( descriptor.m_OutputShapeRounding); const PadStrideInfo padStrideInfo(descriptor.m_StrideX, descriptor.m_StrideY, descriptor.m_PadLeft, descriptor.m_PadRight, descriptor.m_PadTop, descriptor.m_PadBottom, rounding); const bool excludePadding = (descriptor.m_PaddingMethod == PaddingMethod::Exclude); const Size2D poolSize(descriptor.m_PoolWidth, descriptor.m_PoolHeight); return arm_compute::PoolingLayerInfo(poolingType, poolSize, padStrideInfo, excludePadding); } arm_compute::NormalizationLayerInfo BuildArmComputeNormalizationLayerInfo(const NormalizationDescriptor& descriptor) { const arm_compute::NormType normType = ConvertNormalizationAlgorithmChannelToAclNormType(descriptor.m_NormChannelType); return arm_compute::NormalizationLayerInfo(normType, descriptor.m_NormSize, descriptor.m_Alpha, descriptor.m_Beta, descriptor.m_K, false); } arm_compute::PermutationVector BuildArmComputePermutationVector(const armnn::PermutationVector& perm) { arm_compute::PermutationVector aclPerm; unsigned int start = 0; while ((start < perm.GetSize()) && (start == perm[start])) { ++start; } for (unsigned int i = start; i < perm.GetSize(); ++i) { aclPerm.set(i - start, perm[i] - start); } return aclPerm; } arm_compute::Size2D BuildArmComputeSize2D(const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height) { return arm_compute::Size2D(width, height); } } // namespace armcomputetensorutils } // namespace armnn