// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include "DotSerializer.hpp" #include #include #include namespace armnn { namespace { std::string Indent(int numSpaces) { std::stringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++) { ss << " "; } return ss.str(); } } //namespace HtmlFont::HtmlFont(std::ostream& stream, int fontSize, const char *color, const char *face) : DotBase(stream) { GetStream() << " -1) { GetStream() << " POINT-SIZE=" << "\"" << fontSize << "\""; } if (color && std::strlen(color) != 0) { GetStream() << " COLOR=\"" << color << "\" "; } if (face && std::strlen(face) != 0) { GetStream() << " FACE=\"" << face << "\" "; } GetStream() << ">"; } HtmlFont::HtmlFont(std::ostream& stream) : HtmlFont(stream, -1, nullptr, nullptr) {} HtmlFont::~HtmlFont() { GetStream() << ""; } DotAttributeSet::DotAttributeSet(std::ostream& stream) : DotBase(stream) { GetStream() << "["; } DotAttributeSet::~DotAttributeSet() { bool doSpace=false; for (auto&& attrib : m_Attributes) { if (doSpace) { GetStream() << " "; } GetStream() << attrib; doSpace=true; } GetStream() << "]"; } DotAttributeSet & DotAttributeSet::AddAttribute(const std::string& name, const std::stringstream& value) { std::stringstream ss; ss << name <<"=" << value.str(); m_Attributes.push_back(ss.str()); return *this; } DotAttributeSet & DotAttributeSet::AddAttribute(const std::string& name, int value) { std::stringstream ss; ss << name <<"=" << value; m_Attributes.push_back(ss.str()); return *this; } DotAttributeSet & DotAttributeSet::AddAttribute(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { std::stringstream ss; ss << name <<"=\"" << value << "\""; m_Attributes.push_back(ss.str()); return *this; } DotEdge::DotEdge(std::ostream& stream, unsigned int fromNodeId, unsigned int toNodeId) : DotBase(stream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << Indent(4) << fromNodeId << " -> " << toNodeId << " "; GetStream() << ss.str(); m_Attributes = std::make_unique(stream); } DotEdge::~DotEdge() { m_Attributes.reset(nullptr); GetStream() << ";" << std::endl; } NodeContent::NodeContent(std::ostream& stream) : DotBase(stream) { } NodeContent & NodeContent::SetName(const std::string & name) { m_Name = name; return *this; } NodeContent & NodeContent::AddContent(const std::string & content) { m_Contents.push_back(content); return *this; } NodeContent::~NodeContent() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "label=\"{" << m_Name; if (!m_Contents.empty()) { ss << "|"; } for (auto & content : m_Contents) { ss << content; ss << "\\l"; } ss << "}\""; std::string s; try { // Coverity fix: std::stringstream::str() may throw an exception of type std::length_error. s = ss.str(); } catch (const std::exception&) { } // Swallow any exception. GetStream() << s; } DotNode::DotNode(std::ostream& stream, unsigned int nodeId, const char* label) : DotBase(stream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << Indent(4) << nodeId; GetStream() << ss.str() << " "; m_Contents = std::make_unique(stream); m_Attributes = std::make_unique(stream); if (std::strlen(label) != 0) { m_Contents->SetName(label); } else { m_Contents->SetName(""); } } DotNode::~DotNode() { m_Contents.reset(nullptr); m_Attributes.reset(nullptr); GetStream() << ";" << std::endl; } DotDefaults::DotDefaults(std::ostream& stream, const char* type) : DotBase(stream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << Indent(4) << type; GetStream() << ss.str() << " "; m_Attributes = std::make_unique(stream); } DotDefaults::~DotDefaults() { m_Attributes.reset(nullptr); GetStream() << ";" << std::endl; } DotGraph::DotGraph(std::ostream& stream, const char* name) : DotBase(stream) { GetStream() << "digraph " << name << " {" << std::endl; } DotGraph::~DotGraph() { GetStream() << "}" << std::endl; } } //namespace armnn